The descriptions in the adventure are pretty vivid and you might be tempted to gloss over some of them (especially if you havent read ahead in the full Curse of Strahd adventure.). PCs will recognize the children. The party is expected to take them at face value and enter the house as soon as possible. Its not exactly an adventure for new D&D players, but it often ends up being experienced that way thanks to Curse of Strahdbeingone of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons' premiereadventures. If you have fewer players, its easy enough to remove some of the enemies or lower how much HP each enemy has. The final confrontation in Death House is an odd one. It was amazing. Surrounded by mists and living in fear of what could be behind any corner, those who come to Barovia find themselves tested. So what purpose is there behind being a good person then? Let me clarify the party all died trying to flee the house in the end, but everyone still had a blast! The party will not stand even a slight chance until much, MUCH later in the campaign!). The smoke worked great as a way to keep them moving. Posted by Joab | Sep 11, 2021 | For Dungeon Masters | 9. 2023 Wizards. 25. Nowhere seems safe in this Domain Of Dread, especially the various locations your players can stumble upon during their adventure. Its almost as difficult and disturbing as the Old Bonegrinder in the same adventure! Thick tendrils of waste wriggle from it, reaching for nearby surfaces. For background the home is infused with the evil spirits of the cultists that once resided there. Here, the children seize full control over their hosts bodies. The Companion dives through every chapter of Curse of Strahd and incorporates Wyatt Trull's mithral-bestselling module, The Wedding at Ravenloft as the campaign's climax. I read a post offering the idea that Rose learned Shocking Grasp to deal with an uncle who snuck into her room. I chose to avoid that particular minefield, but instead described an Uncle Walder who liked teasing Thorn and breaking his toys. This kept them panicked, tense, and on their toes. Well look over those now. We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. She deserves more development, especially in a stripped-down Death House emphasizing the evil nature of the Dursts. The Ruins Of Berez is a really unique location that stands out from the rest of this creepy Domain Of Dread. They will be tempted by corrupting, evil, dark gifts that twist and mess with the characters. This video discusses the death house dungeon encounter disasters that you want to avoid in the curse of strahd adventure for dungeons & dragons 5e. There might be some who have managed to mostly keep out of trouble, but they are very few in these lands. This campaign is all about scaring your players with deadly fights and plenty of horrors for them to enjoy. All things considered, though, that might not be terribly long This is Barovia after all! Either way Count Strahd is satisfied, since playing with good or evil aligned subjects is entertaining for him all the same. Den of Wolves.- There are two cabinets that can be lock picked, one of them contains a heavy crossbow, a light crossbow and 20 bolts. Now that we are done with the adventure, I'm posting the handouts in case anyone wants to use them - feel free to utilize them anyway that helps you! If you already have level 3 players you can jump right into the action of Barovia's encounters. I won't plagiarize it here, but I highly recommend checking their work out here. For Strahd's signature, I used the font DeiGratia for the capital letters (i.e. NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: The Best Online Tools For DMs. Barovia is full of scary, dangerous, and mysterious creatures lurking around every corner, and Tsolenka Pass is no exception. If the party is reluctant, shine a little bit of gold their way. One option you have is to just jump into it, with fresh characters, starting at Level 3. 9. Free D&D Adventure: Fight as Dragons and Explore a Crystal Dragon's Lair! Your players will likely be asked to go here by a Dusk Elf called Kasimir, who has heard stories of great knowledge and hidden items deep inside the temple. Its the Durst Mansion or, if the kids are talking, our home. Nobodys going to eagerly go rushing into something called the Death House. Emphasize the sections of the house that reveal the eerie lore of the Dursts, and simplify all else. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Quality content, cartography, and adventures for fantasy games. Did you like this guide? Childrens Room .- The remains of Rose and Thorn are here. Monster design is good, but we have to re-skin the description a bit. Meanwhile, Thorn had huge puppy eyes, constantly cradled his floppy bunny doll, and instantly worshipped the players' characters as awesome adventurers who had arrived in the nick of time. Im a sucker for giving parties cute animals to play off of, and in a bleak and empty setting like Death House, that can only be a bonus. However, that feels a little ham-fisted. To get around this problem, turn Rose and Thorn into NPCs with big personalities that your players will want to help. Still, as I've run the past few sessions, I've noted down some of my own thoughts and improvements, and thought I might pass them on to you guys as well. Plus they do not have the Horrifying Visage ability. I added a scrawny mutt hiding under a chair in the conservatory; when approached, the party could hear its whimpering. introduction to the bleak and despair-filled land of Barovia. Luke also has a board game obsession, plays a bunch of D&D, and makes silly videos on YouTube. Darklords Shrine.- Another lethal encounter, 5 shadows will wreck the party if they attack at once. 2023 Elven Tower Cartography. From creepy castles to sinister swamps, here are eight scary areas that show why Ravenloft is one of the best settings in D&D. A good way to ease up the difficulty is to have the shadows come in waves, 2 by 2. How to Play Ravenloft in a Single Night. It helped pull the player into the story a lot more. Luke is a list writer for TheGamer, based in the UK. It was great. The most important is the silvered shortsword in 25E (page 218). Jeremy Blum (@PixelGrotto) is a journalist, gaming blogger, comic book aficionado, and fan of all forms of storytelling who rolled his first polyhedral dice while living in Hong Kong in 2017. Oh, Death House. If an entire army of Knights could not defeat Strahd, what hope does your party have? The best was when the team with Scooby, Velma, Shaggy and Fred ended up down stairs and came across a table covered in a Thanksgiving dinner and the turkey was a mimic. Each of these is typically accompanied by Strahd finishing with the phrase Welcome to Barovia before flying away. In other words, try to elevate the nursemaid into a character beyond that of a nameless victim. I'm hosting my second ever session tonight and my party will be heading into the dungeonhave I missed something? If they arent seizing the chance to be heroes, appeal to their love of coin and youll have all the hook you need. Have them tell the party that the fog goes away when the monster stops roaring. Ending the Cycle. If the PCs comply and a living being is killed off on the altar, the house is appeased and they will be able to leave peacefully and level up. As a new DM don't worry about getting things wrong. One of my PCs assumed that shed accidentally killed him with Shocking Grasp, but thankfully didnt bring it up. They also tried to find other houses in the fog, but quickly realized that they were being railroaded inside once the constitution/exhaustion checks started. Youll find little elements that serve to foreshadow events to come. However, there is enough information provided to add your own spins to the Death House. Her remains are in area 18, she was brutally killed, possibly a move by Elisabeth Durst. What is it? Consider also reducing the number of ghouls and/or shadows in the Dungeon Level. Awesome article! There, in the attic of the model, were 4 dolls: each depicting the various party members. In fact, the more good something is, the more it must be corrupted. If the PCs decide to take a long rest in the house, allow them to roll an Intelligence check to recall the relative safety of the Servants Quarters. Or an evil PC could finish off a severely hurt ally. Oooh this is actually really neat, love the little modifiers you added. Death House is that deadly. Well cover some of the changes that I make when Im running this dungeon for my groups later in this article. Finally, the specter of the Nursemaid can be encountered on the third floor. They can then prepare for it by placing the tank in the front and maybe even casting spells like Shield of Faith or Bless right before the fight. There is no escape, not without first defeating the seemingly unstoppable vampire Strahd Von Zarovich. They may come to Barovia expecting to be heroes, but the things that they will do and sacrifice for the sake of their own survival throughout the adventure will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Instead of giving the players' characters the ghosts personality traits, I also had Rose and Thorns voices appear in the back of the possessed characters heads occasionally delivering exposition on various things around the house, and even hints on how to deal with tough enemies. joining the sa forums will remove this big ad, the annoying underlined ads, and stupid interstitial ads!! They will sing to wake up Lorghoth the Decayer, a Shambling Mound hiding in the southernmost alcove. I provided their flaws through PM, and both had a blast roleplaying it. Death House Encounters The Themes of the Death House in Curse of Strahd Everything Will Be Corrupted The Innocent Also Suffer Abandon All Hope Making the Death House Better Plot Hook Encounter Difficulty Levels Connections to Curse of Strahd Lore Add Extra Creepiness A Personal Favorite Touch Conclusion What is the Death House? The PCs could hear her making gentle cooing sounds, and see her rocking the crib gently. You are correct about how death works in Curse of Strahd. All this can be achieved in 6-10 hours of playing. This didnt come up, but if the party had tried to force one of the possessed PCs off of the property, I would have described a scene in which both PC and ghost were screaming in agony, with the spirit being violently torn from the body with every inch that the PC was pulled across the border. Ritual Chambers.- Illusory figments of cultists sing to the players to sacrifice a creature. There are plenty of deadly combat encounters that can take place here, from giant spiders to undead revenants and phantom warriors. Suggestions to alleviate the deadliness. Far from the villages and towns of the valley, there is not much safety around this location. And they wont find something quite like that anytime soon. He is the Land." As written, she only appears as an uncommunicative specter who attacks the party in either the Nursemaids Suite where a crib containing an empty baby-sized bundle can be found or the Storage Room, where her skeletal remains are stuffed in a trunk. 31. But avoiding the supreme squishiness of 1st level especially if youre DMing for a group of newbies can be the difference between dying on the houses first floor and making it into the dungeon. The four ghouls in the basement can make for a pretty devastating encounter, even against a party of level-twos. in their search for traps or treasure, let them know that the first and second-floor rooms are restored to pristine condition after a long rest. This also triggered the wonderful One Must Die encounter. The Count's Crypt. Death House comes with a beautiful map, but for a quick Halloween game, its faster to avoid all of the deliberations that occur whenever players see a selection of rooms for them to explore. As written, the nursemaid is not only a lethal character who could potentially destroy a 1st- or 2nd-level adventurer with fewhit points with her Life Drain ability, but shes also a horror trope the cast aside, wronged woman who returns as a vengeful ghost. Oh, Death House. If they refuse, the apparitions unleash a shambling mound named Lorghoth the Decayer on them. There are 38 locations in the Death House. I am actually in the process of setting this up as a one-shot for some of my experienced gamer friends. Honestly, the story behind the adventure is incredibly grim and might be off-putting to some groups. As adventurers reach the top of the attic, they will find themselves in an aggressive place, they house is trying to kill them (page 220). And finally, credit must be given to me (Derek Ruiz) as the author, and a link to this web page must be included if it is shared or redistributed. They will close up on them leading them to the Village of Barovia. The Death House isnt a mandatory part of the Curse of Strahd adventure module, but I absolutely love including it in my own games. He's a postgraduate from Bournemouth University, having studied Scriptwriting. Perhaps she legitimately loved Gustav and hoped to free him from the cults influence. Once theyve explored the first, second, and third floors (plus the attic if they find how to get there! Your players will not leave this location quite the same as when they arrived. Each character rolls to pass through the scythes. Created by the house to lure in victims, the illusions drop vague hints about a monster in the basement and the sins of their parents. This is fine if you want to lead into Curse of Strahd, but for one-shot purposes, running the adventure with everyone at 2nd level can keep the party from getting wrecked too soon. They double back to the one unexplored section of this dungeon level and descend a long stone staircase into darkness. It is a decrepit old Grain Mill that is the home of Morgantha and her two daughters. Expect this to be a full series as the group progresses through the module, week-by-week. Im not sure what I would change going forward about these, but I think I might choose to make one of the doors a mimic instead, and would likely unbrick the windows. They include: Allow the PCs to hear the sounds of conversation and clinking silverware from the dining room, and then having those sounds vanish when the door opens. This probably explains why he loves story-driven games so much. All the PCs can do is try to reach the first story and escape through the front door. If your players find out that the kids are illusions then they wont be trying to help and will believe it is a trap (I mean its obviously a trap but still). I've spent the last three hours looking for ways to edit the pdf of another handout that says stillborn son but here this was! If you like what I do, consider getting involved and backing me. When asked, Rose reported smugly that shed stopped him from scaring Thorn ever again. The main Curse of Strahd module encompasses levels 3-10. This is a difficult fight too. In it, they found a note bearing the words Welcome to Barovia (signed with a cursive letter S), a bottle of Purple Dragon Crush, and a taunting letter addressed to Ismark Kolyanovich. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you havent played Curse of Strahd and plan to, Id recommend you check out a different article. The second encounter is with a broom of animated attack. You can have Rosavalda point that out, that they want to be where their parents are. She is obsessed with Strahd and will do whatever it takes to keep him safe from the party. Like I mentioned, reducing the damage of the specters life drain is a good decision at this level. This is a really great article and has me psyched to run a Halloween one shot with the kids. Would love to revisit Death House some day and not mistakenly murder my friends instantly. You want this to be fun, scary, and challenging. After meeting the illusions of two children, and learning there is a monster in the house, the characters are forced in by the choking mists. Help me get funding and enjoy hi resolution version of all my work. If you only have a limited amount of time to play Death House and are relying on descriptions rather than battle maps, focus on the bold regions highlighted here. You can find the Death House adventure here for free from Wizards of the Coast. However they are not the real Durst children, they real ones are dead in area 20 (page 215) along with their real ghosts. So today, were going to be taking a look at the Death House. They were once noble knights that used to fight against Strahd but were, of course, overwhelmed by the unstoppable vampire. Hey dude, where are letter 2 and 3 in death house? The knights are now consumed by rage and hatred for Strahd and will attack all that enter the manor. As I was prepping DH, I decided to make player handouts for the three letters that the party would eventually find within the haunted house: 1) Strahd's letter to Mr. Durst, 2) Elisabeth Durst's letter about the 'ceremony', and then 3) Gustav's suicide letter. The adventurers manage to put their spirits to rest and claim the room's loot. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Since I've warned you already about spoilers, I'll state it up front: to avoid the house turning against the PCs, a creature has to die at the sanctum in the basement. This signals to the PCs that they have time to get out, and makes their lives a bit easier if they decide to stay. There's a disappointing truth to Death Housethe prologue to Curse of Strahdand it's that it's alternative ending "The Cult is Denied" is just a dull series of rolls.Each character rolls against poisonous smoke. Not all of them need to be visited, your group might skip some parts of the house or the dungeon. There is lots of foreshadowing for the story to come. Looking over the dolls by the handful, each one showed an expression of pain and fear. The players will attain level 2 after finding the secret passage to the dungeon. However, youd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesnt put the gothic horror adventure, Curse of Strahd, at the top of their list. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Almost parallels Death house. Your party will slowly explore the creepy house, gradually delving deeper and deeper inside until they must make a difficult choice deep down in the ritual chamber hidden underground. The land is grim and desolate. Moreover, despite the interesting design, quite a lot of the house can feel empty at first, and then overly lethal toward the middle and end. Unbricking the windows also allows you to let the PCs know immediately that the fog has gone away, letting them know from the start that they can finally escape for real. By the end of the Death House, there are three themes that should be firmly established in the players minds. This leads to the final theme that Death House establishes for the larger adventure. Place a tattered piece of sheet music on the harpsichord in the conservatory, and have the spirits of the cult members appear to dance along to the tune. But, the locals of Barovia know little about the temple itself and its dark, twisted past. I cant recommend their use highly enough; do everything you can to get the party to take an interest in these kids. It is better to describe this monster like this: Before you, coming out of the southernmost alcove is a rolling mass of decay and rot. register a sa forums account here! 34. The link to MandyMods guide is above or right here: Lingering within this daunting abode is the remains of the Order Of The Silver Dragon. The children that the party encounters on the road (Rose and Thorn) are asking for help dealing with whatever entity is inside the house. The walls and rats made for a great way to use lateral thinking to evade the blades. This is better because you never say the monster name, avoiding metagame knowledge. You can really play on this unease to build up tension within the party, building it up until they are constantly on edge. Keeping level 1 characters alive is no small task, and "Death House" monsters have high armor classes and hit hard. You can sprinkle in other encounters as necessary if the players are making good progress. Death House will likely be the first location your players will visit. While frightening at first, it quickly loses its charm. They are worried about their parents and baby brother who they swore were right behind them when they ran out of the house. Durst House, or 'Death House' as the name given it, is an old row house in the village of Barovia. A sizable treasure for a level 1 party. Death House is a modern Dungeons & Dragons horror classic. Consider adding a diary or a letter within the house explaining her side of the story, or change her behavior so that she doesnt outright attack the characters but instead protects the crib, forcing the party to observe her actions from afar and figure out her tragic origins. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: Ideas For Running A One-Shot. Stress the wrongdoings of Gustav and Elisabeth Durst, and plant the seed of putting the souls of these poor children to rest by placing their remains in the family crypts. Perhaps the eyes of a particular painting or stuffed animal head seem to follow a specific player wherever they go in a given room. Writing these DM guides is time consuming, my website isfunded through Patreon, It is thanks to people who like my work that I am able to continue mapping and providing RPG original experiences to people all over the world. Yeah, adding the Dursts is a good idea. Castle Ravenloft is the home of Strahd Von Zarovich and is quite a terrifying location. 4. Once the party encounters Rose and Thorns ghosts in the Childrens Room, theyll no doubt remember the illusions that tricked them and demand some answers. Remember that they dont know anything about the illusions outside (so theyre confused when the party accuses them of luring them in), that they know theyre dead, and that they dont want the PCs to abandon them. They cannot be used commercially. Balcony.- The animated armor can be challenging if PCs dont react properly. Heading further up Mount Ghakis, it is also freezing cold at night. Each and every doll in the chest had a face painted on it, though. The most vital regions are bolded. It's all important, because it also teaches the players to pay attention to the environment. Where the Death House really stands out is its use of theme. At the very least, lower their hit points a bit. Your group might choose to fight it and risk death. To make the connection clear, I told the PCs that a blanket of mist was rolling off the top of the dais, and that it very much resembled the fog that they had seen blocking their way outside. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You will be sure to terrify your party with this location, especially when they hear that horrible shriek of that feathered fiend and have nowhere to run. Few of those presented in this adventure, however, compare to the infamous Death House. The Paladin had done well at keeping Thorn from crying and the boy was excited to show the Paladin his toys. Nothing will prepare your players for what lurks inside. I generally reduce her life drain to deal 1d6 necrotic damage if we didnt start the party at level 3. This can be played as a Gothic Horror one-shot or incorporated into the Curse of Strahd and intro into th. Im really loving the halloween content this year! Death House rebuilds itself if burned down. She and her daughters are, in fact, a coven of Night Hags. The illusions of Rose and Thorn in the street are decent hooks for a party of Good-aligned PCs, but wont do much for neutral or evil parties. Death House is a meat grinder meant to kill low-level players. Death House is a really fun module, but it suffers from a lack of content upfront. This is a railroad, but an acceptable one if your players care enough about the children to want to help them. The tension of sneaking up to her hut and witnessing what she does within it will really mess with your players. Running the Death House The main Curse of Strahd module encompasses levels 3-10. Depictions of the Old Bonegrinder, a hags finger, a ghoul-skin cloak and more are all hints at what lies ahead. Always remember: horror is a very personal thing. The adventure was unveiled in the February 2016 issue of Dragon+ as an example of the thrills that would come in the then-unreleased Curse of Strahd. Or jump from a balcony. Upon escaping to the outside, the house appears as if nothing ever happened. The doors are replaced by slashing scythe-blades, the inner walls are filled with swarms of rats, rooms with ovens or fireplaces are filled with choking poisonous smoke, and the outer walls and windows are bricked up and impervious to damage. Results will vary depending on your groups disposition and alignment. Your players will likely take Rose and Thorns request at face value, and using these encounters can cause them to realize that theyre in a ghost house too soon. Three of my players were able to get boosts up to the attic from the balcony outside of the master bedroom, but the fourth, a firbolg, was too big to make it up. Consider liking our Facebook page. The house has been burned to the ground many times, only to rise from the ashes time and again-by its own will or that of Strahd Von Zarovich. Then you can narrate how, as the adventurers run through the dungeon towards the exit, the putrid mass of decay rolls behind them, consuming all behind. What you get is impressive hi-def versions of my maps to be used in your RPG games (these have lower resolution), and the satisfaction of helping the rpg community grow bigger and stronger. Well, not entirely anyway. Shadowrun: Astral Ways (Sixth World Setting Book), Star Trek Adventures MISSION PDF 022 Eight Layers Deep, BattleTech: Recognition Guide: ilClan Vol. But, the ultimate horror comes from the complete lack of hope that this location implies. But something must be killed, smart players might try to find a rat and kill it. Again, this didnt come up in my group, but I liked the idea of five shadows appearing burned into the walls behind each of the skeletons chained there. The Death House is intended for a party of level 1 characters. Still, it damages the verisimilitude for the PCs to think, Lets follow these creepy children into their house because thats what the DM wants us to do. Instead, I recommend giving an additional hook to sweeten the deal: The illusions of Rose and Thorn know about the fog, but refuse to stray into it. Head seem to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in.! 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