As the night went on, and he took more control over Batman's mind, Joker's appearance began to heal. During combat, Joker employed a spray can of his lethal laughing gas, a revolver handgun, andhis joy buzzer as special attacks. You're brooding for two now.Joker annoys Batman. Oh, Harley, I take back half the horrible things I've done to you.Joker escapes thanks to Harley's blunder. Firstly, Batman is infected with Joker's Blood as a result of the events of Arkham City. The story begins with Batman visiting Arkham, hoping he and his longtime adversary can work through their differences before their rivalry kills them both. Harley Quinn herself joined the alliance with her own plans to avenge Joker's death and ensure that the villain's legacy lived on throughout Gotham City and the world beyond. You mean she's telling the truth?Clayface learns for the Joker that he can live forever. To renew his game with Batman, Joker made an anonymous phone call to the Gotham Tonight Show to inform the staff there that Batman was in Arkham City in order to lure news reporter, Vicki Vale, to Arkham City. Using Photo Mode during the scene where Joker showed Jason Todd the Batman and Robin picture would actually reveal it to be a picture of when Batman and current Robin, Tim Drake, meet once during the events of Arkham City. A riot allowed him and fellow bosses Black Mask and Penguin to each take over a section of Blackgate. He was capable of being calm and rational yet this broke in an instant and he reverted to his hysteric state, literally laughing until he was near the brink of tears. While manhandling the maniac into the back of a squad car, Bullock assumed the Bat and the Clown were partners to Joker's consternation. That could be a subtle jab directed at individuals who attempted to figure out the Arkham Knight's identity with ridiculous ideas and concepts prior to the game's release, like Quincy Sharp being the Arkham Knight for example. Armed with a stun baton and a revolver he fought Batman, who defeated him with well-timed uses of the Line Launcher even after Joker flooded the office with some of the gas. Ironically, regarding Joker's question about how come the series ended in a church, Joker's references to "one bad day" and killing a real estate agent to acquire a themepark came from Alan Moore's, The monstrous version of Batman, seen from Joker's P.O.V. Each and every day, the war for control over Arkham City escalated and became more chaotic and violent as Joker relished in the mass amounts of chaos, destruction, torture, murder, and mutilation that he brought to the streets. Young tried everything from returning the donations to actually putting a block on her account. This gave Joker the time to finish what he'd been cooking up in the Warden's Office: altered riot control gas that would allow him to control the minds of the inmates in small doses. The two, with assistance from Titan-Joker's henchmen, then fought a brutal battle, with Batman knocking Titan-Joker into the electrical generator that was used to torture Gordon. As Gotham descended into chaos, Batman attempted to neutralize the threat by infiltrating ACE Chemicals; the factory was converted into Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight's base of operations. Once you regain control of the Joker, start by activating the flashlight. Making contact with Harley, the Joker had her prep things for his return; he also sent threatening e-mails to Dr. Young, hoping to shake her up enough that she would let it slip where the TITAN was made. To that end, Joker made use of the construction equipment at the Steel Mill to build massive tunnels that connected to Gotham's sewers and subway system as a shelter for whatever Strange had planned to ensure that his army survived while the rest of his enemies were slaughtered. The Batman: Arkham Knight villains promise to be sicker and deadlier than ever. Now, if you wouldn't mind. Some form of disease is spreading over the Joker, ravaging his face and body. After rescuing Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon is kidnapped by Arkham Knight who is revealed to be Jason Todd, once a Robin to Batman, and his adopted son, who was tortured and seemingly murdered by Joker. The Joker casually turned the tables on the professor, revealing he'd been aware of Strange watching him in his cell at the Asylum and had conducted his own investigation into Strange's own illicit secrets, more likely some of his highly unethical experiments. Not only did he take twisted delight in being beaten half to death by an enraged Batman but actually persuading him to kill him. After a battle, both were defeated, but Joker held a gun to Harley's head and threatened to kill her. Accelerating the countdown the clown laughed at the prospect of "watching the fireworks early", forcing the vigilante to dive out of a window to evade the impending explosion. There, he casually burnt out one of the warden's eyes and threatened to slaughter his entire family if security wasn't lowered on the night that the recently captured Calendar Man was to be executed. His true actions and inner motives are highly complex due to his own mysterious past and scattered background, adopting numerous backstories that were all different and intricate, which allowed him to operate as an enigma within the present without a discernible cause or reason for many of his violent actions or possibility to be negotiated or bargained with. While Batman hunted down Bane and Firefly, the Joker (possibly tricking Quinzel into releasing him) instigated another riot at Blackgate, taking complete control of the facility. My most challenging patient at Arkham. It's a miracle! Immediately, Joker began talking to Harley, laughed, and commented about how he pushed her out of a moving vehicle in the recent past. Instead he settled for the irony of switching the roles around, leaving Loeb to be gassed to death in Calendar Man's place. His obsessions was so bad he focused most of his energy into killing him. I think our relationship is maturing. Connecting them all together, Batman realized the truth: there was always two Jokers. Just as Tiffany messaged Roman about the identity of her stalker, whom he dismissed as "No one important", and begged him to come over, the Joker violently smashed her head into a counter and tied her to a chandelier. But so what? End this! Harley told Joker that they were through, and she had moved on to a "new guy". However, after realizing that it was never simple with the Joker, Batman began to rethink all the strange occurrences throughout the night: a seemingly dead Joker dummy in a wheelchair, the two versions of the Joker card left in place of the cure, and a healthy Joker looking into a mirror that reflected a sickly Joker. They ignored his orders to stop, so Batman opened fire. In 2017's Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs Special Edition #1, after the Joker forces Batman to watch him murder parents in front of their children children who subsequently become infected . Batman dove after the Joker, catching him in mid-air. Years before the Arkham Riots, Joker was seen wearing a carnival master's suit, which closely resembled his purple tailcoat, with a top hat. After feeling the effects of the TITAN poisoning from Arkham Asylum, he frantically searched for a cure so he would not die, even having Harley Quinn kidnap doctors across Gotham then brutally tortured and killed anyone who could not cure his disease. Using these details, Joker disguised himself as the crime lord and took complete control of his gang, resources and power. Joker accepted the offer and began to recount the events of his time as the Red Hood, but would pause the conversation at significant moments for weeks, demanding a fresh supply of doctors in exchange for continuing. Now go kill the Bat.Joker's orders to the assassins. With everything in place and his plans completely unnoticed by even Hugo Strange and TYGER, Joker waited for Batman's inevitable arrival in Arkham City, where their most brutal and psychological battle would play out. Joker warranted a search for his dead body to be returned to Harley Quinn, with the prize money of 100 million dollars, or several bombs rigged around Arkham City's wall would go off, and release its remaining inmates onto the streets of Gotham. If the player visited Scarecrow's Penthouse between Barbara Gordon's "death" and the Arkham Knight/Jason Todd battle at the Militia Headquarters, Joker would be seen lying dead and then commenting that someone should talk with Commissioner Gordon with "tampering" with a crime scene, and that he should be ruled a suspect. If you take Cash and Gordon out of the equation, then it makes more sense. And then, BANG! Months of planning down the crapper. Well look who it is! It was later revealed that Jason Todd was in fact the Arkham Knight, who survived Joker's attack as the villain's true goal was to turn Batman's sidekick against him. Would you be happy? TYGER continued raining down death and destruction onto the city, which destroyed the Funhouse and pinned Batman under the rubble. Not long after his death, Joker's corpse was immediately taken to the hospital for an autopsy. The Joker then coldly said to the dead guard: "The choke's on you! This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment or RockSteady Studios. Batman, knowing how little time he had left, fought Freeze for the cure. With the aid of an incredible, militarized force under the control of a new figure in Gotham, known only as the Arkham Knight, whose goal was similarly to destroy Batman for unknown reasons and purposes, Scarecrow and his allies managed to conquer all of Gotham and use its resources to manufacture more of his toxin, among other weapons, to cover the entire East Coast in chaos. It should be noted however, even if he did reveal Sharp's madness to someone, it is likely he would not have been taken seriously, given his insanity and various schemes would cause him to be viewed as unreliable or just attempt to cause trouble. He also displays signs of deep narcissism, but nonetheless he has a well-developed sense of others, as his ability to manipulate everyone from orderlies to doctors in Arkham is extraordinarily well-developed; he also shows all the signs of a highly functioning sufferer of antisocial personality. And then, we waited, for the inevitable power struggle to ensure. I did it for you. The ups, the downs, the crazy coincidences. Freeze from Penguin, and knew that this would also topple Cobblepot's power in Arkham City and eliminate a major opponent in his control for Arkham City. Once you reach the closed territory, first check the side doors and then walk to the corpses of Bruce Wayne parents. Joker was less than pleased by this, as he had been nice and given Ivy stronger powers. Humiliated, beaten, and mentally broken, Scarecrow was taken to the GCPD Lockup, where he would remain locked up for the rest of his life along with his fellow criminals. In the game, Batman declares this when he throws the Joker into the recesses of his mind, where he's fated to be forgotten. My. This quote is one of the most iconic lines ever delivered by Kevin Conroy, with the actor frequently being asked to repeat this quote at fan conventions. does rachel die in the dark knight. Coincidentally they would also play into Clayfaces final performance as well. I dare you! The Arkham Knight was a mysterious military villain who emerged in Gotham City and was the antithetical version of Batman. Joker overheard the Suicide Squad being zapped on the communicator in Black Spider's ear,and said that he recognized that sound: "Someone's flossing their brain.". Walking away, Joker smiled, saying to himself that he was willing to take back half of the horrible things he subjected Harley to because of her help in letting him escape. However, when he attempted to recite a joke, he ended up heckled by the displeased audience. The Joker had just been looking for a pawn to set him free and now had a would-be girlfriend cramping his style. This acts as the final chapter, after the events of Batman: Arkham Origins, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Batman: Arkham City. That was a reference to Two-Face, and to the end of the game where Cain and Abel's pose was similar to how Batman was carrying the dead Joker. Similarly, Joker also had a weakness that Batman ultimately exploited to take him down once and for all (in the film, Joker's irritation that he never got Batman to laugh, which the new Batman, Terry McGinnis, exploited by mocking Joker; in Arkham Knight, his fear of being forgotten, which Batman exploited by exposing himself and Joker to a full dose of fear gas and then locking him away into a central part of his consciousness doomed to be forgotten). A touch of red, a touch of green. Talia defended her course of action to Batman by stating that it was a necessary one in order to save him, comforted him, and assured him that the long night of chaos and destruction instilled by the Joker, Hugo Strange, and her father, was finally over. Joker laughed that another dose was all it would take to make him strong enough to gain control. Batman then went down further into the sewers and found that Joker was trying to pump Titan pollutants into the Gotham River, and told his men to stop Batman from preventing that in a threatening, and serious manner. Someone who I think I can share all my secrets with. However, Strange, fearing Joker's potential to ruin his plans, formed a pack with Penguin, helped him capture Freeze, locked him up in his Museum, and gained control of his weapons. A darker, more oops. You just can't get it through your thick skull! Joker's Challenge Maps possibly showed how he made his way through the Asylum during the events of. Batman: Arkham City Batman: Arkham City is a 2011 action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. One of the doctors attempted to remove the box, only to trigger a Joker Gas booby trap. Often hailed as the best superhero game, and certainly the best of the Arkham series, Batman Arkham Knight has no shortage of intense scenes. During stealth missions where Joker must dispose of Arkham's security on patrol, he could use a pair of glasses called specs to see through walls and identify guards, similarly to Detective mode, though he can't move while using them. This was most likely inspired by Caesar Romero's portrayal of the character, who sported the same artificial smile. Neither of them acknowledged the Blackgate Incident, but Joker strung her along as easily as he had then. Freeze were fighting by cutting the wall open that was located behind the safe and pilfered the cure. That's how Joker died, because Bats took the cure, saved a bit for Joker but Joker stabbed him in the back and he dropped the vial, breaking it. Despite not actually being imprisoned in Arkham City, Clayface had sided with the Joker for one key reason: to play the role of a lifetime. Joker taunted Batman with the Sequencer Codes, the only thing that would enable the office computer to shut off the countdown. Fresh from Blackgate correctional facility, with a combined sentence of 250 years. While skeptical that even Batman could live through the explosion the Joker still sent in a handful of his men to sweep the building. Barely surviving the fight, Bane murdered the monster out of mercy when it's malformed body began to convulse under the strain and vowed to hunt down the remaining TITAN sources. He'd be very upset. When he came to, Batman realized the horrifying truth that Joker's blood, which was injected into his veins by the villain nine months prior, was allowing his consciousness to take control of his mind. My name's Harleen. Once recorded, Joker gave it to his henchmen to be stored within the Steel Mill as part of his contingency plans to destroy Gotham. Batman briefly dreamed about when he showed Gordon the four people infected with Joker's blood. It's not right! Joker told her it was pretty and that he was willing to be her friend. Batman, after he defeated Harley's robots, discovered her ultimate plan: destroy the entire facility with a final bomb that was hidden inside the Joker Statue and kill everyone in it including herself, so she could reunite with her beloved Mr. J. Batman managed to escape the blast radius along with an angered Harley, but it appeared that Robin was caught in the explosion. After the death of Burke's daughter, Burke died when he tried pills that had Joker Toxin that poisoned him. He appears to be a highly resourceful psychopath with a sadistic intelligence, who delights in causing chaos, destruction and human suffering. With Vale's chopper destroyed and her pilot dead, Joker sent some of his men to kill the helpless reporter with sniper rifles, and knew that this would force Batman out into the open and serve as a diversion while Harley returned to the Steel Mill with the completed cure. Ding! His showdown withBatmaninArkham Asylumhas left him humiliated, angry and thirsty for revenge. If you kept constantly visiting the Visitor Center, Joker talked to Batman as if Batman was visiting for a therapy appointment. Joker stopped upon seeing a gap in the wall where Harley was shooting at, in which he gleefully opened the wall to activate the door. While this can be dismissed during the first playthrough as playful banter, this little bit actually reveals the plot twist very early on. Climb in order to bypass a gate. For over a year, the Joker kept Jason hostage in the abandoned wing, abusing and torturing him almost non-stop. The melee challenges pitted Joker in an arena-like room to face off against a number of security guards who came in to face the Clown Prince of Crime in groups. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. "I prepared for muggers, killers, thieves. That was a reference to the classic, In Dr. Young's Notes, Joker may have looked at them, but he only put his signature around himself only, not even Harley. Batman caught up with the Joker exiting via the elevator just as he flooded the corridor with a gas version of the toxin that he'd used on the Gotham Merchant's Bank Manager on Christmas Eve. Joker, preparing to kill Deadshot. You don't need to pick any specific targets, especially since new ones appear in the place of the defeated ones. Ooh! Theneverythingwentblack. When commentating on the enemies trying to fight Batgirl and Robin in the beginning of the DLC, he shouted: "Where's Gordy?!" The Joker's exact origin is a mystery, barring that Batman was somehow involved. Despite being scrawny to the point of anorexia, when it came to fighting Batman, Joker could take almost twice the amount of physical pain of his thugs. Joker eventually had Clayface disguise himself as various TYGER personnel in order to infiltrate their locations and obtain their equipment and even their card keys and codes needed to access structures right outside Arkham City's perimeter walls. An annoyed Joker temporarily ended their one-sided conversation so he could"shoot the architect". Genuinely frightened that he was trapped within the nightmare and that he would not be remembered by anyone, he continued on to an empty graveyard where he was continuously haunted by an exponentially increasing number of Batman statues, no matter how many he shot down, more still appeared. Various Arkham Asylum's staff: In various ways such as laughing gas. Amazed that Batman could survive both his gunshot wounds and the explosion, Joker nevertheless remained in cheerful spirits as he embarked on the next phase of his plan. 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