Winglets installed 2008. Id. Coulson made its airtanker available shortly thereafter, AR, Jan. 31, 2013, at 21, and the Forest Service accepted the cures proposed by the other contractors. AR, Tab 49, J&A, Dec.9, 2013, at 1. Our Office confirmed the withdrawal of Neptunes protest and closed the file without rendering a decision on the protests merits. [39] This is significant because where, as here, an agency proposes to award a sole-source contract under the industrial mobilization exception to the general competition requirements, the amount being ordered must meet--not exceed--the objectives of this authority. While agencies have authority to make noncompetitive awards when necessary to maintain vital sources, they do not have authority to make noncompetitive awards merely because an offeror is unsuccessful in a competitively-conducted procurement, or because such action was promised in a settlement agreement. The Forest Service will oppose any . Tr. AR, Tab29, FI Financial Analysis, Aug. 2, 2013, at 1-3. Coulson GroupCoulson AviationCoulson Ice BlastCoulson Unical, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress,, Coulson Aviation Australia ( 3304(a)(3)(A) (2006), which provides for a noncompetitive award to a particular source to maintain that supplier for a national emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization. Wildland Fire Management: Improvements Needed in Information, Collaboration, and Planning to Enhance Federal Fire Aviation Program Success, GAO-13-684, Aug. 20, 2013, at 6. CICAs overriding mandate is for full and open competition in government procurements, obtained through the use of competitive procedures. Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program. . Here, the Forest Services description in its J&A of its noncompetitive requirements, as well as its consideration of alternative sources of supply, is inaccurate. The company also provides OTC Markets Real-Time Data products that provides quote, trade, and reference data for OTC Link ATS; OTC Markets Pricing and Reference Data products for detailed view into the securities and issuers within the OTC market; and compliance data products. The FireLiner conversion is scheduled to be completed in May 2021 in time for the next fire season in North America. The protesters contend that the sole-source award to Neptune was improper, insofar as the agency promised to enter into the contract in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its protests of the NextGen contract awards. Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. . Further, it offers software, and risk and performance analytics tools for the banking and finance industry; news, compliance, and communications solutions; online capital raising solutions; and OTCIQ, a market intelligence and investor relations portal. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. Specifically, the record contains many letters and emails between Neptune and the Forest Service during this period, and reflects a number of conversations between Neptunes Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Forest Services Director of Fire and Aviation Management (FAM)[13] and Director of Acquisition Management (AQM). Although the J&A supported an award of two NextGen large airtankers for up to 9 years at a total estimated cost of $141,774,740, the contract actually awarded to Neptune permitted (by mutual agreement) the addition of two more airtankers to the first CLIN and three more airtankers to the second CLIN in each contract year. The SPE was not the only agency official providing advice to the ASA. AR, Tab 148, Neptune Settlement Contract Offer, Oct. 31, 2013. Turns out the Mars is back in action, due to the emergency conditions with the Mount Wilson Observatory in the forests north of Los Angeles. If the protesters were to prevail in their challenge, and the agency decided to meet its requirements by means of another competitive procurement for large airtankers, the protesters here would all be eligible to compete. See 31 U.S.C. Neptune currently provides eight of nine Legacy airtankers (this includes the two BAe-146 aircraft provided by Neptune for the 2013 fire season). This time the air tanker descended two times over the fire zone, crashing at 4:14 pm, while executing the second descent in the Fitzgerald River National Park. 4 C.F.R. The protesters also point to the fact that the only legitimate financial analysis conducted (the analysis by FI) demonstrated that Neptune did not require a sole-source contract to remain viable, as recognized by the agencys SPE, who refused to approve the J&A. In fact, the ASA testified that the agency plans to conduct additional competitions in the coming years under which Neptune is eligible to compete and could receive awards. Canada V9Y 8E9. In addition to its current Legacy contract (including options for more airtankers being placed under the Legacy contract), Neptune is not precluded from competing on work--Forest Service or otherwise--in the coming years. AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 16 n.14. The agency anticipates issuing a similar contract modification for the 2014 fire season. Tr. 2020 [19] The settlement agreement was signed on the Forest Services behalf by its AQM Director, who was the head of the contracting activity. at 657-693. Its the GODs way of saying with 2020 & the Fires that the Martin Mars are meant to be made Fight Worthy and show the Flames how the Big Girls do it RIGHT!!!!! Purchasing six Boeing 737-300s from Southwest Airlines back in 2017, Coulsons B737 FireLiner is now operational and has fought fires in Australia and the U.S. with great success. The protesters should submit their certified claims for costs, detailing the time expended and costs incurred, directly to the contracting agency within 60days after receipt of this decision. Consequently, the agency argues, the J&A was not grounded on the agencys belief that Neptune would immediately go out of business without a NextGen contract, but was based on its concern with Neptunes continued availability as a large airtanker supplier after 2017 when its Legacy contract expired. Id. Our teams pride themselves on operating safely and efficiently, with the ability to handle intense pressure in the most extreme firefighting theatres on earth. Decisions as to which suppliers should be included in a mobilization base, and which restrictions are required to meet the needs of industrial mobilization, involve complex judgments that are generally left to the discretion of the federal agencies. [1] On November30, 2011, the Forest Service issued request for proposals (RFP) No. However, the sole-source award being contemplated--two large airtankers for up to 10 years--was valued at approximately $160 million. at 6-7. However, FI also expressed its opinion to the SPE that Neptune remained viable (without a sole-source award) through the end of its Legacy contract (2017). T-137 was purchased in May 2019 by the NSW Rural Fire Service along with the two Coulson Citation II C550 support jets. [t]o maintain a . Absent from the J&A, however, was any discussion regarding Neptunes need for a sole-source contract to remain a source of supply. Although the aircrafts days as an operational water bomber have passed, Coulsons Hawaii Mars aircraft might take to the air again to provide aerial sightseeing tours and could also hit the airshow circuit one day in the future. Neptune has supplied Next Gen type planes on the existing legacy contract and others could be added provided it is within the scope of that contract. See AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 55. Subsequently, the Forest Service amended the NextGen solicitation and received revised proposals from offerors. [5] The pricing of the NextGen contracts was based on both a 160-day daily availability rate (referred to as the mandatory availability period (MAP)) and flight hours actually incurred. Neptune subsequently protested to our Office on May 16 challenging all of the NextGen contract awards. Tr. Agency Report (AR), Tab 143, Forest Service Large Airtanker Modernization Strategy, Feb. 10, 2012, at2. Id. Although the Forest Services long term modernization strategy calls for 18-28 modern large airtankers, the Forest Service is currently dependent upon Legacy large airtankers to meet its needs. Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.; 10 Tanker Air Carrier, LLC., B-406920 et al., Sept. 7, 2012. Based on all possible aircraft, the total estimated cost of the sole-source contract actually awarded to Neptune is $496,211,590.[30]. Two of the C550 jets have been purchased by the New South Wales (NSW) Rural Fire Service in Australia and will make the long journey once the upgrades by Coulson are complete. He received his BBA from Southern Methodist University in 1989 and holds an OPM from Harvard Business School. Required fields are marked *. Coulson has not released any additional specific technological modifications or upgrades it is making to the aircraft. Accordingly, while the J&A may demonstrate that the Forest Service needs more large airtanker services than it currently has under contract, the J&A completely fails to demonstrate that Neptune must be the supplier of such services or that Neptune currently requires a 9-year sole-source contract to keep it in business as a vital supplier for the agencys post-2017 needs. [26] Determining whether a party is interested involves consideration of a variety of factors, including the nature of the issues raised, the benefit or relief sought by the protester, and the partys status in relation to the procurement. Subsequently, the Forest Service amended the NextGen solicitation and received revised proposals from offerors. Rather, the record demonstrates that the sole-source contract--promised by the Forest Service in exchange for Neptunes withdrawal of an earlier bid protest--was without a reasonable basis. Alternatively, if the J&A was accurate here, then the contract awarded to Neptune impermissibly exceeded what the ASA had approved. They hire quality people to ensure they stay a quality Company. [22] The agency subsequently provided Neptune with copies of both the RUS and FI financial analyses reports. In this regard, the protesters claim that the agencys actions have been motivated by the desire to fulfill the terms of a settlement agreement and to avoid a lawsuit by Neptune for allegedly breaching that agreement. We are world leaders in aerial firefighting innovation, providing meticulously serviced aircraft in order to safely and efficiently attack fires 24/7. AR, Tab31, FI Email to USDA, Aug. 13, 2013, at 1. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. AR, Tab 56, Neptune Legacy Contract, at B-2. at 473. [20] As a result, Neptunes total revenue projection for its Legacy contract only scenario was $157,043,792, see AR, Tab 23, RUS Financial Analysis of Neptune, June 26, 2013, at 3, while, as set forth above, the total price of Neptunes Legacy contract (as amended) was $185,212,800--an understatement of $28,169,008. Agency Post-Hearing Comments, Mar. Tr. 41 U.S.C. Similarly, if the protesters were to prevail in their challenge and the agency decided to meet its requirements by exercising options available to it under the NextGen contract, the protesters would be interested and eligible to receive such orders. We will sustain a protest, however, where an agencys J&A fails to demonstrate that it is in fact necessary to award a contract to a particular source for industrial mobilization purposes. It seems like if were interested in creating a balanced source of supply we would award more air tankers to the other legacy contractor, Minden, or add more air tankers to the current Next Gen contractors versus issuing a noncompetitive award to an unsuccessful offeror. [25] The ASA did not find anything wrong with the SPEs rationale, and acknowledged her procurement expertise. . End of Chile Aerial Firefighting Season 2022. 9 of the 16 potential [large airtankers] for 2014 are older and riskier to operate than newer NextGen airtankers. Missouri Mach. [12] We dismissed Neptunes challenge to the awards related to CLINs 1-3 because Neptune was not an interested party to challenge awards under line items for which it had not submitted a proposal. [2][6], The aircraft involved in the crash was a 27-year-old Boeing 737-300, with serial number 28035 and registered as N619SW. [32] While there is both documentation and testimony suggesting some USDA and Forest Service officials believed the sole-source award here was based on urgency (i.e., having enough large airtankers available for the 2014 fire season, see Tr. Ever innovative and creative, Coulson Aviation has established night firefighting operations in Australia and California. Tr. The second Mars aircraft, Philippine Mars, was repainted in 2015 back to its original dark blue U.S. Navy livery; the plan at that time was for it to fly to its final resting place and be preserved at the U.S. Test Registration. at 67.[4]. Learn more about our Night Aerial Firefighting here. FAR 6.302-2(c)(2). Maintain Capacity and Employee Skills - The [Forest Service] currently has a supplier base of five firms on the Next Gen contract. Tr. at 691. 4890 Cherry Creek Road Port Alberni, B.C. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. at 471-73. Canada V9Y 8E9. See AR, Tab 35, USDA Email to Neptune, Sept. 17, 2013, at 1; Tr. Thereafter, the agency decided to take corrective action by reopening the competition. By contrast, Neptune did not provide any detail with its cost projections to RUS, so it is unclear if fuel is included, or if government reimbursement is considered. Id. LouisA.Chiarella, Esq., and GuyR.Pietrovito, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision. Coulson Protest, Dec. 20, 2013, at 7-8; Coulson Protest, Feb. 10, 2014, at 4. OTC Markets executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include: Track performance, allocation, dividends, and risks, Annotate, download XLSX & look up similar tables, Filter, compare, and track coins & tokens, Stocks and cryptocurrency portfolio tracker. Shortly after learning that it would not receive a NextGen contract award, Neptune informed the contracting officer of its intent to protest to our Office unless an acceptable solution could be worked out. Mr. Coulson is responsible for the Companys overall growth and strategic direction and has led the transformation of the company into an operator of regulated financial markets for U.S. and global companies. The SPE also engaged FI Consulting, an external auditing firm, to perform an independent financial viability analysis of Neptune. 3301(a)(1); FAR 6.101. Even assuming all seven NextGen airtankers are available to fight fires in 2014, the Forest Service still will have only 16 [large airtankers], which is two [large airtankers] fewer than the minimum needed to fulfill its firefighting mission. . These assertions, however, ignore the possibility or likelihood of Neptune acquiring additional work over the course of the next 4years. Tr. . Protests of the award of a sole-source contract for firefighting airtanker services under the industrial mobilization exception to the requirement to conduct a competitive procurement are sustained where the sole-source contract resulted from a settlement agreement in exchange for the awardees withdrawal of an earlier protest and the record does not contain an adequate justification reasonably supporting the agencys use of noncompetitive procurement procedures. The fourth jet is awaiting delivery. [21] FI limited its formal conclusions regarding Neptunes financial viability through the 2016 time period because that is what the SPE requested FI to review. A, Neptune Rate Sheet. Protecting Australia from bushfires with our state-of-the-art aerial firefighting fleet, pilots and support staff. 2023. E: November30, 2011, the Forest Service large Airtanker Modernization Strategy, Feb. 10, 2014, at 1 Tr... And received revised proposals from offerors agency Report ( ar ), Tab 148, Legacy. 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