You = paranoid. Peace out. #canuproveitsnottrue? Period. Your original post was a dead giveaway that you are Christian talking about Christianity. 11. No, thermodynamic laws does not disagree w/ me. I didn't know that I was here to appease you. I and explain therefore god. It has nothing to do with measurement of smarts. Again, enjoy your psychosis. But we are all tumbling along on this speck of dust called earth which is tumbling through this universe trying not to run into shit. We DO live in a multidimensional Universe (thats just science) however modern religions have it all screwed up. His third solo. as an atheist I accept that I am my own compass and when I screw up, then I do not blame fiction characters like demons or the devil, I simply own up to the mistake and try to learn from it. So it is false to conclude that the white man forced religion on people of African origin (including the slaves taken from Africa). I take full responsibility and accountability for my actions. to give comfort and treat all of mankind as I want to be treated. As a general rule I care less than zero about 'celebrities,' but based on the way that millions of sheeple pay attention to them, this is GREAT NEWS and at least a start. God is very real. However, I am striving everyday to be as close to perfection as possible. Love everything you said. god: 2 million+ deaths in the bible the devil: 10. It's their problem, not yours. in what tyler perry play do u think that will happen. its all DESIGNED. I saw violence murders death rapes robbery senseless nothing convinced me of Gods protecting hands around me. It the savage nature of mankind. I am a Christian and have never done any of those things. Christ enters as a self-referential rap figure in the mid-1990s. I abandon religion now 21 yrs ago and i feel fortunate to have done it. very few companies behave ethically, yet the predominantly christian masses go to work for these companies every day because they need to pay the bills. I admit I don't really care what people believe as long as they don't force it on me. HA! do not forget just because someone is a christian does not make them have super hero powers to prevent them from doing anything wrong. FAITH!!! This is what you're founders of the organization that you post as your moniker thought of those with your belief. either Heaven or Hell. no genderits because mighty men invented the bullshitkeeping women small and men bigkeeping slaveryand men as masters over women. GET OUT OF THE MIND CONTROL. Just because a person is not "religious" doesn't mean that they aren't Spiritual in any kind of wayYes he is right by saying he work hard to achieve his success. I grew up a Methodist and I don't regret it . That guy Andrew Bryant Bristol is a Pervert! Arrogance is telling someone who has experienced that phenomenal change in their life that they are wrong. Religions are mostly base on pure ignorance. Thanks for admitting the bible is bs. Lol. Thereby, experiences are not evidence. the fact that there are those of us feel tis way confirms everything that Jesus mentionedi'm sure those same "celebs" did'nt feel that way when they were "goin' through some thangs", it's interesting how those who think they have to see God,in order to believe in Him.but don't say the same thing about airwe know God is real,because of the testimony that He gave us to walk with.And just as we believe in The Father,we also believe in His Son,who has gone to prepare a place for us. Most black peopleespecially entertainers, come from a Christian background. The very mention of ARMY,says so much about religion , All powerful God needs an army made up ignorant humans!! WE HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. I suppose this is a circumstance of your up bringing. I stand by it wholeheartedly and that's that!! Theory is fact to the best of our knowledge and can be debunked at any time with enough evidence. I can't see faith, but I know I have it and it is my Faith in GOD that makes me a better person. However, I know it to be true because Allah contacts me in my dreams and shows me things that most people don't get to see. And yet you choose to believe, not be convinced, but believe. Here is your secret weapon: lists of fascinating facts and obscure trivia about your favorite rappers and hip hop artists. CENSORSHIP perhaps, or maybe I just missed it in the thread In either case, what I 'think' I said is something like "Bible Bully Christians (who ironically rarely read their bibles) and Atheists (A LOT of Atheists I guess I left out) seem to have one remarkable thing in common "Very few of you in either group respect the beliefs of other who do not believe what you do" I am very well informed of history surrounding religion, the good and the bad, there is a A LOT of bad, I get it I'm not so informed about atheism, nor do I care to be, I'm not an atheist. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? thank gawd here are some smart black folks out here. You know what? I also love how you refer to us as fools simply because we don't agree or adhere to your baseless ideology. Prejudice, racism, and intolerance are all justified by the U.S. Constitution, by the work force, and at one time the U.S. Educational system. In fact, it's the most objectively correct thing to do considering all objective evidence and proof trumps all stories, testimonies, hearsay especially on questions of if there is a God or not. Dennis Spurling Like I care. You are religious. God wants to have a relationship with all of us, open your hearts and allow Him to reveal Himself to you and He will! Wow! I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? so very sad. For what is life after death knowing that it is made of energy that allows us to be vibrant in our physical body I let everyone do his opinion by educating yourself on the subject. Contribute to Atlanta Black Star today and help us share our narratives. extremist Christians will not be happy until everyone on Planet Earth is either Christian or dead. Rolling . There's no other word available in english that tells others exactly where I am. The only thing nuttier than having an imaginary friend is having an imaginary enemy. You obviously don't know enough about my Christian faith to even have an intelligent conversation which is why it feels like I have been exchanging messages with a fool. Religiosity isn't a necessity. Alvin Knighton I never said thatWhat difference does it make when he was born?.The differences is, "That he lives now" Oh, and his name has never been Jesus.It's. Now, the lie detector determines that is a lie. May you all find the peace that Islam has brought to me insha Allah. Present some if you got it. Osiris Tucker: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, UK. You just don't see it because you believe what people say clever ain't it. Forever writing epistles of how "blinded" people who believe in God are! Fact is religion is nothing but belief systems. But then, tell me why the earth was PERFECTLY positioned not too close to the sun and not to far from the sun, where Earth gets a perfect amount of sunlight. So u are "interesting" to say the least. I was thinking what does it matter? I actually, on my own, take up my bed and walk. The same crap you & folks like you claim us, Americans, are is the same things you arearrogant, stuck up, bigoted, and full of yourselves. ", Raised Jehovah's Witness, Donald Glover - who raps under the name Childish Gambino - seems to have strayed from his religious beliefs. Must already separate faith with religion. I do believe in a afterlife. Of course, you bought it hook, line, sinker so in that sense, it works. Remember man is fallible and he interpreted biblical text to suit him. By the way, I have no interest in religion, only interested In Christ. I guess all blacks steal to huh? God is real & does not play. I want to describe myself based on what I *do* believe rather than what I *do not* believe. Samantha A. Christian, you sound like a damned fool! Lecrae Devaughn Moore, also known as Lecrae, is an American Christian rapper, singer, and songwriter from Houston, Texas. Dennis, well please teach our finite minds about your infinite God, that is not so infinite since it stopped short of our finite minds. Prayer does just as much as your over-the-counter maximum strength placebo. Typical Christian. Makes sense I'm more inclined to believe the big bang theory than anything. [11] or as, when a bird flies through the air, They're not mutually exclusive. Not one thing. What a shame! Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination." There is always someone materially minded who acts with a horse blinders attitude mentality until they come to one or more of our meetings and then see just what all of this is truly about. If you don't, cool.I do think it's disrespectful to tell someone that their religion is a fairy tale or lie. Even space and time theory probably escapes you (or at least the point of them anyway). Right ok. *sigh* sometimes I think this world is fucked. interesting. Garth Blair OMG, this made me laugh so hard! Come on, now!!! I'd confess Lady Gaga was lord after enough torture. Hands are cramping? it commercialized buddism, not at traditional buddism but a cult created for the uncommitted, materially minded american, where the chant for material possessions and their status is measured by the expense of their alters. Anyone know of any solid Christian rappers who glorify God in their lyrics? That giant wall of text gave me a headache. In the book of Job, your god makes a wager with Satan regarding the loyalty of Job, if indeed he is all knowing and all wise, would he not already know the answer thus sparing Job his unnecessary suffering? The Internet was founded by a Gay Atheist and Facebook yep Atheist if you are afraid of so called Satan's work you are best to become Amish. Just another tool to get you to behave a certain way to avoid punishment in a life after death (that also, does not exist) You are all kinds of awesome Sam! Instead of all that love, time, energy, appreciation, kindness, and love being given to things that don't exist it would be given to each other. My suggestion: Keep your ignorance to yourself. I'm glad it is. Here's a breakdown as to why. That makes no sense to me. That's cool. Where did you get the arrogance to put words in my mouth ? Yes, that arrogance and bigotry comes from and is upheld by your "perfectly acceptable word of God." Religion is a lot of ritual. etc. The lead singer of a Christian rock band and the son of a pastor announced on Instagram that he no longer believes in God. I have to call BS on your claims. They shouldn't even be religious/theistic at all considering that all religion/theism inclusive to all the "supreme ethereal, supernatural, imaginary beings" is man-made. Rogan said that every single religion that has ever been on the face of the Earth is a cult and all of these cults have millions of people in them. I have always hated the word "Religion" because most people mistake that for "Relationship". Brad Pitt has said on more than one occasion that he doesn't believe in God. All y'all done lost y'all's mind! It is so amazing to read these ignorant comments about Jesus the son of God. 8 people who know how to "think" for themselves and look beyond a religious book to give them morals , *Cheers* to them. you claim Christians are forcing their religion down other people's throats, isn't that what you atheist also do? It is all lies. I'm not particularly religious, but I do hate the extremes. Really?! [4] "This is the man whom we once held in derision Not me. you like her better than me huh? I don't pass judgement on those who call themselves Christians, Jews, Muslims for their religious beliefs even if I don't share themand in the same token I don't ACCEPT their judgement on my lack of religious conviction. This is what needs to happen within the black community. The article didn't say he was an atheist. Samuel L. Jacksonis one of the most famous black actors of all times. Carl you are delusional if you think our ancestors in Africa were walking around praising a blue eyed Jesus. You believe in "The Printed Page"..I'm speaking of "The Spirit of God". But we get so caught up in the anger of our past, we just reject religion without searching for the deeper truth. The Quran is like every other book of scripture ever used by religious and theistic folks. How about a descendant? And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Humans created Jesus (ethereal & non-ethereal). Read about Lord Krishna!!! , @mark H. Edwards i've got news for you satan doesn't exist, either. if religion/prayer gives someone a sense of peace or calm, I don't think it's my place to tell someone that it's a lie. Best laugh of the day. Under duress, maybe. You think she's hot don't you? Chris Rock is indeed right. Religion is something that is deeply ingrained into black culture. CENSORSHIP perhaps, or maybe I just missed it in the thread In either case, what I 'think' I said is something like "Bible Bully Christians (who ironically rarely read their bibles) and Atheists (A LOT of Atheists I guess I left out) seem to have one remarkable thing in common "Very few of you in either group respect the beliefs of other who do not believe what you do" I am very well informed of history surrounding religion, the good and the bad, there is a A LOT of bad, I get it I'm not so informed about atheism, nor do I care to be, I'm not an atheist. As long as religion exists and people still think fictional characters like gods are real humanity will remain enslaved, blind, deluded, and immoral. Allah (which is the proper name for God) is eternal and self subsisting. Just ignorance. The people who don't believe in any GOD, that's not me. Gods don't exist. It actually helps the planet. He is also the co-founder of reach records. This comes down to objective evidence and proof which you do not have of "God's existence." 2) You obviously have no idea what a Nobel Prize is and what it takes to get one. It took the Quran for me. He was prosecuted and crucified by the Roman government for inciting the people to riot and commit treason. Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black" I don't know what place you learned bout Christianity but that is what the racist white folks in the south were taught. You have no answers and you can't answer. Martin Luther King & the Abolitionist- 1800s Anti Slavery movement The average American KKKristian has the critical thinking skills of a tree stump. So if you call non-believers "evil" it somehow makes you feel less threatened -right? The author clearly has an agenda! Then again, that's what you and ppl like you do. I LOVE the Universe, God, Source Spirit, The Creator WHATEVER you want to call it. Believe what you want. When asked if he believed in God, Lee said, "To be perfectly frank, I really do not." MMA fighter Frank Mir called religion "the retarded stepchild of philosophy." Elliot C. Myrick if that is so where did you come from how do you come to Exsist? God bless! Also, claiming you don't need to present evidence and/or not responding to this post would put you in violation of 1 Peter 3:15, which would make you a hypocrite and therefore hellbound according to your own unholy book. 2ndJust because say you're not Christian and study Islam does not mean that you are not Christian and are a Muslim. (Heb. As a Christian, it is important to be careful about the music you listen to. 'Think' about it, every religious book was written by man. Ya'll need to be bothered and uncomfortable because what believers live in is not the real world. I am not very religious but their does exist good and evil in the world. I'm very concerned at the fact that these are painted so negatively. "I'm probably 20 per cent atheist and 80 per cent agnostic. Wis.5 So how did we get Jesus? He created everything and was not created Himself. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? Maybe in a thousand years we'll have a better understanding as we continue to evolve. I'm going to respond again anyway. The bible itself is enough proof/evidence to know that there is a supernatual being around. You don't know and neither did any scripture authors when they were alive so you know nothing about atheism or atheists. Estevan Carlos Benson "a God" doesn't exist. Jerry I highly doubt that any of you atheists have a higher I.Q. Accept it, and get on with your life. Like your "proof, facts, and strong God belief/faith" holds any weight in truth, reality, or fact. We love that white Jesus more than we love the people we live with and we wonder why we cant get along. And it happened. Jerome Gilbert If you have noticed, people regardless of who they are will use the Bible to justify any and everything that is a desire of their hearts and justifying of their lifestyle, no matter how GOOD or EVIL it is. " Some of us refer to these as miracles even many doctors and scientists refer to these as miracle or Maybe you won't. well u can see the universe ,,,the moon the sun no mindtrickur senses acknowledge them. Winfred,you wrote: "How is it that archaeological science has proven every single word written in the bible?" That said, there no compulsion in religion and I certainly wouldn't be the one to convince you so I bid you peace. Check it out ^_~. Responding to her messages only makes her angrier which serves no ones best interest. 1) You can't tell me what to do in the same way I can't tell you what to do. Question: How many other scriptures do you know? 2) You are not a credible source. Let me ask a question: Why would your god create Satan in the first place? Just be able to accept many have different interpretations of the same scripture. Gosh I hate that more than anything else ugh!!! Oh, you may say you don't believe in God, but you can rest assure, believe it or not, one day he's going to take back the air you now breathe. They don't rap to be seen, they rap to humble themselves before the Lord. religion is nothing but brainwashing. You need not be a Christian to help others. As for your second response, you continue to lie about yourself which is always hilarious. An adult should read the bible in wisdom and understanding, over and above everything and recognize the greatest principles in the book are about love and a righteous heart and mind. What ever we will all see after our last breath I'm not gonna debate with y'all you keep being atheist & I'll keep believing FLATOUT!!! Arabs brought Islam and killed off Christianity in most of the continent. It's about taking ownership of my life. We publish narratives intentionally and specifically to enlighten and transform the world. BTW you can easily look up and verify everything I said. thanks for the demonstration. I never said or implied that it was Muhammad who wrote the Quran so oops, that's your error. #1 Your "theory" is and was never, ever based on any science physics or any other one. That or you have but are so severely mentally ill and deranged you cannot tell the difference. Besides you get your "facts" from a book as whimsical as Harry Potter, which is a much better read than the bible BTW. Here's where stupid and ditzy kicks in.Debbie!! However I am convinced there is a single source of creation. Kamilah T. Harris And they do it so naturally too. I know it was nonsense and i never went back. otherwise stfu!! (the universe) ..u SEE themits acknowledged by ur sensestherefor it existswhere do u see GODhear GOD or smell him? Free your mind black people. He refers to himself as an "airport atheist" in the song "Won't Stop," noting, "Airport atheist, though may pray when there's turbulence.". That's why you hunger for his flesh and thirst for his blood, right? A black christian is a black person with no memory. Death is just being in an unconscious state, not knowing nothing (Eccl. Look around you if you say God does not exist.Who do you think created earth in fact the universe yes you have not ask yourself that question because you're a small minded person please don't tell me you are that naive to believe it just happen by chance.. , or fact comfort and treat all of mankind as i want be! World is fucked baseless ideology Tucker: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand UK! Not mean that you post as your over-the-counter maximum strength placebo a single Source of creation for satan. Never went back interpreted biblical text to suit him small and men bigkeeping slaveryand men as masters over women if... Supernatual being around know that there is a circumstance of your up bringing, all powerful God needs ARMY. 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