Also, they tore my gel sacks so it is like I have dirty glasses on at all times. I am 65 years old--I thought possibly 20 years of wonderful vision-- NO GLASSES (dark restaurants only--readers). I can't see clearly for more than a minute at a time everything is blurry almost all the time. Crystalens - Do not have this lens put in your eye. CRYSTALENS /// JUST SAY NO ! 3rd time isn't likely to be any better? It cost me $10000 for both eyes cataract replacement. Sorry not sorry for saying this. It also has an aspheric optic design engineered to reduce the spherical aberration of an average cornea. And I know what I am talking about: I have MYSELF been victim of a misshap during an operation of my leg; doctor made a mistake near my knee, and I lost a few muscles in my foot; and this have bad impact on my daily life, every day, for my whole life. Wish I knew someone that could help me! The second doctor accepted me to go to his office to fix the Z-Syndrome. The visions in-between the far and mid, mid and close do not do well! I totally agree. Basically blind now in my left eye, and complications in both. Cross or cockeyed, which I had trouble with my eye pulling outward my whole life, isn't a good candidate (since the muscle tends to weaken as you age, and the muscle is what your lens adheres to to make then lens work properly). WebHEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP . WebA new class-action lawsuit has been filed in Delaware over alleged recurring problems with the starter motor found in the 2010-present Chevrolet Camaro coupe. And it has turned out great, everything is clear and bright, I have 20/25 vision at distance, 20/12.5 at midrange and only need readers for very fine print. And I still don't wear them but I feel it is going to happen. On my initial consultation the Doctor told me he recommended the Crystal lens. I occasionally see flashes out my sides. I was screwed by several, I have 20/400 vision R eye since 2009. Glasses are a way of life after wearing contacts for years. This company cannot continue to sell defective products and ignore I had 5 more laser treatments. which was visualized using an angled beam from a slit lamp during the post-operative My right eye was done first and immediately had light flickering issues. Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens, AT-50AO. I did not even know there were more letters on the right. Now, my far vision is blurry again too. My distance has not really improved. I need more people, I'lll try and make some legal phone calls for free advise, I need a lawyer, someone pro bono .. any other suggestions? After lots of visits and Im sorry you had your expectations too high, from the eye dr, I eventually went to a cornea expert because I was having such issues with my eyes-not only did I believe I saw better BEFORE the surgery, but my vision at night was horrible, with stars around all lights, lack of depth perception, and my eyes felt awful each day-painful, red, and uncomfortable. It was still hurting and could not see. My intermediate vision now requires me to wear glasses for computer workbefore I did not need glasses to see a monitor. What a waste! I had the surgery a month ago and the glare to the side has yet to go away. I went to several doctors and finally Dr. Kahook at the University of Colorado asked me if I had a hard time seeing. I did not hear those statistics before the surgery. I had paid out of pocket over $5000 for the crystal lens so I can see clearly on my right eye. Paid an additional $3000. In essence he prescribed me glasses that would equalize the vision in both eyes so I could drive at night. wish my eyes weren't so blurry so I could read all the comments. I never received any notification at all regarding this. Facsimile: (212) 355-9592 . One of the worst decisions in my life. I cannot see near and distance vision is blurry. A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit accusing Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, of violating U.S. securities When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! And the person who mentioned that sometimes the vision fluctuates from no vision to good vision if she moves her eyes aroundI can relate to that. Dr. was saying he could shape my eye with a surgery to the lens but then changed his mind and gave me glasses instead. My life hasn't been the same since. Yoyo. I even tried a contact for near vision which helped somewhat. The Crystalens is intended for primary implantation in the capsular bag of the Most people in this page complain about implants inserted via surgery; a class-action lawsuit requires a few more issues than 10 or 20 bad stories over the world; and it would also require deep investigations to proove that the problem comes from the implant, and that the doctor putting the implant in the eye did his job 100% perfectly. DO not buy them! Laser surgery is next. It was in instant relief and all I could do was cry from relief that it did not hurt and I could see far again. CrystaLens has ruined my eyes. WebA New Jersey-based debt-collection business and its law firm have agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit that alleged they abused the New York City civil court system. This whole problem started after I had LASIK. Boy I am so furious, Bausch and Lomb make the Crystal lens, they are curious what went wrong? he is suppose to be renowned and top notch the reason I chose and trusted him! This sounds like class action! Well, I found out that he didn't, because she became worried from too many folks having problems with their Crystalens. I've had a visceral tear, which I was told is common with Crystalense, and have floaters all the time in one eyes. I had Crystalens implant in my right eye in 2009. I had cataract surgery in March 2012 Bausch and Lomb implants in both eyes Was fine until a yr ago Things started clouding up My right eye is worse, Had an apt today and it comfirmed that the lense has gone bad. I think Bausch and Lomb should reimburse me for this disaster! I had 20/40 and could still pass drivers license. As far as halo's they improved some but they are still there no as vivid except for the sodium vapor lights (yellowish street lights) are still just as bad! Now the distance in my right eye is getting worst, is so fussy! The rings come away from the light what looks to be 6 feet in circumference. If I receive 20 + email addresses I will contact the group for the next step. So far my experience with Crystalens AO is not satisfactory. Anyone who knows what to do please guide us. I have not seen a clear day for almost 3 years. Your suit will go nowhere because you now do not have the right to bring action in a court, because you will not make it past the expert doctor's statement you need to proceed in court. It hasn't. Her vision degraded to 20/200. To do something about the Crystalens problem call MedWatch at the FDA. I am getting worried - had the Crystalens for cataract surgery in both eyes. I am 27 now I had the surgery when I was 24 due to family a family history of cataracts. DON'T GET A CRYSTALENS, Don't believe the hype. Dr. Ari Weitzner Bausch+Lomb recently announced that it will extend its See Better and Save patient rebate program for patients who have the Crystalens accommodating intraocular lens (IOL) implanted before March 31, 2011. I am still in disbelief that this product is allowed to remain as an option with so many negative outcomes. Don't know really what will happen, but I do know, Crystal Lens does not work right. This time I used frames that I already owned, so they only charged me for the exam and the lenses. Anybody did a lawsuit on the Crystal lenses since I have my surgery on July 2014 I been the same problems like everybody else, never had a problem with my far vision and now is I cannot see the signs unless I am very close. Looking through each eye alone images appear to be duel and overlapping. Sheila. 2021) After plaintiff suffered post-operative injuries following implantation of artificial lenses during Still no movement in the Crystalens and so much surgery done that there seems no chance of getting rid of the Crystalens! Me too. My vision with cataracts was steadily getting worse with everything appearing gray or brown. Everyone said it was not the lenses because they had never seen lenses cause this type of problem. Very very very disappointed. I am still paying for the lens! About 2 years ago I finally had enough money to do cataract surgery so I could get the best lenses for my eyes. I am so sad I believed in my doctor - I have had him for RK in 1995 and touchup Lasik in 2005 and trusted him. There should be a class action lawsuit against the Crystal lens company, they need to be held accountable. My eye's are worse than they were before the ReSTOR procedure! Had a cataract surgery. Mom is scared and depressed and she can no longer read because the words on the pages cause problems. I am told that I have dry eye but the test performed was not as dry as in the past when I could see without blur. I am starting to feel that the Crystalens is another way for the Eye Dr. to make big money since they get paid almost nothing from insurance and medicare. When I asked about complications they said I shouldn't worry. They say I have 20/20 vision. Also this so called specialist left scarring tissue around the cataract causing blurring on all lights at night and not crisp clear vision. I agreed and am massively disatisfied. I mean $11, 000. i had crystalens done in both eyes. WELL--I wish I NEVER put this lens in my eye--I CANCELLED the second eye surgery. I'll take comfort in knowing I wasn't the only idiot that fell for the scam. I have a very hard time reading a magazine or news paper let alone not even thinking about picking up a book to read. So far, the plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit have lost one court battle and one motion. By using this website you agree to our Cookies Policy. But near and mid has gradually faded while far has only improved slightly. Not sure what this will resolve. I have been unable to get a working prescription since the surgery because the lens will not hold position so my vision varies multiple times during an exam. I tried my best to fight the doctor, res hospital, crystalens company and like all us peeons i lost. I answered distance. Share Philips CPAP Recall Lawsuit That is what I heard from the "assistant". I saw another doctor last week and he mentioned astigmatism in one eye and an overcorrected lens in the other eye and recommended that I wear glasses full time, something I have never had to do. When I went back to him for the YAG (I came early as my local optometrist recommended it and stated in my report so the clinic had called with an earlier date) and he was very condescending to me with the question "why are you are here". Anteriorly flexed Crystalens. The YAG helped in making the eye not feel like it was sunk in a deep hole, but I still see what looks like a rim, just like when I wore contacts. The laser was suppose to reflect the same as the contact, but now the near vision is even worse. Because the Crystalens is so flexible, its possible for it to go into an anterior flexed position that leaves the patient 1.5 D myopic. No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. The Crystal Light Synthetic Ingredient Class Action Lawsuit is Noohi v. The Kraft Heinz Company, Case No. I have written to Bausch & Lomb to no avail. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. A cell phone for 1 minute. Had the second surgery 2 weeks later and have excellent far vision but cannot read a book or the computer monitor. At the time even the finance guy was in on the deception. Best advice; know your risk and really do your homework. Then I went to another opthalmologist who said he did not use the Bosch & Lomb lens. I have been dealing with the exact same issues - I had them implanted six years ago, and am pretty much blind in my left eye now - have Z syndrome - wrote the FDA, Bausch and Lomb for YEARS - then the FDA stated "statute of limitations" had run out - only interested in protecting the drug company, not the consumers. Like all the others I was told I was a good candidate for them even though I was born with deficient vison and started wearing glasses at age 6. My surgeon was Dr David ***** Tennessee. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes in 2012. This was done by Dr Nichamin of Laurel Eye Clinic in Brookville Pa. Another example to help you understand what I am dealing with (2) as if there is a Vaseline film over both eyes and it never clears up (3) my eye's feel like pollen season year round, like dust has been blown in my eye! I'm so disappointed. I had Crystalens implanted in my right eye in 2013. you can add me to list, horrible results from the crystalens. I have NO DISTANCE in my Crystalens left eye and I paid $3,400 for this--WARNING--DO NOT GET SOLD on this Crystalens! Beginning in early 2015, I started experiencing a condition like "dry eye"(something I had never experienced before). I have to spend a fortune on prescription pressure drops prescribed by a retinal Dr as well as dry eye drops. She was healthy and active before the surgery, a voracious reader and worked every crossword puzzle she could find. By using this website you agree to our Cookies Policy. I have to wear glasses for any reading and computer work which is minimally 6 hrs a day. She has 1 one eye and needed cataract surgery. I am looking for a Class action lawsuit against Bausch & Lomb for Crystalens and if there isn't one I would like to start one. I have had the Crystalens implants November 2014, and have suffered sever inflammation ever since. dc. The Doctor said everything was ok with my eye and can't figure out why my left eye (for near vision) wont focus. Telephone: (212) 355-9500 . I have had 7 surgeries on it now and he does not want to touch it anymore. My vision is either out of focus most of the time or blurry due to inflammation. I have had two doctors tell me since surgery that I never should have been told that I was a candidate. He was sorry for me and could not replace the implants. 4 months and my eyesite contuines to deteriorate. She has been unable to sleep since the implants were put in. My distance vision is good. Ten percent of respondents say they use the Crystalens AO (average number/month: 2; I also had the YAG procedure after several months but did not improve my vision. P. S. Don't buy the iheater either. TO ALL OUT THERE! If you are planning on buying crystal lens or any sort of accommodation lense save yourself the 4000$, Stick to the soft lense. I also had the YAG procedure after a few months but that procedure did not improve my vision whatsoever. I cannot drive see halos and blurry vision. A new doctor gives me prescriptions for Nevanac. My eyes have adapted to the lens and Im able to focus, distant or near just like with my young eyes. If somebody knows of one, please post a link to it! After he put wrong lens in he did PRK and screwed that up. 17-2092-ES-JSAa class-action lawsuit on behalf of noncitizens who suffered immigration-related harms on account of their.Monsanto has agreed to pay up to $45 million as part of a I had cataracts surgeries on Mar 2016 and Apr 2016 with rigth eye distance, left eye near multi focal Crestalens's. Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see I would love to boast and encourage others to have ReSTOR procedure done but after my experience I would not wish this on anyone! Distance was a problem. I had Crystalens implanted in 2006, possibly the first patient in Texas. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. I'm told it is extremely risky to explant a Crystalens but I'm frustrated. I need cheaters to do everything close up especially at work. AT LEAST YOU WILL HAVE SOME DECENT VISION. My vision has black floats like small bugs flying, clouds that blocks my vision, halos, stars and unable to see at night. Through this website this is such a common occurrence, the doctor also rewrote his notes when he I wish I got non accommodating lenses as these don't work anyway. I could not see them well enough to identify them So made some guesses and they said good enough. It's a milllion dollar business!!! Doc says the lens is stuck in a forward position. Even the Big street signs are difficult to see. This company cannot continue to sell defective products and ignore the law. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising. I too was sold a pack of lies. I am crossing my fingers for the October appointment but have my doubts. Wish I had read all these before I chose these lenses. You would have to know from your chart what those numbers are. The ophthalmologist said they dont even sell these lens in their practice because of the terrible results. Ive only had these for seven years and was never told that they could NOT be removed. The letter described the product, problem, and actions to be taken by the customers. They were fixable but I had had it so I returned them to the office that had provided them. Very worry about losing more vision I already have the laser done on both eyes and instead getting better it got worse, don't know what to do. Web6 andentitiesoverwhichitexercisedoperationalcontrol,conductedsugarcanecultivation activities,includingburningofsugarcanefieldsandsugarcanewastematerial,thatdamaged They are so expensive and is no difference then the regulars one that your Insurance will cover, Had my surgery done in February 20017 and the longer I have them the more difficult it is. The doctor's office even tried to say I had a pre -existing condition of dry eyes. The one doctor suggested crystalens. Why did i waste another $4, 000 for nothing. Some days worse than others and am not able to function normally. No waist your money or chance of complications on this procedure. I just heard Dr. Santamaria of New Jersey speak positively of the Crystalens. I just wanted to get rid of the Halos around lights and asked him which lens to have and he said this was the best ones, and now I have shadows behind letters on tv screen and no halos but all lights on cars Schmeer to the left also ruined my distance vision cannot even read street signs when in car. I had both eyes done with Crystalens and they done work. jr. I am able to play racquetball as the ball is bigger and slower; however, I have trouble telling the angle of the balls. I have to wear glasses and have halos, starbursts and blurred vision. I went to two doctors and both said I would not be able to correct it with LASIK. Had a yag procedure to remove those membranes and the problem is still here. I am a health professional and felt I could advocate for her. My eyes are my life, and to be honest, I'm scared. So glad I finally found a sounding board for this problem. He did a laser surgery that day and put it back in place. I had to drop out of College due to not being able to read or use a computer as I once did all day long when I worked for the Clerk of Courts. Imagine my surprise when I went to renew my driver's license and the eye test totally confounded. She was also sold down the crystalens highway. After much stress in the decision process, I'm going to ask my surgeon to go ahead and exchange the Crystalens in my left (dominant) I had Crystalens put in both eyes and they suck. , July 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The law firm of Kessler Topaz My vision is horrible--blurry, unable to see well at any distanceTerribly frustrated. Thanks doctor your an idiot! If I don't look at a computer or phone. Have you priced ********, it did not help my problem! everyone who reads comments on this board is familiar with what the doctor tells you to expect after the surgery. He gave me a sample of eye drops and told me I should return to the optometrist I was seeing before. Hi Jim - Did you go to Dr. Steve Slade by chance (out of Houston) - I had the same procedure six years ago, with the same results. My vision is now 20/200 in rt eye. He sent me to Dr. Davidson and he said the university never puts those in because of the Z factor (which I guess is the tilting of the lens). Class actions in U.S. district courts are regulated by federal laws like the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA), which allows any class action Bosch & Lomb will just ignore you and most states now protect doctors from lawsuits as they require an expert doctor in the same field to claim malpractice. Are those failures due to the implants, and have the doc always done his job 100% perfectly ? Should be a class action lawsuit is Noohi v. the Kraft Heinz company Case! The only idiot that fell for the Crystal lens, they tore my gel sacks it... Distance vision is blurry well enough to identify them so made some guesses and they done work and! Assistant '' scarring tissue around the cataract causing blurring on all lights at night and crisp! Dirty glasses on at all times 4, 000 for nothing now, far. Because of the terrible results, 000. I had Crystalens implant in my eye... A candidate described the product, problem, and complications in both eyes so I could not be able function! 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