The Rougarou And Other Fearful Creatures That Haunt The Bayou By Brad Goins Cryptozoology is the study of imaginary or mythical creatures. Despite the Rougarou legend seemingly beginning as a way to scare Catholics and children, many locals maintain its existence and have their own personal stories, especially among the older generation. The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide, US Ghost Adventures New Orleans Ghosts Review. He told me it made no since for someone to be crossing the road at that point. Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens . In some cases, they are your loved ones coming to greet you and bring good fortune. Disclaimer: Near Avenue A around 9pm, He arrived at the scene and spoke to the lady that called it in. Seguin. Thu 06/01/23. At first he thought it was a bear that was under the house causing a commotion, but as he approached the creature stood up and ran off into the swamp. Both the officer and his partner got a good look at the creature when it passed under the streetlight. I am a journalist from Louisiana who has always been fascinated by folk lore and its cultural impact. Such monster makeovers are common. Rougarou. I tend to lean more on the flesh and blood theory but I think it is important to keep all possibilities in play. On the last Saturday in October in the city of Houma, Rougarou Fest is held. By clicking "Accept," you agree to the use of cookies on Pelican State of Mind. A cattle bridge that crossed the Yellow Water River was mentioned as a landmark in the report. Your email address will not be published. Thank you! The French actually have a similar story of the Loup-garou. Despite the fact that it was originally a legend, there are still claimed sightings of the Rougarou to this day, though it has died off a bit in the past decade. Childrens authors have started using alligators as characters. There's more to this 19th-century crime than the dark side of fairy lore. Its incredible that I actually witnessed one and I do believe thats the only thing it couldve been. Also known as Cajun fairies, these creatures can be either good or bad depending on the circumstances. Sam and Dean had a struggle with this one. rougarou sightings in louisiana. If youre familiar with Louisianas history, you know voodoo is part of it. Often the story of the Rougarou has been used to instill fear in the hearts of Cajun children as a way to command obedience. Theres a howl in the near distance. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. 61 when they saw a creature pop up out from the bank of the canal that parallels Airline. The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. I am using it as research for a short story that I am wtiting. The cousins decided to turn around and go back the direction they came to avoid a close encounter with this unknown, imposing, bipedal creature. According to Native American legends, theres a creature in Terrebonne Parish that is the spirit of a child reincarnated as a beast. Unknown Military Units Appear After UFOs Reported Real Men in Black (MIB) Experiences: Calgary, Albe Possible Giant Ground Sloth (Mapinguari) Incident Human-Like 'Lycan' Encountered in So Paulo, Brazi 'Skinwalker Valley': Elder Ute Recalls Evil & Death. About four weeks ago, PB and his 5-year-old daughter were walking along their long dirt driveway that leads to their home. However, due to its incredibly poor math skills, the beast can only count to 12. Cauchemar is a monster that leaps out of childrens dreams and rides their backs. This continued for 15 minutes until the sound started to travel away. It was late in the evening and getting dark, so they could not see into the bush. In these times, many crimes were blamed on the beast, ranging from theft to kidnapping of children. At the annual October events rougarou costume contest, the fests mascot is reimagined hundreds of different ways, including as an eco-activist. Full report can be found at Once the human is cursed, it is permanent. Unknown Hairy Creature (Possible Bigfoot) Charges Bigfoot Scares Hikers in North Michigan Lower Peni Creepy Ghosts Experiences in Indiana & Texas. by Joel Balsam October 19, 2022. The name Rougarou (Loup-Garou) is a French term meaning warewolf. The Rougarou life involves shapeshifting into its beast form every night, then being forced to transform back into a human at sunrise. I came across a LObservateur article that ran around Halloween 2002, titled: Let the haunting good times roll. He told himself if whatever that was jumps out at me, I can always hit the accelerator. When he got to the area where the creature crossed the road, he looked out the drivers side window but did not see anything. Apparently that was a thing they did back then. It sounds like a wolf, but somethings a little off. Phantoms and Monsters does not control, and is not responsible for Content made available through the Phantoms and Monsters Site. The story of the Rougarou supposedly changed once French immigrantsor possibly also French-Canadian immigrantscame to live in the area that is now Louisiana. The sounds stopped just before it would have broke the tree line and became visible. It was still very much daylight when this happened but the only detail he could make out was that the creature was upright and a bipedal hominid, dark in color. Their curse usually comes from a local witch, sometimes a Voodoo priestess. Massive Bigfoot Observed by Pennsylvania Hunter. When they got to the spot they noticed the earth and surrounding plant life was disturbed like something big frequently passed there, a game trail of sorts. We all have a notion that this world is a lot stranger than it seems on a surface level. 51. Its popularity has seen it placed on shirts, mugs, in Hollywood and even seen roller coasters named after it. Bog Monster of Louisiana T-Shirt (Impractical Jokers). Some even suggest a mix of biological and fringe. Be careful, because Louisiana monsters are all over! Lover of all things comedy, photography, and travel related. Or else you may find yourself prey to the legendary Rougarou. On a different occasion that same Laplace man was out in the swamp with these two Doberman pinchers when he spotted a 7 foot tall bi-pedal creature that caused the dogs to run off. Full report can be found on Report # 56107. Generations of children have heard the scary. As outlandish as that sounds some of the very details in this essay support that. Rougaroux Rum, manufactured by donner-peltier distillers in Thibodaux, Louisiana, has a special praline-flavored version called Rougaroux 13 Pennies. That festival is cool because it links folklore to current issues and things that people need to be aware of, Rabalais says. Heed our warning and be on the look out for cajun folklore monsters when youre roaming the wildest parts of the bayou state. The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide. In the article, we will attempt to answer these questions and more. 9 Scariest Louisiana Monsters from Folklore, Legendary Monsters of Louisiana: Rougarou, Legendary Monsters of Louisiana: Cauchemar, Best Resistance Bands for Home Workouts in 2021. For decades, the equivalent of one football field of coastline was lost per hour; while the rate has slowed, the regions long-term prognosis remains grim. In an attempt to keep occupied and at home during these various phases of the Covid-19 pandemic, on a whim I decided to search out Louisiana based Bigfoot sightings. No, you dont become a Rougarou from a bite or scratch, or from losing a bet. Generations of youngsters have heard the scary tales. I remember when the physician shot himself here in Lockport. Local stories say the Rougarou roams the streets at night, antagonizing people to attack it. A human would have a substantial amount of trouble walking through the terrain. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The officers came around the corner of the house and saw a creature standing up, pressed against the side of the house, trying to maintain cover. At this point, the beast is forced to retreat as its human form begins to resurface. Other variations say a Rougarou can turn their victims merely by making eye contact. Even the act of self-defense could be life-altering. A simple yet effective trick to protect oneself from the beast. Werewolves have transformed, too, and not just into the Teen Wolf tv show and movie. The boy saw the dog turn into a man, then ran home to tell his family. Stories of the rougarou in Louisiana derive largely from 16th-century French legends of a beast called loup garou, essentially a werewolf. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. I believe that people are seeing these poor mangy bears instead of werewolves. The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. The Rougarou has also been tied to the story of the Deridder Roadkill. It was a fall evening and this student was walking on a road in back of the property that borders cow pastures and piney woods. He hides in tall grass near Grunch Road in New Orleans, LA, waiting to prey on teens who park there. The sound of human cries in the woods is a theme directly from faire lore. She knew that if she told her husband what happened, she may remain under the Rougarou's spell forever, so she was forced to keep her secret for 101 days. In 2011, Foret launched Rougarou Fest in Houma, Terrebones parish seat and largest city, as both a fundraiser for the center and a way to revive the fading cryptid tradition. Kliebert was stunned when he saw this giant approaching him. You understand that all Content posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Phantoms and Monsters Site, are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. Whether the Rougarou is truly a cryptid stalking the streets at night just waiting to pass its curse on to the next unfortunate soul, or whether it is merely a tool used to scare Catholics into keeping Lent, it is clear that the Rougarou has left its mark on Southern Louisiana. See. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Did a child disappear from the village without a trace? If this witness tells anyone about this encounter within a year and a day, they will become a Rougarou themselves. There also exist more supernatural explanations for the origins of the Rougarou. Southall returns for second stint as Rougarou manager in 2023. The same 12 year old child claims that about a month after, they were out with the same cousin in the woods that bordered their neighborhood, when they spotted a bush along the train track shake. The rougarou (or loup-garou) is a monster from Cajun folklore. The man heard a noise behind him; he turned around and witnessed two large, red eyes staring back at him. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. Back in the 16th century, theyd regularly blame various crimes on loup-garous. She described it also as being tall and hairy and went on to further say that it was almost so white it was glowing. She also described the creature to be staring in her direction. Remnants of history freckle the map, whether its old and potentially haunted buildings, abandoned theme parks or even museums with some very strange collections. The creature ran two city blocks before absconding into the marsh. The curse is transferred when it draws another human's blood. After the initial sighting by the husband, the wife reported that a neighbor came by in an adjatated state. Over the years there have been many different stories about this mythical creature in Louisiana, a common occurrence with oral traditions like this one. In this region; cities, towns, and neighborhoods tend to arise on the dry patches of earth that are surrounded by vast, thick, primordial swamp. Only you can prevent forest fires, and so only you can save Louisianas wetlands.. The publication of any and all content e.g., articles, reports, editorials, commentary, opinions, as well as graphics and or images on this web-site does not constitute sanction or acquiescence of said content unless specified; it is solely for informational purposes. A recent novel called The Sentence by Louise Erdrich. The commuter stated that the headlights of his car shined directly onto the creature so they got a pretty good look at it. Frogs croak their songs in the distance and mosquitos buzz as they fly around looking for their next meal. Some versions of the myth involve witchcraft, wherein a witch has the ability to curse someone to be a Rougarou. Growing up, my Mom always called it the Wigawoo, and I never knew any different til I was 30something. Official Blog of Pelican State Credit Union. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Country's answer to Bigfoot. Deep throughout the swamps of south Louisiana, legend has it, there lives the Rougarou a legendary werewolf type creature with sharp Once the cousin jumped back on they yelled GO! They did not look back after that. The hybrid whimpering could still be heard, and was clear and near, but still no visible sign of what was producing these sounds. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. In the late summer of the early 90's (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. The cousins were ridding toward the creature when they spotted it walking on side of the road in their direction. French and Canadian settlers as they migrated brought with them the legend of the beast to Louisiana. This a great article!! Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens, due to the fact that wolves are not often seen in the area. Perhaps this giant was not a fan of small talk, and from the direction of travel I suspect the giant was heading home to Chackbay. Glad the information was here. These canine-humanoid shapeshifters travel between worlds using magical doors. People claim he leaves behind webbed footprints (presumably to navigate the swamps effectively) and mutilates wild boars. Definitely a loup-garou. This particular evening something strange caught the seminary students ear. In the swamps within the Greater New Orleans area and the Acadiana is where this beast has come to live. According to reports, this Louisiana monster looks human, except for his sharp teeth, goat legs, and many abnormalities. Fair Use Notice: She witnessed someone slinking around her property. All rights reserved. According to the woman, "The next day a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. According to Cajun folklore, the monster is said to inhabit the swamps and sugar cane fields around the Acadiana and Greater New Orleans regions. The anonyms Laplace man said he was out near Ruddock with a friend, they were clearing land with a bulldozer when they came across footprints in the mud that were at least 19 inches in length. The Cajuns (also known as Acadians) are an ethnic group that makes up a significant portion of south Louisianas population. The Loupe Garou has to be based on stories told by parents wanting there children to behave and make there beds clean the dishes ect ect. Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories. Buy Tickets. In 1989 this man was alone on top of the levee near Bayou Steel; He was waiting for his brother to meet him to go hunting behind the levee. A student attending St. Josephs seminary college had an experience that cannot be classified as a sighting, but rather and auditory experience. Foret recalls hearing of one legendary rougarou run-in, when a young boy out for a stroll, armed with only his oyster knife, encountered the creature. what would martial law in russia mean phoebe arnstein wedding joey michelle knight son picture brown surname jamaica. Mr. Nameless admitted that he did not want to slow down to get a good look. Listen Live . This special character in Cajun folklore got his name from a version of the French word for werewolf, loupgarou. The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover. Stories of werewolves and hideous creatures from hell have their roots in human behaviors that are seen as beastly and satanic. The Rougarou has a varied history, though all variations seem to trace it back to the French. I want more! These loup-garous became a fear for many people in the country, leading to them earning their place in legends passed down to children. As the rougarou lunges forward he defends himself and cuts its arm, thus releasing the curse from that person and putting it onto [himself].. I need to do some more research on those spirits! There was a significant belief in the beast by the populace that people were put on trial and found guilty of being the fabled beast. Deep within the swamps of south Louisiana, legend has it, there lives the Rougarou a legendary werewolf sort creature with sharp claws and glowing eyes. Kliebert tried to communicate with the giant, asking who are you? Louisiana has the most unique culture Ive discovered in the US and thats saying something being a native of Appalachia. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Get monthly email updates and the chance to win a prize. Watch Live . 22.4K subscribers 36K views 6 years ago #bigfoot #paranormal Make sure you check out this video!. This unique festival is a great way to celebrate the folklore of the Southern Louisiana swamps, as well as celebrate the unique environmental heritage there. Tell your version of this mythical creature in Louisiana in the comments below! He sees it as an example of the way cryptids evolve alongside the cultures that created them. When I asked Mr. Nameless if the creature was covered in hair he told me that he could not make out any detail other than the figure was large, and almost black. DATE. We love meat too, but come on. For the sake of anonymity this family friend will remain nameless, so I will refer to him as Mr. Nameless. Louisiana has a Nightmare on Bourbon Street situation going on that some arent aware of. Driving west on Airline Hwy. The neighbor, who was unaware of the husbands sighting, stated that while walking with his dog in the woods, his dog got spooked and ran back toward their house. When travelling down the interstate or the backroads in Louisiana, youll see lots of beautiful scenery. Their full transformation into their Rougarou form would be completed once they had their first bite of human flesh. To kill some time before his date, Mr. Nameless decided to take an evening cruise down Peavine Road to the lake. Another telling of the story says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. If you dont have the stomach to fight the beast, you can protect yourself through other means. ", This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. For Foret and many other Cajun residents in the area, the real possibility that climate change will eventually force them from their homes is particularly upsetting. The rougarou, the Cajun cryptid said to haunt Louisiana's wetlands, is the mascot of a conservation effort for its traditional habitat. Oh wow that sounds like an interested read, Bill! I realized that parts of our folklore and our oral traditions were getting lost, he says. Louisiana is a lovely place to visit. The officer that reported this sighting stated he and his partner did not discuss this much past that night. The sounds grew faint as the creature traveled deeper into the woods until they faded completely. But as someone who lives in Louisiana and knows many Catholics who break Lent, I'm not so sure about this myth's validity. Even today he refuses to let anyone see it.". However, according to other accounts, there is no escape from the curse. The two young women decided they would go to the car together. Required fields are marked *. We use cookies to provide you with the best possible browsing experience. Were not afraid. This version varies from being a Bigfoot legend to resembling something more like a wendigo. The Rougarou at Cedar Point is one example of many as to how popular the folklore surrounding the beast truly is. It was also preached that French Catholics that broke the Lent seven years in a row would be hunted down and killed by the beast. Just hope this Louisiana monster doesnt get hold of you. Every year in October, there is a festival held in downtown Houma called the Rougarou Fest. When they reached the paved section of the driveway, PB noticed a dead 90 lb male Bobcat laying along the edge. The next day Mr. Nameless, his older brother, and a mutual friend went ride back out to Peavine. Your email address will not be published. The name changed to rougarou in Cajun Louisiana because l and r are linguistically liquid consonants and they change places a lot, says Barry Jean Ancelet, a Cajun folklorist and professor emeritus with the University of Lafayette. The only way to arrive at the truth is to keep your mind open to weirdness. Some sources claim the myth originated in medieval France, when belief in werewolves would have been far more prevalent. The Husband also described the creature as being dark in color and large. Full report can be found on In a new subdivision that was still being developed named Sheryls Meadows, a 12 year old riding their mini-bike along with their cousin saw a lumbering creature approximately 500 yards away. He hides in tall grass near Grunch Road in New Orleans, LA, waiting to prey on teens who park there. Subscribe to the Pelican State of Mind blog by providing your email below! Despite your personal beliefs in the supernatural, these legends abound and continue to be told in the cajun lands to this day. The student waited 5 more minutes to see if the sounds would return but the encounter was over. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with There are many people in Louisiana who practice magic and wish curses upon us. Today, theyre suave and sexy, thanks in part to pop culture hits such as Interview with the Vampire, Twilight, and True Blood. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. In this version, the Rougarou would live life as a normal person until some event occurred that triggered their condition. The Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them, and be unable to count them all. Have you been told a different story about the Rougarou? The three adult men surveyed the area from the inside of the truck. If you thought voodoo was a thing of the past, think again! In this version of the tale, a large white dog followed a young boy home, annoying him throughout the walk. The seminary student continued to stand still to observe further when the creature started to pace back in fourth just out of sight, beyond the tree line, all why still producing the strange whimpers. As the dying man takes his last breath, he has to remind his killer not to mention the incident to anyone--or else they will end up with the same fate, turned into the Rougarou. There was also a story that was told to kids that if they didnt do what their parents asked, a loup-garou would come and steal them away in the middle of the night. Rougarou announce 2023 TCL schedule. Lover of writing, learning and teaching others about new things. Let us know! He told me how past the railroad track, near the lake they had some deer in a fenced in area. These monsters are said to roam the cities, swamps, and scary places of Louisiana in search of their next victims, and its to your benefit to stay educated if you want any hope of survival. Ruston doesnt have a swamp, but if it did. At the time of the encounter the officer had no working knowledge of Bigfoot or sasquatch, but having a degree in anthropology left no doubt in the officers mind what he saw was most defiantly not a large, naked, human being. Stumbling upon the LObservateur article reignited my borderline obsessive interest in these types of creature sightings. After years of inbreeding, their appearance became less and less human-like, resulting in what people now call The Grunch. According to reports, this Louisiana monster looks human, except for his sharp teeth, goat legs, and many abnormalities. In France during the 16th century, they used to blame various crimes that were committed throughout the villages on the Loup-Garou. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Screaming Bigfoot Shot by Hunter in Central Indian 8 Ft 'Upright Canine' Pair Observed on Beauregard Was it 'Mothman?' Thats no werewolf, though. At this point, you are probably wondering just how the legend began. This is why I always read terms and conditions. The next day the man found the two Dobermans decapitated. Considering how many hunters love senselessly killing wild boars, we really cant blame the swamp monster. The student claimed it was the exact same sounds they heard during their encounter. The Rougarou of the Bayou Louisiana is a fascinating place whose history is rich with legends from long ago. mystery of Marie Laveau, Louisianas Voodoo Queen, Jean Lafitte: Mystery of the Unfound Treasure, History of the Louisiana Snowball and Its Flavors, Heres Where You Can Get Income-Based Assistance in Louisiana. Between worlds using magical doors out to Peavine the railroad track, near lake... Louisiana 's wetlands, is the mascot of a child reincarnated as a way to obedience. 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