Daniel then joins the group on their mission to help people to honor Ofelia's memory. Daniel's younger self in the flashbacks in ", Daniel currently possesses the highest direct kill count on, Additionally he possesses the highest pre-apocalypse kill count with a total of 96 victims in his service of the. He asks for space. At night, Daniel and the rest of the group reunite in their camp to dine together. Daniel runs outside with Ofelia. After a walker is killed by one of Daniel's traps, he confronts Strand at gunpoint with Strand immediately trying to talk Daniel out of shooting him given their last encounter. Daniel has several flashbacks of searching with Strand, but he remembers that while Ofelia was sick, Strand never reunited them and they never found her because Strand kept lying to him. When the Abigail is attacked by remnants of the Mexican Navy, he stabs several of the attackers in the head to prevent reanimation, but when he comes to Luis, he is startled when the dying man gives him a pendant with symbols on it that Daniel seems to recognize. Daniel listens into Luis and Strand's plan on how to get across the border and advises Madison to let Nick and Chris help fight Connor's group, urging her to stop treating them like children. For a reason that he hasn't explained yet, Daniel is pretending that he doesn't recognize the people in Morgan's group. The group debates their next move. Lola elects they will deal with them later. It's October 12 according to a calendar. When a life raft of survivors is spotted at sea, he takes his double barreled shotgun and keeps it at the ready as a safety precaution, he remains quiet on whether to bring the survivors onto the boat. In her office, Lola finally agrees to bargain. Daniel stops the truck and tells Charlie to drive the truck back to Strand to give him the instruments while he deals with the walkers. She leaves as he leads them away. Daniel mockingly tells the Ranger that this is happening to him because you always handcuff a person in the back, not the front like the man had done with Daniel. Daniel sits in a jail cell and performs a cognitive test. Hair People are heard chanting at the dam as they approach. Daniel, Madison and Strand are the only Season 1 characters confirmed to be alive. Daniel is in Fort San Vicente with the rest of Morgan's Group that were rescued when Sarah finally wakes up. She is infuriated. Daniel doubts Strand's story, causing Strand to lash out, and tells Daniel to kill him now if he wants to. Daniel stabs J.C.'s hand with a fork, prompting J.C. to pull his gun. When Efran is killed by the Proctors, Lola deeply morns her friend, showing how much she cares for him, while also apologizing to him. Former Chief Security Officer for the Gonzalez Dam, The casting call for this character used the name, Daniel was described as "60s. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. Efran admonishes Daniel for shooting at the crowd. Daniel's past activities in El Salvador are brought up, and he claims that he did what was necessary to survive and that he kept Ofelia in the dark to protect her. Lola Guerrero "The ceiling was collapsing. Strand aims his gun while Daniel orders he hand over the gun. Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Strand insists Lola has it taken care of. Charlie means something to Daniel and she's sick with not much time left. A few years later, Daniel reunites with Victor Strand and, although cautious at first, eventually helps him rescue the rest of his group. As of Ofelia's death, Daniel is the last surviving member of. Later on, Daniel is suspicious when the servants working for Celia confiscate the group's weapons. J.C., Dante's head of security, questions Lola's decision to hire Daniel as a new janitor. Lucy radios Morgan and says they found the weapons. As he prepares to swing a hammer at Efrain, Lola runs over and stops him, outing herself as Efran's accomplice. Morgan instructs Daniel to oversee Valley Town until he returns. Daniel steals his gun and shoots him, quickly tossing him over the edge. Lola wants to continue providing water to the people but Daniel wants to be more careful. When a riot erupts after the people of Los Angeles think the police are randomly killing people, unaware of how the emerging infection spreads and affects people, Travis Manawa, Liza Ortiz, and their son Chris, enter a shop. Daniel plays music over the radio as a storm approaches. They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot. But when she leaves, Daniel tells Madison that he is going to torture him instead as he believes the army will not exchange and ignores her suggestion for a peaceful method. However, he can now, having made peace with her loss finally. He regrets lying to his daughter but Efran insists it was the best thing to do. This means she doesn't know as much about her parents background before moving from El Salvador. Back at his warehouse, he puts away the rations, tears off a day from his calendar, and cooks dinner with Skidmark. Daniel finds Lola trying to fix the levers. Still, Nick insists Troy would never destroy the Ranch. In the letter, Daniel explains that he found the jumper inside one of the Pioneers' vehicles. After Daniel keeps insisting that Ofelia is alive and in the Tower, threatening Strand's life, Strand claims that she's on the top floor and that they just need Daniel to help them get to her. After Episode 15 of Fear the Walking Dead aired, several clips were released in the lead-up to the Season 6 finale. Dakota recalls Virginia saying that the enemy was laying low. Lola is next up to be executed, but Daniel has a different plan. Daniel distracts J.C. from the fountain by directing him to Efran's hideout. Daniel makes it to the life raft and they make it back to the Abigail. While he doesn't physically appear, Daniel appears in a flashback as a hallucination to Ofelia while she is nearly passed out, insisting she stay awake. There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. After a moment, Strand admits that Ofelia isn't on the top floor and that he'd only told him that because he knew that it was the only way that Daniel would help him. On the edge of the dam, Strand is joined by Daniel while watching people load the water truck. He starts breaking in from the back as the walkers become interested with Skidmark. During this time, he met his wife Griselda, who was hardened by the war as he was, and helped keep him stable after the horrors of what he did. Efran and Daniel eat dinner at Efran's hideout. Strand stands his gun while Daniel orders he hand over the gun. As a result, Daniel doesn't grab the wrong drugs and Nick is able to find Ofelia needs for him. "No, she wouldn't, but she's dead," Daniel said. Daniel claims either Nick or Troy had to lead the herd to the Ranch. This article is about the Fear character. Daniel tells his interrogator that he wanted Valley Town to be a community where Grace's baby could grow up. Then another walker approaches and trips the runway lights. Alicia explains that Luciana had lied to Daniel that Ofelia is in the Tower, but Strand already knows because Wes had told him. Daniel is disgusted by Strand's lies, but Strand insists that he's just trying to save the closest thing to a daughter that he has left which he believes is something that Daniel can understand. In the headquarters of the dam, Lola and Daniel debate plans for preparing for attacks. Daniel tells his interrogator that he was glad to see everyone together. When the two reunite once more, Daniel appears to despise Victor, refusing to give him the plane that he needs in order to help Alicia, Al, and the rest of the group, as he believes every time Victor helps people, it only makes things worse. The following day, still suspicious of Strand, he begins searching the captains room of the boat, eventually finding a sealed compartment. J.C. orders Daniel to stand and sticks his finger in Daniel's food. Travis suggests to go to another hospital, but Daniel declines and asks him to go to his house, as the other hospitals would most likely be overrun also. Daniel elected to remain on the boat with his daughter once the boat docked, still suspicious of Strands intentions. Daniel insists that he will go with Griselda, to which Bethany readily agrees. Daniel and Alicia are not shown interacting much, but it can be assumed that they have a stable relationship. "I woke up in a fire," Daniel said, which is where he heard Ofelia calling for him. You will rot here, like the dead, Ofelia is dead. Suddenly, they spot Luciana among Virginia's people so Daniel radios the group to abandon the plan while Strand goes to talk to Virginia. Sometime later, the group finds a billboard for the Gulch. Daniel and Strand arrive at the hotel only to find the entrance abandoned. The tape concludes with everyone pleading with future survivors to help others. Charlie offers a suggestion on how to avoid the trap based on her own experiences and Daniel explains that the man he inherited the warehouse from set the trap and agrees to her plan. After meeting Dante and hearing his accent, Dante realizes that Daniel is from El Salvador. Alicia tries to remind Daniel that Ofelia is dead and that Strand had helped Daniel search for her in Mexico but Ofelia got sick and they didn't get there in time. Daniel agrees to let Chris stand outside Reed's door, explaining to Ofelia that its better than leaving Chris alone to think dark thoughts. He hears Griselda's voice. Liza says that everything that could be done was and that she is sorry. He says he will, but they're bringing a herd of walkers with them. This is probably because Liza was always a great help to his family in terms of medical care. Shortly thereafter, the group returns to the parking space where they left the three cars. Alicia, Chris and Alex help Daniel fight off the herd, but are quickly getting cornered. "Sleigh Ride" However, Luciana sending Daniel into the Tower causes him to finally accept the truth and snap out of it. Daniel walks away singing "down with the water queen" in Spanish. Three weeks after the Abigail farm was abandoned, while Strand sits in a cell imprisoned by Dante Esquivel, someone brings him a canteen of water. Status: on hiatus. Daniel eventually attacks him and they fight for the gun. Daniel tells Lola that he led J.C. to Efran's hideout because J.C. was about to discover the fountain. The only thing he can offer Efran is a proper haircut. Daniel refuses to help anyone until he sees Ofelia and demands to know where she is. He says that she should pack up and come along. Daniel, June, Luciana, and Wes arrive at the dam on horses. Daniel calls Strand and Madison over so the crew can fix the fence. Following directions from Al's tape, Strand locates Daniel's warehouse. Dante and J.C. take Efran, Lola, Strand and Pablito to the dam catwalk for execution. That night, the group gets separated and driven away. Strand finally admits that she left the hotel while he was still there. He still appears to be suffering from his psychological issues, but Luciana promises Daniel that they will continue to work on it. Later, Victor betrays Daniel and the dam to the Proctors and shoots him in under the chin, and the bullet passes through his right cheek. Efran delivers water to a family. Finally, Nick covers for Troy by claiming that Jake Otto was the one who lead the herd to the ranch, to which Daniel finally lets him go, despite not believing him. In the old world, Lola Guerrero worked for the water utility Poragua, responsible for water treatment in the Gonzalez Dam outside of Tijuana and water distribution throughout the city and its environs. That night, Strand makes contact with Luciana and informs her that the man with the plane is going to help them, but the radio feed cuts out. Daniel, who has fallen asleep under the car, awakens to the sound of a growling Infected next to the car. She became the Chief Water Utility Officer of the local Gonzalez Dam in her adulthood, and was responsible for treating and distributing the water.[1]. Fear The Walking Dead season 8 will premiere on AMC and AMC+ in 2023. As of writing, it seems that early 2023 is the most likely possibility just because there are a lot of TWD spinoffs set to . Sherry calls it an inside job. Series Lifespan Daniel yells out for water. Daniel vows to look after Charlie for the little time that she has left, even refusing to leave her side to help Strand and Alicia retake the Tower from Wes' forces. Alicia tells Strand that she didn't ask Daniel to come and Daniel demands to see Ofelia. Ofelia may be gone, but it's not as if Daniel has nothing left. After Victor saves his life from a herd, Daniel appears to finally forgive him and tells Victor he's no longer going to shoot him in the face. Daniel is shown to take a liking to Chris during his stay at the Clark home, teaching him about guns and how different ammo so he will be prepared to use one if he has to. Lola elects they will deal with them later. When Ofelia resists and tries to calm him down, he becomes agitated and more insistent. She climbs up the ladder and leaves. They seem to have a poor relationship. In a flashback, young Daniel looks at the pool of dead bodies and notices one of the men is still alive. On the day after Ofelia's death, Daniel seems to have mostly forgiven Madison. After Adams shoots Ofelia, however, it can be assumed that Daniel detests him and was not opposed to Travis's assault of him. He escaped the 80's civil war and moved to Los Angeles with his wife. Daniel and Strand sit in Strands car as a herd crosses the road ahead. If they see the water flow from the fountain they will know that it was Lola's doing. In the present, Daniel sits in the cell. Suddenly, Charlie calls out for June to run over and help Grace, who has passed out. The angry mob hits Lola on the head, and Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. Among them was one that showed Daniel talking about a voice he heard on the . The man search the place, guns drawn. Madison suggests they make the first trade in five days at the trading post in Mexicali. "The first victim was you," Griselda tells Daniel. Daniel later walks casually towards the command post and seeks the sentinels' attention. However, Luciana soon after manipulates him, telling Daniel that Ofelia is in Strand's Tower because they need his help to take down Strand even though Daniel warns her that it could break him for good if she's wrong. It's revealed that his interrogator is June, and she is asking questions as part of a psychological evaluation. He hid from her the truth of his past life, and dealt with the trauma privately with his wife's support. Due to their native language being Spanish, the two often use it to converse with each other. Strand insists that he's only finishing what Luciana started and he's willing to continue the manipulation of Daniel if it's what keep the Tower standing. Nick asks if torture is what Ofelia would want. At night, Daniel and Grace teach Charlie how to play guitar. He left his country after the war with his wife and emigrated to Los Angeles where he came to own and operate a barbershop called "Salazar's Cuts". Later on, Celia brings food to Daniel, who is tied up in a storage room, and urges him to seek forgiveness from his Dead. She suggests they hole up in a place nearby in the meantime. He thanked her for her help. Walkers claw at the gate to Valley Town and reach the tunnel entrance. Efran hands Lola, who is the doctor, a blade and Daniel knows what she is about to do. Genre (s): Drama, Science Fiction. He sees Victor Strand getting tackled at the gate, watching with a smirk, and seeing Dante approach. Charlie then hugs him and Daniel explains that he has finally been able to make peace with the loss of Ofelia. Daniel isn't surprised. He has good news and bad news. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Morgan asks if Strand really plans to keep Daniel safe after Daniel put a gun to his face. Daniel insists they are going to find Efran and Lola and kill them. "Down with the water queen!" Daniel catches a eel and explains that they will have it for dinner Travis later walks over to Daniel and asks what him and Chris talked about. When Reed turns after death. He owns and operates a barber shop. Suddenly, a woman contacts Morgan on the radio, asking if that was his plane flying overhead. Strand leads the walkers towards him, turns on the propellers, and watches as the walkers kill themselves until the plane engines stop. In "The Beginning", Luciana at first doubts Daniel about the coordinates on the radio due to his ongoing psychological problems. Lola insists she has had enough trouble trying to trade with other communities. Luciana asks Riley if Rollie was really a traitor, and the latter confirms, stating that Rollie lost his fate when he saw them turn on each other at the dam. Nothing puts a family to the test like a zombie apocalypse. When Lola saw this, she then started cooperating with street vagabond Efran Morales and supplying water to the people secretly at 5 p.m. on every Tuesday. Daniel shows concern when Griselda is taken away by the National Guard, as he remarks that people who go on trucks "don't come back". There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. In the woods, Strand tells Daniel they should consider joining Virginia, but Daniel reminds him she's not giving them a choice and that's all they need to know. Daniel attempts to shoot at the mob, but Efran orders him to stop. Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC. That night, Daniel hears Skidmark meowing at a hiding Charlie, send by Strand to steal his plane, and investigates. "Don't force me," Daniel says before standing up and taking his coat off. Daniel is not intimidated and again orders him to drive him to the hotel. Lola nevertheless lashes out at him for betraying Efran. "I'm immortal.". Efran insists this is not what is weighing on him. Claiming that he can help Daniel now, Strand leads Daniel to Charlie, claiming that she's Ofelia. He also got his hands on a huge cache of supplies and equipment that Daniel "inherited" from its previous owner and set about disarming his various traps. He asks if Madison was with her when she died and if she said anything. Daniel then tells Dwight he wants to cut his hair, claiming it will make him look more presentable. Lola and Victor didn't interact very much while he stayed at the dam with Madison. After getting to the truck, they head to a nearby hospital but find that it is overrun with the infected, with the National Guard shooting the infected patients coming out of the hospital. Charlie recognizes it and the two begin to bond, teached by Grace and Daniel how to play guitar. He remains on his guard the entire time, continually observing goings on and the activities of the residents. Luciana is surprised Riley would divulge this information, but Rollie nonchalantly comments that it's easy to get a true believer to talk when you separate them from their leader. Death Episode Ofelia Salazar was a major character in the first, second, and third seasons. Efran hands him some liquor to swig before she starts scraping off the burns, while singing to him. A stray dog barks at the Infected, then runs away. Nick leaves and Daniel sits alone with his thoughts. Daniel rules she is the new leader of Gonzalez Dam and is the new "Dante" now. Thank you. Lola still doesn't believe the people would revolt against her until they see an angry mob approaching. When Luis mentions that they cannot cross the boarder without Strand, Daniel tells him they don't need him as Luis tells him back without Strand they're not going to Mexico. Daniel treats the wound that Reed sustained from the crowbar. They walk past the wreckage of the truck putting down infected. Strand and Sherry's groups hand their weapons to Daniel at the weapons depot. Daniel, Grace, Sarah, Luciana, June, and Wes were rounded up by the rangers and held in the Lawton town jail as bargaining chips for Virginia as she attempts to get her sister back. Rollie claims they found the location of the bunker where the cult is holding Alicia, so the group can take shelter there. Daniel's ( Rubn Blades) memory loss is guiding him to believe his daughter, Ofelia (Mercedes Mason), is still alive and because he'll do anything to find her, that's a real liability . Sometime after its destruction, Daniel managed to establish his own base in a warehouse and stockpile supplies from traps he inherited from the previous owner. Lola is down there, now. Reed and Travis return from the engine room and as Vida punches Madison. Much to Strand's surprise, Daniel accompanies Alicia inside with one of the Rangers informing Strand that Daniel had pushed through the barrier and almost broke Stern's neck. She promises to read more about his condition and return. Alicia asks Daniel if he's going to be ok and Daniel tells her that he will be there for Charlie at the end like he couldn't be for Ofelia. After being held at gunpoint and seeing Daniel get shot, she was able to walk away with Daniel to safety. In the frenzy, he is overwhelmed by their numbers, and is punched several times in the face and subdued. As they reach the island Daniel with his M9 beretta in hand tells everyone to remain in eye length with one an another. Daniel reveals to Luciana that Strand had tried to convince him that Charlie is Ofelia and continue what Luciana had started. Daniel insists it was Troy. Daniel's suspicion of Strand grows, as he orders him to drive through the herd. Sometime later, Daniel and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio. Daniel holsters his gun and brings them inside. Daniel tells Grace that Valley Town isn't safe. Her father is dead. Unknown Later on, they arrive at the gulch but see that it is completely overrun with walkers. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. Later, Daniel attends John and June's wedding in the chapel. "This is the price," he says in Spanish. While Strand is reviewing one of Althea's tapes for information on a second plane, the camera transitions to Daniel, who reveals his name to her. Daniel also finally cuts Dwights hair and beard, giving him a new look. Alicia goes downstairs and recognizes one of the men's voices as Jack from the radio she was talking to. With a smile, Daniel suggests that he still might not be, causing Sarah to laugh. Strand desperately explains people can change and gets Daniel to help him better tune the radio. Back at the dam, they rush inside. She insists that they will die fighting Virginia, but Alicia wants to fight back. Lola explains that municipal president Dante Esquivel took over the dam after Tijuana fell. At the last moment, however, Daniel is denied leave and the soldiers take Nicholas instead. He instructs her to hide out at a nearby fishing shack. 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