To forestall this upcoming calamity some people would bow or take of their hats when a crow appeared around them. In Egypt, thereare multiple superstitions related to scissors in Egypt that believers hold dear. Hello, Marlboro Gold Pack. Some believe using the trinity symbol casually, like lighting cigarettes in threes, is disrespecting holy law. Knives, when gifted, are believed to cause the receiver injury and sometimes even death. The Ancient Romans linked owls to evil forces due to their nocturnal nature. (Jan. 6, 2015), The Phrase Finder. Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany) Its said in Germany that if you light a cigarette with a candle it will kill a sailor. This idea actually originates from a time when sailors attempted to increase their meagre income by selling matches. Whetherthat be placing trustin lucky numbers or trying to avoid bad omens,different cultureshave incredible stories behind their superstitions. Lighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. In WWII, troops would get Lucky Strike cigarettes in their rations and each cigarette was stamped with the brands logo. The worlds opinion has always been mixed about black cats. Instead of flipping every cigarette on end, troops would invert a single one and, just as before, if you lived long enough to smoke it, you were a lucky joe. 2y. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. You have been warned. The superstition comes from a legend involving Russian soldiers in the 19th century. A single candle burning on a black background. But these strange superstitions do not end with wishes of good luck. Cats. There are many superstitions about cats in France. The reasoning is simple; In Japanese, the word for "thumb" directly translates to "parent finger." In many countries people keep mirrors covered in rooms where people are dying in fear that seeing their own reflection at the time of the persons death will doom them to die in the near future. keep lighting your cigarettes backward This article focuses on these beliefs and their origins. , Luckily, I havent ever seen ANY tortoiseshell cats in Normandy, so life is looking good! In many cultures and countries, such as Russia, its considered good luck if it rains on your wedding day. The exact origin of this morbid superstition is unclear, althoughour guess is that most people would rather not risk it. The water is thought to be lucky because itrepresents fluidity and motion. According to the Turkish Ministry of Culture, those who drink water that reflects moonlight will have bad luck. Ever since the existence of the human kind, superstition has been around. Back then, the umbrella was used to protect people of higher status from the sun, and not the rain. Kiran Yasmin "13 Most Common Superstitions and Their Origins." (Jan. 6, 2015), Corneanu, Miruna. (anomaly + alien) is one of the most popular websites with the latest breaking news and articles on UFOs/UAPs and all the unexplained and paranormal since 2013. Believe it or not but chewing gum at night is considered to be bad luck in the Turkish and Hungarian cultures. Everyone knows that breaking a mirror gives youseven years of bad luck, and that if you step on a crack youll break your mothers back. It might not seem unlucky. (Jan. 6, 2015), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Despite other superstitions, giving 13 roses to a woman in Russia is actually considered good luck and better than sending 12 roses. That wasn't the only unlucky Tuesday for the Greeks: On Tuesday, May 29, 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottomans. Webwhen you light the wrong side of your cigarette when you drunk, etc.. 98 likes. Local legend has it that rotating your thumb in this holein a full clockwise circlein the wishing column will make all of your wishes come true. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. Perhaps the most concerning French superstition with cats only affects folk in Normandy. According to a French superstition, if a woman sees an owl during her pregnancy, she is guaranteed to have a girl. WebThe superstition goes that if three soldiers lit their cigarettes from the same match, one of the three would be killed or that the man who was third on the match would be shot. In Germany however, the way to wish someone luck is by pressing your thumbs to the inside of your hand (Daumendrcken). So, if you want to share in this good luck and keep evil at bay, dont be afraid to break a plate or two. A dog howling at an open doorway is supposedly a death omen for someone in the household. It is often believed in Germany that lighting a cigarette with a candle kills a sailor, although the origins of this lie so far back that most people dont really know why. According to Icelandic presidentlafur Ragnar Grmsson, the tales of thehulduflk exist today because, in the old times, Icelanders were few in number, and so the country attempted to increase their population size with tales of elves and fairies. Web1. Honestly, it's a wonder we get anything done! The fear was spread of these dark felines, and that led to mass killings of these innocent creatures. Maybe you didnt even realise it was a superstition it was just a part of your daily routine and you probably didnt think twice about it! This was most likely the source of the superstition that clocks will stop dead at the same time their owner dies. The third person who has their ciggie lit is easily shot, or so the tale goes. If this does happen to you, though, all hope isn't lost: Put your clothes on the right way immediately and have a friend symbolically hit you, which will minimize the potential threat. The third and final theory was that a businessman by the name of Ivar Kreugar monopolized many matchmaking factories in the United States and created this superstition as a way to have people buy more matches so that he could make more money. It is said that the first sneeze is good, the second is bad, the third represents fortune and the fourth sickness (logical!) That one match, the notion goes, could light the fires of hell. French wives should never iron their husbands underpants while wearing a belt it will lead to him suffering kidney pain. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. "Three on a match." Lots of different cultures have myths about elves and fairies, but in Iceland they make reference to a specific supernatural version of elves known as thehulduflk, or hidden people. You can, of course, be creative and get them something else for their home, but be sure to cross knives off your list. Thousands of year before mirrors man stared amazed into pools and ponds and interpreted their reflection as a piece of their soul that could be injured. In Portugal, many people believe that walking backwards brings bad luck. Bathing in that water seems to be OK, though; according to the ministry, "People, who bath[e] under the moonlight and in shadow, will shine as bright as the moon. Even number of flowers represents death as even numbers of flowers are typically given during funerals. Knock on wood for good fortune. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700. People in the US often use the phrase "knock on wood" to ward off bad luck, although this superstition is said to have originated in Europe. This superstition is also popularin other South American countries, as well as the Philippines. Since then, it has been considered bad luckfor three people to share a light from the same match. There are numerous superstitions based on these evils, many resulting in illness, loss of wealth, failure in personal endeavours and even death. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to several Web sources, in times of yore, in those lean months of winter, sailors and fishermen would be forced to supplement their incomes through the sale of matches. if your cigarette keeps running (burning on one side and not the other) it means someone is thinking of how much they love youheard this one from several people in the Southeast. However, you cant gift an empty wallet! Apollo, the god of the Sun, medicine, prophecy and knowledge amongst many other things, was said to have travelled with a white crow as a companion. Walking through the triangle is considered an insult to the Trinity which attracts the Devils attention. Thinkingthat trimming your nails at night will bring bad luck is a common belief in India, for example, while many people in the US seepennies as a sign of good luck. The beetle actually makes this noise to communicate and attract a mate. Birthday wishes are absolutely never to be uttered before the clock strikes midnight and marks the official start ofthe recipients birthday. WebThis French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. Most people are at least a little superstitious. Horseshoes are lucky. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. Webwhen you light the wrong side of your cigarette when you drunk, etc.. 98 likes. This means that you are wishing death on all of your friends. Theres even a saying: En martes, ni te cases, ni te embarques, ni de tu casa te apartes, which means that on Tuesdays you shouldn't get married, go on a trip, or leave your house. According to Welsh folklore an owl hooting however may simply be an indication that a young woman in the vicinity has lost her virginity. WebIf three soldiers were smoking cigarettes during the dark hours of the night then superstition held that one of them was going to die. June 4, 2010 / 12:46 PM / AP. Friday the 13th: Is There Reason to Feel Unlucky or Fearful? Another popular explanation is that it may have taken people seven years to save enough money to buy a new mirror. While laughter is considered good for your health, some superstitious people believe that those who laugh excessively have been possessed by mirth and will not live much longer. They should be placed on a table and then picked up by the second person. It might not seem unlucky. Thus, by knocking on the oak, you were indicating to your friends that you werent the devil in disguise something they would appreciate, we're sure! Similarly, leaving scissors open is also said to bring bad luck. To light a cigarette, hold the lighter to the cigarette's tip and take a few, quick breaths in through your mouth to help it ignite. People in Spain traditionally eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve to bring luck for each month of the coming year. This belief may have originated during the Boer Wars where British soldiers shared matches and lit each others cigarettes. I cant see how stepping in dog doo-doo can ever be a good thing, but many French believe that stepping in dog poo with your left foot brings you a slice of good luck. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. If you believe in luck and wouldnt mind some good fortune, never cross a French stream holding a cat. To summarize, there are three theories that I believe help to explain why this superstition was formed and how it spread to smokers in the United States. This French superstition is believed to have come from the Last Supper, where Judas Iscariot, one of the thirteen diners, was a traitor. However, if you step on it with your right foot, youve got bad luck and misfortune ahead. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. Web1. So the last thing you want is to encourage bad luck as well. Instead of flipping every cigarette on end, troops would invert a single one and, just as before, if you lived long enough to smoke it, you were a lucky joe. The pronunciation of "four" in Chinese is similar to the word for "death." Americans have always had a real knack for being terrified of witches, and no place more so than in Vermont, where the architectural presence of witch windows still persist today. A single candle burning on a black background. The third person who has their ciggie lit is easily shot, or so the tale goes. If you step on it with your left foot, theres good fortune in store for you. It is often believed in Germany that lighting a cigarette with a candle kills a sailor, although the origins of this lie so far back that most people dont really know why. June 4, 2010 / 12:46 PM / AP. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. Housewarmings are particularly easy the traditional way to go would be to gift the family bread (Brot) and salt (Salz), as this would ensure that they nevergo hungry in their new home. Finding a penny on the ground, especially if it is heads facing up, is considered a sign of good luck in the US. "The match king." According to them, the direction in which the black cat crosses your path determines whether it will bring you good or bad luck. As legend has it, stepping on a manhole cover marked with a "K" is good luck because it represents the Swedish word for love. This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. Its said the gooey excrement might even bring you riches. (Jan. 6, 2015), The Economist. Owls are often considered as wise due to it being the symbol for Athena, the Ancient Greek goddess of Wisdom. The Evil Eye: A Superstition An ancient and almost universal superstition, with records of the Evil Eye Travel Away, March 6, 2012. Candles are involved in a few superstitions in France. Oendrila De Burning filter is legit the worst smell and taste ever. In 1894, author and Army captain John Gregory Burke described a peculiar belief among the Mexicans of the Rio Grande region. The projectile killed Baldr and darkness and mourning spread across the land, birthing the superstition that a grouping of thirteen people is bad luck. During the Medieval period, many churches claimed to have pieces of Jesus' cross. It also washes away all the bad memories for a complete fresh start of your life. Some people also believe that black cats are linked to witchcraft. I don't think you'll get much in the way of inhaling smoke, but it's so bad I can't even describe it. That last minute rush to buy someone a present weve all been there. Finally as the third cigarette was being lit up the enemy shooter would be able to see and shoot the third soldier. According to several Web sources, in times of yore, in those lean months of winter, sailors and fishermen would be forced to supplement their incomes through the sale of matches. They also believed that an owl hooting signified death, and it was this omen that preceded the deaths of Julius Caeser, Augustus Caeser and the Roman general, Agrippa. Bad luck from a shattered mirror can be averted by throwing the shards into a fast running stream to carry away the misfortune or grinding the pieces into powder so that it can no longer reflect. In Italy, its considered bad luck to lay bread upside down, either on a table or in a basket. updated June 22, 2019, 8:21 pm, by The reason for this is because the Japanese word for thumb literally translates as parent-finger, and so by hiding your thumbs when you pass by the deceased, youre actually protecting your parents from death. So, to avoid risk of misunderstanding, a superstition rose up to prevent people from doing this accidentally. Perhaps you've also heard it's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. 2015. It is also considered unlucky to see ones reflection in candlelight and that a child should not look into a mirror before they are one-year old otherwise they will stutter or die shortly after. Black cats were believed to be incarnations of the Devil. 6. Others believe that the umbrella superstition is from the 18th century where waterproof umbrella with metal spikes were popular. 1. 2y. The word thumb in Japanese translates as parent-finger so by tucking your thumb in your hand, youre basically protecting your parents from death. People who do this they say are helpless in the face of evil (even to the devil himself). You have been careless about what you are saying or sharing with others. WebThis French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. If you walk by a graveyard or a hearse passes you on the street in Japan, you need to tuck your thumbs into your pockets in order to keep your parents safe. However, there is one condition behind the act of giving flowers; you must give an odd number of flowers. Are you a superstitious person? Keep reading for 20 superstitious beliefs from around the globeand the storiesbehind them. Since then, it has been considered bad luckfor three people to share a light from the same match. In either case, having a lucky cigarette in your pack has since become a universal superstition. A bird dropping a poop on your head or your body while walking around is considered to be a sign of good luck. if your cigarette keeps running (burning on one side and not the other) it means someone is thinking of how much they love youheard this one from several people in the Southeast. Here is a selection of articles, news and features you may also like. For other occasions, if youre stumped for ideas, you can always plump for a nice new leather wallet. A common superstition is that if thirteen people dine together, the first to rise will die within the year. Youve probably come across some strange superstitions in your life no matter where in the world you may have been. Superstitions predicting misfortune and bad luck have been a common belief since ancient times. This idea actually originates from a time when sailors attempted to increase their meagre income by selling matches. The last cigarette was the only exception and if you survived long enough to smoke it, you were considered lucky. Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. If youre someone who does a lot of travelling, chances are youre going to eventually run into some questionable scenarios that will either doom your day or bring you great luck according to local canon. Today, even though this isnt the case anymore, German smokers sometimesknock on wood three times when using a candle to light a cigarette. Eating seaweed soup on the day or the night before your big exam is considered to be bad luck in Korea. As a mirror contains the soul of the person standing before it, breaking a mirror results in their soul being injured, cursing them with seven years bad luck. But these strange beliefs are not limited to stray black cats, and sometimes even extend to one's own pets. Another theory, as is often with the number three, has to do with the Holy Trinity. Dec. 19, 2007. Even though many people no longer smoke cigarettes, superstitions around smoking still abound. In Portugal, many people believe that walking backwards brings bad luck. Doing so can make you powerless in the face of the devil or evil. "10 Absurd Superstitions From Around The World" if your cigarette keeps running (burning on one side and not the other) it means someone is thinking of how much they love youheard this one from several people in the Southeast. If you spill salt, throw it over your shoulder to avoid bad luck. Many believe Kreuger fabricated the entire superstition that using one match to light three cigarettes was bad luck. In the Old Testament it is traditionally believed Eve tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden on Friday the 13th. Having thirteen people around the table is supposed to bring bad luck. Anti-smoking ad calls out tobacco companies for decades-old Why Smoking Rates in the Military Are So High | HowStuffWorks. Historically, people typicallytried to avoid using sharp objects at night to avoid hurting themselves in low light, according to US News. In 1894, author and Army captain John Gregory Burke described a peculiar belief among the Mexicans of the Rio Grande region. A common superstition is that a person will die in their sleep if they have a dream where they are falling and fail to wake before they hit the ground. Today some believe that seeing an owl in the daytime or having one land near your house and begin hooting is an omen of misfortune and even death. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. (Jan. 6, 2015), The Economist. With all this bad luck around, how do we get some good fortune into our lives. If you decide to give flowers to a woman in Russia, an odd number from 1 to 1001 of flowers is a symbol of happiness. Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany) Its said in Germany that if you light a cigarette with a candle it will kill a sailor. updated February 3, 2015, 4:27 pm, by Animals may be oblivious to certain social norms and traditions, but that doesnt stop a number of superstitious beliefs from being pinned on them of which Germany also has its fair share. The belief still exists today in parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, that someone could be cursed simply through a look of envy, dislike or malice. The superstitious idea that black cats crossing your path bring bad luck, is common in many countries, especially in Europe. Burning filter is legit the worst smell and taste ever. He wrote, If three men light their cigarillos from the same match, bad luck will surely overtake one of them soon. Lighting one cigarette with a match alerts a sniper. However some dream oracles state that falling dreams actually predict this failure, rather than being based on the persons insecurities. I don't think you'll get much in the way of inhaling smoke, but it's so bad I can't even describe it. We often look at college students as punk kids, lazy frat guys or any other kind of social stereotype. Smoking cigarettes has been a popular pastime among troops since the very first line formed at the armory. Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. During a German wedding, rice instead of flowers is thrown at the bride and groom to ensure fertility and many, many kids. 1. So to help you ward off evil spirits and reap good fortune from seemingly serendipitous situations wherever you happen to be, here are 10 absurd superstitions from around the world. There was also a law instituted in 1990 which protects any site that has at least 100 years of supernatural history. Apparently it has something to do with broomsticks and acute angles. Were talking about the actual process of making combustible matches, not the type of matchmaking your Aunt Shirley tries to do when she tells you about that interesting person she met at the market. Cats. It might not seem unlucky. 2y. Church officials would say that knocking onthe wood would bring good luck, according to Yahoo. Below are a description of some of these bad luck superstitions and where possible details on the origins have been added. Whether youre in the military or not, flipping that one cigarette is considered good luck, even when your life isnt in immediate danger. Superstition is an irrational belief in the supernatural that lead to either good or bad luck. If you want to know which French bread is which, check out our list of popular French breads. In other countries, rain is considered to be bad luck. Lighting one cigarette with a match alerts a sniper. Inside the church, you'll find a bronze column with a thumb hole, and also probably a long line of people. The common explanation is that sailors used to supplement their income by selling matches, so bypassing the match step took money away from a sailor. In our modern society, there are a number of people that still fear black cats. Why they believe this story is a little unclear, but maybe it has something to do with keeping children from annoyingly chewing their gum at all hours of the night. (Jan. 6, 2015), Lemind, Anna. This theory is about Ivar Kreugar who was a deceitful businessman who bought many matchmaking factories in the 1920s and monopolized them. So, if youve ever wondered why your veteran friend saves a single, specific cig for last, here are the best explanations weve found. 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