I would continue my sponsorship until he ages out. However, what Josiane has said in her letter does not align with the information we have in her child profile. It was clearly written. That is much too much salary for a non profit Christian outreach. In the countries we work in, many children, even at the age of 12 arent able to write their own letters yet. 2023 Compassion International. We never want this to become a burden to anyone but rather a joyful opportunity to give to those in need. I can see a few different letters in the system that we are working to process for you as fast as we can. At 22? She responds to my questions, she draws me pictures, and I am consistently recieving updates, not only on her & her family, but her school as well. On a last note, youre finances are actually a bit misleading. Im so sorry that we made you feel uncomfortable with this. Dee, again, thank you so much for your support. I plan on gifting my child and family till the program completion . The world spirit in ways compassion international fake letters sponsorship alone can not send, you ' re finances actually. My handwriting was terrible at first but then as the years progressed, my penmanship improved. I want to believe this organization is on the up and up, but its hard. We are so sorry to hear that you did have some hesitations about Compassion and we were not able to help you through that, which ultimately led you to cancelling. What a blessing that you want to partner with Compassion and sponsor a child in a country you are able to visit! In one letter the writer refers to the child as SHE and in the other letter as HE. For those that are thinking of dropping the sponsorship please, please reconsider and dont drop it. However, for your monthly donations (the $38 you send for your child), 80-85% goes towards programs that directly benefit your child. This meansthey may haveforgotten questions that were asked in a previous letter or details you may have shared with them. They are starting a goat business she said in my letter one day after i asked why they keep buying goats. How should I write to her? Erik, that is an incredible testimony. I didnt really know what to do so I just ignored it. You are not upto standard at all and failed the accurate testing as in:http://www.givewell.org/International/charities/Compassion-International It's also likely that his parents didn . I have not had any letters from either of my two sponsored children since their Christmas letters (and its now August) and they were writing me pretty frequently. In the beginning of my sponsorship, I too had some doubts, but my eyes have seen what Compassion does for these kids, and I am 100% convinced that they are real and striving to honor God is all they do. Rest assured weve received your letters and theyll get to your boy. About the website: In at least one instance, parental information remained unchanged three and four years after a parent had died. Charity Organizations Writing letters to your child in the Compassion program can bring them love, joy, encouragement and a sense of belonging. Like others who have commented here, it seems my letters to my girls are backing up or sitting in translation for a long time. All of the proof I could ever need is in the letters and photographs of my little girl, Ludis. I have a question that you may be able to answer. I noted my sponsorship had done precious little to raise either of them out of poverty. He should now be going on 13. The teachers, the kids, the families they are real. Will Compassion give us an address so we can locate this child and take gifts to him and his family? I wrote a letter to Compassion explaining I might not be able to continue because of medical expenses and such, but for now I would try to keep giving the 38.00 a month. We sincerely look forward to earning your trust and proving our hearts for serving our sponsors and children with excellence. Thank you so much for sponsoring your little girl! Im starting to think that this is a scam. This revised system altered Compassions overall 4 Star rating to a 3 Star rating. We want to be good stewards of the resources we have and although this is an awesome suggestion and may be possible in the future, we felt it was important for us to focus on upgrading our systems and enhancing the letter relationship with your children while continuing to pour into them holistically when they attend our projects. And maybe read this again when you grow older, as I am sure it will mean more to you then. Those arent really things that Compassion specializes in. I sincerely apologize that the photos you received were not the same child and that the letters were not personal. I just checked on your letter and it is still in the translation step but once its finished, youll be able to open it and view the letter in your My Account! And are rated higher from ministry watch. That's especially true for an organization that champions the . It looks like the last time you received a letter from him was April 2015. I was sponsored by a couple from the UK. Facilitating Global Growth As Compassion grew over six-plus decades, it quickly realized it was outpacing its processes and global technology. I find it unconscionable that you could communicate for ten years and not know of a disability if that is an important issue to you. I have cherished all my letters, drawings, prayers and every connection I have had with Iddi these past few years. This usually helps with the communication process. It is an honor and blessing to be used in the lives of these children. Spending Ratio: 1.009 vs. 0.957 Their questions would be more than answered!!!! My child just now turned 5. But theyre children!! I have in the past four years been led by the spirit of God to contact philippieans families ..I have directly helped with finances and economic development directly.. it took basically about 100 USD to feed and invest for family independence.. we managed to build a sari sari and increase the chicken (Monika) live stock start a baby or pig crip mating pigs and developing multiple pigs for consumption and sale.. we where able to bargain a share keep over a rice field.. also sent one of the adult women to college who will be graduating this year.. also one of the adult women was able to go out abroad to work and increase income and searched and gained work for the eldest boy.. clothes the family gave spiritual as well as materials to celebrate Christmases and birthdays.. the family after 4 years is flourishing in their own at this point in the leyete area burgs..behat will you do to help create family financial independents with my donations.. also is this a spiritual ministry or a Catholic organization.. signed interested to help. I dont like the idea of speaking with someone on the phone n them telling me that if I send more than the recommended amount that it will still go to my child at Christmas, but I read on a paper that it will be devided among others. I have relatives who are missionaries in Peru. I found this odd because I every time I send a letter, I send pictures along with it. No kid should go without. but his birthday was different. I started sponsoring my precious little girl in 2020. Their ratio of donated $ to direct child support has as little overhead as possible. Thats embarrassing. Our children are required to write to their sponsors twice per year, whether they are receiving letters back or not. We want you to feel confident in your sponsorship. It only covers some of the childs expenses. I can only hope they are well and that they are truly getting the letters I am writing and the gifts I am sending them, but this is hard to know as well because the letters I write online are in translation for so long. Please let me know if you did not receive that email or if you have any other questions at this time. The only possible reason would be to make the organization look more realistic. Please know that we do regularly ask outside, non-biased watchdog organizations, such as Charity Navigators, to research us. We have a 3rd child graduating from a university in Rwanda this June and will be attending the celebration. Thirdly, we have friends who are living as missionaries in Africa. As you requested, I have adjusted your mail preferences so that you will only receive messages related to your sponsored child. On the Compassion web site, you can type letters to your sponsored kids and upload photos. Before you cauncel your sponsorship which is already at graduation level (you have completed your sponsorship with the child and she is supposed to leave the program at 22 years), get to know the whole truth about your child. I will be searching for another charity. My child was in the 4th grade 5 years ago. These children also communicate verbally;letter writing tends to be a foreign concept to most of them. The child in Mexico was being raised by an uncle, but gave me the names of his father, his mother, and a photograph of his sister, and told me about trips he went on from time to time. Two more will be out of the program in June, 2017. I understand that it can become discouraging to receive similar letters repeatedly. Thank you all I loved reading all your stories, God bless all of you and especially the childrenJesus loves them all. These are great questions, I am happy to clarify this for you. Did you receive these Christmas letters from Kayivi and Inoussa in February? Our records do indicate that your boy is living with his mother but its possible that she went away for work and so he is staying with his grandmother or that his situation has changed and he is there permanently. I had one child who never said much of anything. And Psalms 1:27 There are only 6 verses in Psalms 1. I completely understand your eager desire to hear from her, and I can imagine its been extremely difficult to go through this pandemic without any letters. i speak in tongues with perfect prayers for you all in the name of Jesus Christ AMEN, I enjoy Compassion magazine and its importance She caught my eye because I had recently read a book Behind the Beautiful Forevers about people who live around a sewage lake in Mumbai. There have been multiple accounting problems with this charity. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and for your patience as we work to resolve this situation for you so that you can continue building a relationship with Mesfin and better know how to talk to him in your letters. Compassion gets 3 stars overall on financials: 4-stars on Asset Utilization Efficiency I feel that until I see Compassion International take this step, I will hold my giving as it is. Hi Mandy! Please know that we care deeply for the children in our program and are grateful for the time and resources youve chosen to pour into helping release Lenilson from poverty and encourage him in his potential in Christ. Compassion International is the world's leading authority in holistic child development through sponsorship. Chris mentioned that in a blog post last week, How is My Money Used Each Month?. I saw how my monthly support offered so much to my sponsor child. Please be encouraged that in the next couple of years, when we roll out our new software and processes, we are looking to give sponsors more opportunities to connect with their children that are quicker and improved! If you have any questions please email our team at [emailprotected] and we will be happy to help! Simple math, more sponsors = more children let into the program. Total Revenue $1.1B. I havent gotten a Letterrible or picture from my sponsors child nor I have seen an update. I am beginning to really wonder if it is all keeping some people in lovely homes in Colorado and paying for recreational activities. But you dont know that. I asked how long until I heard back from the inquiry and she said, someone will contact you as soon as we hear something. That was before I went to Peru and discovered first hand that Compassion is as honest as they say they arealthough by that time, concerns for that was out the window with me. Based on the letters I had received you would think that the girl I was sponsoring would have at least mentioned the gift if not just a thank you. Ive contacted CI via email and phone but didnt get a satisfying enough answer. I sent money for her a Christmas present in 2013, money for her birthday for April 1, 2014, and a graduation check for $200, plus a good-bye letter, and never received any acknowledgements for these. I know you gave that gift from the heart hoping to be a blessing to her entire family and felt as though Compassion did not listen to your request. The poor are, check out Charity Navigators review of Compassion. Majority of these peoples in these places do not see anyone get into their cars and go to work every day, they may see a neighborhood aquaintance in their community get into a little make shift wooden buggy with an old field horse to carry them around a neighborhood to sell vegetables because they were lucky enough to have ground in their possession to grow them, and go around every day hoping to sell a little for their own food and maybe their rent-IF they were that upper class!! As far as the letters, we see personal pronouns often mixed up by our translators. We love you always, Elisa (your sponsor mom) Become a Child Sponsor! In April, we rolled out new software, similar to what you had mentioned, to translate and deliver letters faster than ever before. Regrettably, we cant make things better if we dont know there is a problem. Sometimes they are vague and sometimes they are very informative. Originally voiced by singer Mary Costa, Aurora is the only child of King Stefan and Queen Leah.An evil fairy named Maleficent seeks revenge for not being invited to Aurora's christening and curses the newborn princess . Trying to invade these families with video chats etc would be very STRANGE on so many levels!!! Share Advanced. Now Im off to prepare a new birthday letter with his correct age to celebrate his new double digit number. Your second letter is still being translated as a result of these kinks in the new system, but I can tell you that your letter is on its way to Juliano. Management & General $80M. Compassions bias to fund child development over maintaining a large asset balance impacted our rating. Does Compassion Meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals? I am deeply sorry for the time it is taking to place Lilibeth on your account. There is a backlog of letters in the countries that we are working to get translated and delivered to both the children and the sponsors. Rachel, Im happy to address your concerns for you as well as address the concerns you mentioned of Sarahs (sorry if there were a few I missed!). Our statement on stewardship says the following: The ministry of Compassion belongs to the children, our Implementing Church Partners, our sponsors and donors, our Implementing Church Partners and ultimately to God. The Compassion kids we visited would always bring out their sponsor letters. The website of Compassion is much improved these days, which allows us to easier communicate with the children from time to time, by writing them letters. I asked for someone to call me so that I knew human was handling my issue..He stated that my child was a she when the child is a He. I didnt mind sponsoring a child, but hated having to write letters. Its frustrating. And thats okay. I wasnt convinced I was hearing from the children I sponsored. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share it. This is disheartening. Was this for Christina or Adele? Thank you for verifying that there is no pronoun for he or she in the Philippines. Yes, the time frame is typically around forty-five days but we will let you know just as soon as we hear back. Glad to read the comment below that at least tells me 6-8 weeks. Does the tutor need a tutor? Without them we could not help the children. Letters are still taking up to two or three months to be processed and delivered, but they will bring such encouragement to your childrens lives when they do arrive. We want to ensure you feel strong in your faith with us so that you can continue sponsoring. Thanks for asking such a great question! It is just not priority in these culture and in fact, hear me, is foreign!!!!!! Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. Look at their facilities, nothing wrong with a nice work place but it is obvious they put themselves in front of the children they claim to help. As for repeated details, Im sure I repeat things too. He will receive any gift that you send him. Since 2016, we are your trusted source for Emotional Support Animal and Psychiatric Service Dog letters of recommendation. In April 2016, Charity Navigator informed us that we had once again achieved their 4 Star rating based on the 2015 990 forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service as well as transparency and accountability provisions in place at Compassion. I get a letter that says a gift was purchased for Susi and the rest of the money was put into a fund to buy gifts for other children. I expect an explanation soon or Ill be cancelling. However, releasing children from poverty is the core of what we do and this is why we aim to be the best stewards of your generosity. We certainly understand that when you give to a charity like Compassion, you expect transparency and honesty about finances. God bless you! As for Givewell, this is a relatively new organization started in 2007 by two 25-year old hedge fund managers. You can visit our website at https://www.compassion.com/about/financial.htm and view our tax documents that lists the specific information on our Upper management and Board of Directors salaries. He went on and on excitingly about all the miracles God delivers through that center and does for the children. I do apologize for that! Or the executive who uses their frequent flier miles compliments of the folks who sponsor children to buy air line tickets for friends and family. After dinner and an hour of talking, I discovered Samuel was a nurse for a Compassion center right there in Nakuru. Thank you so much for your interest in sponsoring a child with Compassion! If you have specific questions for him, I encourage you to continue asking them :). They are excessive. My concern is how are my funds helping him if he cannot attend the Centre? Beg you to stay? Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Some children will copy the questions or suggestions from the board, which is why the letters can seem generic. I am definitely disheartened that the CEO salary of an organization that aims to fight poverty in Jesus name got $419,184 in 2019 and his salary increases significantly each year. Your letters and cards will make a major difference in her life! The only exception to this is our Christmas fund. I see that you emailed us and contacted a representative yesterday after posting this comment. A monetary gift takes about 2 months to be received by the child. Heres my question: Weve been sponsoring a child in India for over a year now. She retrieved their birth documents and when I made cakes for them for their birthdays she thought it was a very strange custom lol. Thank you so much for your patience and grace with us through this transition process. 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