' is attempted by Ehtisham Akbar, the top scorer in CSS Criminology paper. In the Punjab, both Ferozpur and Gurdaspur were given to India. Cross border cooperation between the two countries on this vital irrigation system is very important. According to that agreement India was allocated the use of two Eastern Rivers namely Ravi and Sutlej whereas three western Rivers Indus, Jehlum and Chenab were given to Pakistan. In most cases this presented no problem- the majority of states had Hindu rulers and so joined India. March 16, 2010. Now a days, the economic situation in Pakistan is under stress and education is the worse effected sector in Pakistan. Pakistan also didnt receive the due share of the military assets. Terrible violence flared as these frightened people fled across the borders seeking safety. The Muslim League drew most of its support from the rural areas and lacked support from the urban areas. Canal Water Dispute 10. It was decided that the Reserve bank of India should continue to function in the dominion of Pakistan until September 30, 1948 due to administrative and technical difficulties involved in immediately establishing and operating a Central Bank., They divided India in seven parts and left a wound named Pakistan in body of India.Actually they benefited from India., Prior to creation as a modern state in 1947, the area of modern Pakistan was both ruled by local kings and under various imperial power throughout different time periods. (f) We Face Energy and Water Shortages. Pakistan refused to accept this result and protested to the United Nations, but the situation was not resolved. However, the Muslim-dominated region of Kashmir was disputed and split between the two countries, while Pakistan believes it belongs entirely within its borders. Which is not a good sign, with a result that more than half of the literate ones are also not educated in a completely proper way? Ratio of Gender Discrimination 4. Regional disparity is also a major cause. (Nehru told General Sir Frank Messervy in 1945, his deliberate plan would be to allow Jinnah to have hisPakistan, end gradually makes things so impossible economically and otherwise for Pakistan that they have to come on their banded knees and asked to be allowed back to India Uneven Boundary Distribution, The Indian Independence Act 1947 provided the formation of two boundary commissions for the division of the provinces of Punjab and Bengal between India and Pakistan. Existing communal tensions and Hindu-Muslim differences have also been blamed for the split. Pakistan had none of these. The Pakistan government was convinced that the Indians had always planned to seize Kashmir. the North West Frontier Province) was on the borders of the subcontinent and had not been linked to the Industrialization that had taken place in Central India. The water problem was one that the new country had to address urgently. Kashmir. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; But pressure tactics began to the applied by Indian, Government and Mountbatten. Certainly there were five different population groupings. Unfair Boundary Distribution 3.Division of Military Assets 4.Division of financial assets: 5. In 1948, India stopped water. Download Initial Problems of Pakistan Comments. Soon after its establishmentPakistan faced number of problems. Revisionist historians question whether Jinnah even wanted partition and have suggested that the 'Pakistan' demand was simply a bargaining counter to gain recognition for Muslims. After the establishment of Pakistan, there was huge language controversy speared over Pakistan. Unfair Boundary Distribution 3.Division of Military Assets 4.Division of financial assets: 5. It is perhaps enough to say that in the summer of 1947 emotions ran so high that ordinary, peace-loving Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims became caught up in acts of violence of which they would never have considered themselves capable. The Maharaja was forced to turn to India for help to crush the Muslims. But there were stories of violence, riots, attacks on trains and bloodstained trains arriving with dead bodies. Therefore the immediate task before the nation was to establish a workable administrative, and Government machinery to run the affairs of the newly born state. INITIAL PROBLEMS FACED AFTER THE CREATION OF PAKISTAN INTRODUCTION: Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. The date of 14th august 1947 reminds us of a. The constituent assembly failed to frame a constitution even in eight years. Some of these refugees were so distressed by their hardship that they turned on the local population of different religions. Choice of Capital and Establishment of Government: The first problem that Pakistan had to face was to choose a capital to form a Government and to establish a secretariat. Unfortunately, this vision was never transformed into reality; the nation created as a home for the British Indias Muslims six decades ago today represent one of the world most troubling states in crisis (Crisis Guide: Pakistan).Why cant Pakistan flourish? Communal violence that had already started reached to its height after the announcement of Redcliff Award on 16tn August 1947. Although Karachi was a modern port with substantial trading and business activity, much of Pakistan (e.g. Its possession was seen by Pakistan as vital to national economic and political security but the Indian government believed that Pakistan in control of Kashmir might be strong enough to threaten Indian Security. That not only harms the quality of education but creates a gap among haves and has not. Hindus were angry over the division of the Subcontinent whereas Sikhs were unhappy over the loss of their religious places. Representatives of Punjab Boundary Commission, From Pakistan, Justice Din Muhammad and Justice Muhammad Munir. But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample testimony of the fact that it is unable to defend its own sector. The Maharaja disliked Nehru but feared that, being Hindu he would lose power if he sided with Pakistan. The railways were stopped and Junagadh State ran short of food. It raises the productivity and efficiency of individuals and thus produces skilled manpower that is capable of leading the economy towards the path of sustainable economic development. Due to the communal violence millions of Indian Muslims leaving there property started migrating towards Pakistan. Your email address will not be published. })(); Follow and support us at below social media networks. Biswas. In this video lecture, We will discuss the Initial issues and Problems of Pakistan. Pakistan to India but none out the Hindu majority areas to Pakistan; Award also paved the way for the disputes between India and Pakistan over Kashmir and Canal Water. Human existence without education is just like fecund land. He objected to what the Indian government was doing and took took steps to try to persuade them to pay the money it was holding. By continuing well Gurdaspur also had a Muslim majority. 5.Canal Water Dispute . [2][3][4][5] By the 18th century the land was incorporated into British India. 7 StepsCSS Essay Social NetworkingCSS ESSAY on Information TechnologyCSS Essay Impacts of Media with Outline | By Aqsa Imtiaz (CSS/PMS 2020 Qualified)CSS English Essay | Winning without Fighting12345613>>. Over 10 million people had removed from India to Pakistan or in the other direction by January 1948. The sudden partition of India left homeless large numbers of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan and a number of Muslims in India. Pakistan had to face so many social, political, economic and educational crises that were later on overcome by the joint struggle of Muslims. In September 1947the authorities in Delhi had to declare martial law as non-Muslims refugees had begun a slaughter of local Muslims. The violence was sometimes orchestrated by the local authorities and many Muslim historians believe that Hindus and Sikhs had an organised programme for the massacre of Muslim refugees. CSS Exam | Initial Problems of Pakistan Post Independence | Pakistan Affairs, PA | Sir Umer Mukhtar 2,945 views Jul 29, 2020 There were a myriad of issues with Pakistan since its. requirements? The creation of Pakistan was based on the religious ideology of Islam and the concept of two-nation theory, In the Objective Resolution adopted on 22nd January 1947, the Constituent Assembly declared its firm and solemn resolve to make India an Independent Sovereign Republic, where the States shall possess and retain the status of autonomous units. The Hindu Dogra with the Indian Government declares Kashmir the part of India. Quaid-e-Azam took, the office of the Governor General, Liaquat Ali Khan was appointed as Prime Minister and a, Cabinet of experienced persons was selected. The educational system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. In Kashmir, however, the Maharaja hesitated. var _Hasync= _Hasync|| []; However, within a few weeks the question of Kashmir was to create hostility between the two new countries . Recently, minister of education announced a new Education policy for that next 10 years. It is an alarming and unsolved problem yet. In the years immediately before partition, there was widespread violence between the Muslims and the non-Muslims communities across India. The teachers in government schools are not well trained. Its ruler was maharaja hari singh. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. This disturbed the students of private sector also. CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs; CSS Solved Islamiat; CSS Political Science; Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. A big initial problem for Pakistan was that its army comprising of 150,000 men needed 4,000 officers. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Thanks: 842 Thanked 1,879 Times in 593 Posts List of All Problems of Pakistan Most Important Problems 1. Corruption and bigotry prevail our education system at all levels, if you have contacts and resources you can climb up to as high a level of success as you desire, it is the poor and middle class that suffers always, and the Government seems to have turned deaf ear to the wimping of these deprived people. Radcliffe had four assistants, two nominated by the Muslim League and two by Indian National Congress. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. It is said in this policy that all the public schools will be raised up to the level of private schools. Jute export produced in the major source of foreign exchange earning for Pakistan for many years. According to the deal, Pakistan received a 75-million portion of the revenue. The princely states of Dir, Swat, Chitral Amb, Hunza, Gilgit and Bahawalpur also joined Pakistan. Most countries have natural borders, such as rivers, mountains or the sea. So New Generations Better Perform For The Coming Challenges. Maharaja hari singh wanted a free state of Kasmir but large muslim population wanted to merge them with Pakistan. This is how to remove illiteracy in Pakistan. 2.Unfair Boundary Distribution . The percentage of Economic assets in Pakistan after Partition. Hyderabad decan was the largest and richest state rule d by Muslim ruler Nizam who decided to remain independent. 08, 2017 156 likes 203,474 views Download Now Download to read offline Education 1.Choice of Capital and Establishment of Government 2. Education teaches one the way of spending a good life, it teaches one the etiquettes, the proper manners, and civilities to live an honorable life. The geographical distance between East and West Pakistan made it difficult to govern as one country. It was decided by the British administration that Pakistan and India would receive a share of the assets. Required fields are marked *, Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs provision is primary purpose of the website. Karachi was named to be the capital of Pakistan. 1. Lack of Technical Education 5. On 29 December 1930, Sir Muhammad Iqbal called for an autonomous new state in "northwestern India for Indian Muslims". He misused his powers, and handed over Muslims majority areas like, Gurdaspur, Ferozpur and Junagadh to India hence, providing them a gateway to Kashmir. Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus The constitution of the islamic republic of pakistan, 1973[1], The search for peace - pakistan and india, Imbalance between the "Three Tiers of State", Tax evasion - 90%+ of the people don't pay any taxes, Very high tax rate for those who do pay taxes, Availability of heavy weaponry to criminals, Lack of clean drinking water for the majority of the population, Armed and violent gangs in Karachi, including Lyari and Sohrab Goth, Large areas of the country where the writ of the state does not apply, The tendency for people to vote for corrupt, failed, treacherous politicians, Awful built quality of roads, bridges and other infrastructure, Spread of Indian culture via film and television, Spread of Western culture via film and television, Lack of hospitals, clinics, doctors etc, especially in rural areas, Mixing of junk into food products by unscrupulous people, Capital flight - everyone who can sending their money abroad, sinking moral values due to foreign culture and media invasion, distrust between the centre and the provinces, consumer market instead of productive market, corruption in the state institutions and misappropriation of foreign aid, Uneducated elders versus modernized youth, Poor participation of women in state affairs, US influence, role of intelligence agencies and illiterate masses, Unfriendly environment for local and foreign investors, Poor industrial and agricultural production, Diminishing positive impression of state institutions army, bureaucracy and judiciary. They now belonged to two countries, not one and there had to be an agreement on how it should be shared. The problems do not end up here! India attacked Hyderabad on 13th September 1948 and forcibly annexed this state to india. So, the first, Do not sell or share my personal information. The Kashmir dispute is one of the worst problems in Pakistan till now. The entire capital was in the hands of the Hindus. The biggest, administrative problem facing Pakistan was the acute shortage of competent and experienced, personnel in the Central and Provincial Governments. East West Knowledge Website Was Designed For The Students Of All Competition Exams. The state seems to give up her responsibility and totally relying on private sector. Pakistan was not compromised of a single united people and there was much work to do in convincing everyone of the wisdom of joining the new state. Parents and family inculcate good manners and make responsible citizens out of their children. Dispute duration of the canal water was another one of the basic challenges that were faced by Pakistan after the Independence. The Hindu Dogra Rule, who was secretly with the Government of India, declared Kashmir as, a part of India. Submit Close. This continues at higher education level as well, e.g. It was his ceaseless work and great leadership skills that ensured that Pakistan not only survived, but flourished. This was made worse by the fact that while over half of the population of Pakistan lived in East Pakistan, the majority of the government and army leaders came from West Pakistan. 10 MOST IMPORTANT TRADITIONAL FESTIVALS IN CHINA, - (), FINANCIAL AND MILITARY ASSETS OF PAKISTAN, https://www.facebook.com/EAST-WEST-Knowledge-112469280676809, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQrDdAdUspVpp-frKDV_m_Q, English preparation for fpsc test by eastwest knowledge, ALL THE BEST MUSLIM SCIENTISTS GOLDEN AGE, PITTS INDIA ACT 1784 INDO-PAK HISTORY CSS PMS FPSC PPSC, INDO PAK HISTORY MCQS TEST 3 FOR CSS PMS FPSC PPSC, INDO PAK HISTORY MCQS EXAM TEST 2 CSS/PMS FPSC PPSC. Pakistan came into being as a free Muslim state in quite unfavorable circumstances .It had no resources, it had no resources, it had to build up its administrative machinery from a scratch. On 14 August 1947 Quiad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took oath as the Governor General of Pakistan. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Eventually, a united Pakistan with its wings West Pakistan and East Pakistan gained independence from the British, on 14 August 1947. Over 20,000 fled to Pakistan and finally the Muslims rose in rebellion. Sub-district of Ajnala in Amritsar district The interesting thing is that the previous educational policy from 1998 to 2010 is still not expired. India inherited government buildings, furnishings, even officials from the British. refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. to India hence providing them a gateway to Kashmir. Education provides the ladder for achieving success in life and enables us to utilize skills and caliber in a constructive way. Welcome to my YouTube Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. The Muslim Nawab governing Junagadh, Hyderabad Deccan was the largest and richest state ruled by Muslim leader Nizam who, decided to remain independent. All 16 Ordinance factories were in India, and it refused to hand over any. You will get quality content about CSS and PMS through my Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. 750 million, but the Independence they refused to do so. Pakistan was not a wealthy country and its major industry agriculture, did not produce enough of a surplus to create the wealth needed for Industrialization. Both India and Pakistan were agreed to accept the decision of Redcliff incase of deadlock. It was estimated that only West Pakistani received 5.5 million refugees and one sixth of the entire population of West Pakistan consisted of refugees. AL RAZI ? (a) We Consume More and Save Less. Allocation of funds should be made easy from provinces to districts and then to educational institutes. The Indian Government adopted delaying tactics n. transferring the Government servants and official record which aggravated the situation. Description. However these states were advised to consider geographical location and religious trends of their respective states before accession to the either country. The vast distance between them also meant that there were significant differences and outlook between the people of the two different regions. to help you write a unique paper. Implementation instead of projecting policies should be focused on. Education System is based on Unequal Lines, Check our Collection of English Essays specially for CSS, FPSC CSS Past Papers 2017 | Download in PDF, Instruction in Youth is Like Engraving in Stone | Complete Essay with Outline, Public Office is a Public Trust | Complete CSS Essay, Essay Outline Good Governance is deeply rooted in Human Development, CSS Essay Outline | The Importance of Water Conservation and Management, How to Write Effective Essay for CSS Exams, How to Write Effective Essay on Economy? Water dispute Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water The government of Pervaiz Musharraf invested heavily in education sector and that era saw a visible positive educational change in Pakistani society. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related withPakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military . Quaid-e-Azam called it an unjust. Pakistan received only 200 million. Hyderabad Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees problems and distribution of armed and military assets. We've encountered a problem, please try again. The agricultural system was obsolete and outdated which added to the. (c) Government spends more than it earns as Revenues. Corruption, feudalism, living on Loans, etc these are all the problems that arise as a result of poor education, hence, the people fail to elect correct people for the government and suffer whole their lives because the mindset cannot be altered except only with education So, its a dire need of the debilitating education-health status of the state that proper education system be implemented so that a just even social, economic and political system would be ensured. The armed forces personnel were given freedom to opt for whichever country they wanted. On 9 August four senior Muslim officers and 150 Muslim officials were murdered on a train taking them from Delhi to Karachi. Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. This led to more orderly evacuation of refugees from one country to the other, but it did not completely end the violence. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others. Karachi was chosen as the capital of Pakistan. Some of the initial difficulties were: 1.Choice of Capital and Establishment of Government . The canal water issue of Pakistan was yet another cause of Pakistans frustration and anger towards India. _Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi', '1']); Good relations and cooperation with any organization working for same With thanks to CSS e Guide __________________ Ahmad Shakeel Babar . the British system of government had given these diverse people very little opportunity to participate in government. The Indian government sent troops to surrounded the state. Some time even Pakistan forced to purchase water from India. In November 1947 the troops moved in and India took control of the state. Its population of four million, 78% Muslim, was ruled by a Hindu Maharaja who did not want to join either India or Pakistan. This reflected the relative size and population of the two countries. Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. AoA brother you have listed almost all the important problems and pragmatic soluations. Pakistan also needed armed forces and military equipment to ensure its security. Copyright 2023. Six months later the Indian government held a referendum in Junagadh State in which a majority of people stated that they wished to join India. In other military matters the Indians once again failed to keep to the agreement. They Use Their Abilities And Bring More And More Peace In This World. Analysis of the Boundary Award 7.Electricity Problem They did not want to see Pakistan become strong military military, especially as they were fighting in Kashmir. Pakistan in particular, as a new and not wealthy country, did not have the necessary facilities to house millions of new citizens. As we all know that Pakistan was turned into the separate state and land after so long struggle and freedom fight movement. Realization by both parties to achieve their same goal 6. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. For some years the Quaid-e-Azam had suffered from tuberculosis. The office of governor-General was supposed to be a ceremonial one, but Jinnah ignored this. 5. Medium of education is different in both, public and private sector. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees' problems and distribution of armed and military assets. Ethnic Issues And National Integration In Pakistan, Another major problem that did arise was related to the division of the military and financial assets. Islamabad: National Institute of Historical and, The partition plan was announced on June 3, 1947 and August 15, 1949 was fixed as the date on which independence was to take effect. Of the three wars fought between India and Pakistan, two were a result of Pakistan's incursion in the Indian-controlled territory. 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