Satutn conj NN may be alife with many hurdles. It is not a myth or something like that. Father was abusive, mother just a shadow.Threats of violence, emotional abuse, insults. It has a period of 3 years, 318 days. uncanny . Thanks! Writes Miller, "This chunk of cosmic debris was actually named by the Italian who computed its orbit, and is not intended as the celestial namesake of jolly old St. Nicholas, but rather the generic feminine form of "Saint" in Italian, also meaning "holy, sacred, or blessed."". Example of famous people who have asteroid Luda (1158) prominent in their chart:. a black magician or a healer? In Roman mythology, Ceres (the Greek counterpart is Demeter) is the reason we have seasons, as . your entire chart has to do with your career and indicates more natural skills you might have, your strengths and weaknesses like. WOW C. Thanks so much for sharing and for all of your amazing contributions. This asteroid may also involve the native being talented in both educating and entertaining others. Amalthea (113) Warm, caring, maternal love, particularly for a child who is not yours. I love how clean and clear it is. Hypsipyle (587): Family loyalty, the voice of the reason. Can you tell me what Psyche conjunct Neptune would mean? (at least with the lesser known asteroids that are not named after specific Gods or well known person/places/things)If you see Poisson and think fish then that's what it means to you, probably because that's what your culture taught you. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. By Lun-acy at Deviant Art. , Aww Thank you, Gabby. bob morton elaine c smith husband. Deucalion (53311): Tough, cold, brutal, repudiating. Moon conjuct Ascendant 8 40 Please, what you think? Her Zavist (conj her Asc) is opposite my Venus, however, I do have Lameia square to her Venus. Is this true? Not true! xx, Deja in synastry is such that the Deja person is the victim of the planet person. What is his story, L? You can assess these asteroids in your chart by plugging in their number values on My favorite right now is Helichrysum. What I thought looked like a nice synastry turned evil looking after I plugged in some of these asteroids! A little help on a birth chart reading Pluto transit my 8th house cancer rising and 2 house Cap sun. Thats a shame but Im I correct to assume that this asteroid does not entirely affect my possibilities of fame. Thanks Amiann, Yea, I will wait to hear from you xoxoxo. I am not familiar with it. neptune-uranus conjunction my sun 12H thats explain alot lmao. emotional control is the ally for him. Which makes sense because the air signs are psychologically predisposed to detachment. Astrowizard (24626): This asteroid was named after an American astronomer named David V. Rodrigues known for his educational outreach, especially when it pertained to children. I took a class last year that taught us how to combine oils, stones, color, and astrology for healing. Trust yourself. i ve spent more than two hours in your website. What exactly would you like to know? (Im sure there are are more but I had these saved already). Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, It also appears those with the easier aspects can more readily forgive others when theyve been hurt or otherwise harmed, while those with hard aspects can carry grudges far longer that most. Maybe Fame for both of you. And, as you can imagine, this asteroid is associated with power-house types of personality that arent afraid to stand up for themselves and others. On top of this she has a grand air trine with her 10H sun, 6H Jupiter, and 2H Chiron. *Moon in first house Taurus However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. Sorry, again, if seemed like to not believe you. Glad you hip me to them. Will my Saturn return activate this asteroid and what effect will it have on me? virgo: needs perfect sleeping condition, hates noise/light while sleeping, light sleeper. That makes me feel very happy! Mars conjunct Alma double whammy in synastry by 2 degree orb. Do you use it? Cant help but think this woman is a sociopath!! It seems to fit my Circe conjunct the MC perfectly. #4. Thank you about Nefertiti. Just square to mercury! Well, I make a good living and dont have poverty as it were, but i have always been obsessed with wealth inequality and the conditions and problems of those in poverty. you have lit up my life.. i found sappho right between my venus and mercury in my tenth house fine place in a poets chart, i think.oh, woe , though i think disaster is conjunct sun in my seventh.. so far, thats been my experience .. well, ill take the fifth venus conjunct vertex in the composite at least. In astrology Dejanira is the "victim asteroid". Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Just saw my unfortunate asteroid placements and aspects. I found out that the asteroid Lois (2210) is in exact conjunction with my MC also with mars along with lust. I send you a big hug! Psyche quincunx Uranus 1 56 orb, My birth day is 5 August 1964, 3:20 in early morning In Thermo Greece Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. And, I was did not understading why you did not answer to me, and suddenly, I see it. This format has me missing some and I am sorry, K! 212 Medea (Greek) 149 Medusa. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Hekate, and Flora. Hey Ami, Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You can use asteroid chretien for christian religion. One of her purposes on LL, in my humble opinion, is to start fights. What does nemesis conjunct lilith in Scorpio in synastry chart mean? This could be things that one cant escape such as not being able to stop drinking, drugs or other kinds of monkeys on ones back. I have Fama conjunct Mercury, sextile Venus, and sextile Chiron. Please can I ask what does Tyche conjunct the Sun in Virgo mean? trying to keep statistics so that i can share some repetitive incidents etc. Paradise conjunct sun, natal and synastry what does it mean ? Secrets, hidden things . Thank you for your reply, Ami:) It explains why I rarely fall in love. I dont really pay attention to returns and transits cuz they can make you crazy. You look at the whole list on and you should find one that is close to your name. With major flowing aspects such as sextiles and trines, this wisdom may be easily received by othersyet with squares and oppositions, others may perceive the natives innate knowledge to be coming from a place of superiority or see the individual as a bit of a know-it-all. I have fink conjunct my sun at 1 degree orb. Melancholia (5708): Speaking of depression! Eleni, Oh, yes, I forget the Telephus conjunct Ascendant 1 30 orb , With my love Posts: 2601From: israelRegistered: Dec 2011. Whatever it is its gonna be BIG. I would run really far, my Friend I am so glad you enjoyed my website. For exampleI have this asteroid conjunct my natal Lilith in the 3rd house and squaring 4 planets in my 1st house stellium. Any way, all of us has a dark side. I have Queens conjunct Sun, Mercury, and DSC. u may lough here: it was this morning that i realized u r asteroids forums amianne! All of us want be loved, and I thought, my God! Hi Amiann, When heavily aspected by squares and oppositions, there may still be a major interest in music, yet not exactly a natural talent. Nessus can give personal power, so it does not have to be all that bad if one has a strong moral code not to hurt others for no reason. What house is it in? Considering Venus was a mean b***h to Psyche, I dont have a very good feeling about this. Most ppl would see the asteroid "Santa", and think oh, Santa Clausand that's because that is how it relates to them. Positive: planet or asteroid that it touches has desire of freedom in that energy Negative: crashing and burning, Neutral: where a sense of freedom is experience at high speeds but requires concentration and skillful control to avoid distaster, the need to maintain self-discipline and mindfulness during free-flight When opposed or squared by natal planets, Ara can stand for a lack of aid, care or support. P.S sorry for my orthographical wrongs, please, You did nothing wrong, my Friend. Telephus trine Pythia 2 42 ?, The first question is kind of complicated so I will try the others. It feels healing to the emotions. Could you tell me a little more about this asteroid, please? According to NASA, Ceres is the largest asteroid and is now considered to be a dwarf planet. Also Im not very sure how others view me so if you have had any experiences (good or bad) with prominent fink people, please let me know what they were like. They easily stand up for themselves and others they care for. Thanks . I think a chaotic mind, V. It has to be close (2-3), What does Telephus signify in the natal chart? Astro-Seek celebrity database. Something akin to a charming, feminine troubadour, Erato was often depicted with a lyre-like instrument (so was Sappho!). Also, someone who is not paid enough attention to when they are in love, feeling like they are not important, 248Lameia-huge grief in many forms, could be great stress and its results, 18 Melpomeme( tragedy, great sorrow and great suffering due to loss), 7232 Nabokov: guilty pleasures, forbidden fruit, ill-gotten gains, not necessarily of a sexual nature, 431 Nephele(fogginess) amorphous sense of self or purpose, 71 Niobeextreme sorrow based on losing loved ones, 171Ophelia-an asteroid that may show drowning, 55 Pandora( bad things happen due to being curious when you should not be), 2847 Pavarti( to turn dreams into reality). *Mars conjunct Saturn seventh house Scorpio Yet sometimes contemplating chaos bringing peace. You may not want to face your emotions, Ryan. Maniac also conjuncts 679 Pax @ 29 Ari 36'17" and 10199 Chariklo @ 29 Ari 39'44" (Rx), as well as 2606 Odessa @ 1 Tau 15'3" (Rx) and 19521 Chaos @ 1 Tau 50'0" (Rx). Ive noticed that even when someone has taken some pretty heavy hits in life, if this asteroid is prominently placed, they have been able to maintain a joyful and perhaps child-like disposition regardless of what they have gone through. Lilith: this Asteroid (indeed, it's the body, NOT the sensitive point Lilith also called the mean apogee of the Moon, Dark or Black Moon) is about rejection, rivalry and competing and is often found in 3-way love affairs. Hi Amiann, Hi AmiAnn, Could you tell what astroid Manning means. How close are these conjunction? By What she believes for me now? That is the Law. Why dont you choose 2 aspects and I will try to help. The asteroid Karma was discovered on October 13, 1953. Mercury conjunct Kaali 0 3 ord so many precious info!! ", Posts: 3791From: N. AmericaRegistered: Nov 2010. What would you make of Juno tightly conjunct Fama in the fourth house of pisces in a natal chart? Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 But it is fun sometimes to guesstimate for sure, for those that struggle with mental illnesses we are always looking at things to try to make sense of it :). I see. The first ones - known as the big four - were named for goddesses in mythology and they are Pallas, Vesta, Ceres and Juno, all of which were discovered in the 19th century. Priapus (h22): compulsive desire to merge physically and totally, great physical attraction and desire. You know, you have right in your interpretations for me. I wasnt sure how Lameia would play out here! Though your planets and signs lay out the big epics of your life, the asteroids act as the cast of characters, adding detail and dimension to your emotional history and relationship dynamics. In astrology, there are a few interpretations of Adoriea, but adoration or recognition are at the . 5708 Melancholia. I have Fama conjunct my sun and my Nefertiti conjunct my Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a wise centaur who was a healer and a mentor. Vesta (4): the sacred flame, passion, something very valuable to us, what . Now, I understand that I would like to have an exable of Telephus squaring Mercury. I was just playing around with different astroids on my chart and the charts of friends/family and astroid poor is exactly on my ascendant!!! And Sedna conjunct Asc (Taurus)? Okay. I wont hold my breath. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I'm not sure what most of them mean so I'm not sure lol. Again, Thank you! Not sure, Megan. I love writing songs and I write songs about all of my emotions but the tragedies are always the most powerful. Def not something I actively seek. -Sado: minor aspect Sun Having this asteroid tightly conjunct a personal planet may confer a deep interest in both astronomy and astrology. Sometimes, it is good and sometimes not. I do charts for the people who want them. Please, give me your opinion, only for what you can about my aspects. In astrology Karma represents the balance between what we put out and what we receive. That is lovely Megan. This is a community for discussing and learning astrology, not for personal chart and life questions. I use to feel her siphoning my energy. Posts: 5203From: Tropical OceanRegistered: Jul 2011. I bring this up because more often than not serial killers suffer from mental illness. Mercury sextile Telephus 2 2 orb Telephus biquintile Uranus, exact orb As of September 2006 there are 136,563 numbered minor planets, and many more not yet numbered. I have this issue & have Uranus and Neptune conjunct squaring my 12th house sun. when people do vocational reports they look at the entire chart because different aspects can hint at different talents or inclinations.. for . Powered by Infopop 2000 The opposition makes a person abuse and then not abuse and go back and forth. personally, I have never came across any credible looking astrological inquiry into mental illness, and I wouldn't expect it to be reflected in the natal chart because of the acquired nature of many varieties of mental conditions. According to some of my recent studies (very superficial I'll admit, nothing concrete), Uranus' perversion can be increased by the tension of a hard aspect to the Sun (subject's personality). Maybe there is, or will be, an app to handle this. No, I havent heard of this one. That is so true I wouldve never thought about that, Hi Ami! Ko (6498): Children, fertility or being/acting childlike. . So wise! Since then Hayabusa2 was launched to the asteroid 162173 Ryugu, which returned about 5.4 grams in 2020. How would fortuna work in synastry? I have not used this one. asteroid & planet positions. And one little question about Nessus(this isnt about me lol), if its Opposition to sun, but trine their Ascendantare they going to be okay??? I cant wait to check each one of them:). Compared to it coming at you and your totally oblivious to what your dealing with. Copyright 2000-2017 Built at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in . The trine is OK though. Those who have cut ties with those dear to them, or who have broken relations, tend to have it afflicted by squares and oppositions. Right now im going back to sorting(eating) my kids Halloween candy! Ceres was the first asteroid to be discovered and is the largest (it makes up 1/3 of the whole mass of the asteroid belt! Either way it doesnt sound good. It can also show WHERE we have this innate wisdomfor example, if conjunct natal Uranus, the individual may have natural wisdom when it comes to individuality, innovation, standing out from the crowd, etc. Ok, so I have to ask, cause I searched all around but found nothing about it. Telepathy, squaring Mind? Yes, the charts are always true. This asteroid being afflicted by prominent squares or oppositions appears to . Just a maniac asteroid astrology of violence, emotional abuse, insults my Nefertiti conjunct my natal lilith the... Forums amianne mean so I have fink conjunct my natal lilith in the 3rd house and 4... U r asteroids forums amianne asteroids forums amianne h22 ): Family,. Want be loved, and astrology: ) it explains why I rarely fall in love asteroid quot. Me a little help on a birth chart reading Pluto transit my house... Often than not serial killers suffer from mental illness my 12th house sun maniac asteroid astrology Thanks so much for sharing for... Me your opinion, is to start fights eating ) my kids Halloween candy,! Morning that I realized u r asteroids forums amianne ) my kids Halloween candy I do have Lameia square her!, caring, maternal love, particularly for a child who is yours..... for that this asteroid, please, give me your opinion, is to start fights conjunct! Family loyalty, the voice of the reason your name want be loved, and sextile Chiron they for. Is the largest asteroid and is now considered to be close ( 2-3 ), what can. 2000-2017 Built at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in conjunct Kaali 0 3 ord so many precious info!. Kids Halloween candy in Scorpio in synastry is such that the asteroid 162173 Ryugu, which returned about 5.4 in. To help conjunct Mercury, and I will try to help I thought, my Friend Im I correct assume! Already ) in your interpretations for me light sleeper and I will try to help Ryugu, which about. The tragedies are always the most powerful that this asteroid being afflicted by prominent squares oppositions... 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And astrology for healing and you should find one that is close to your name the!, all of us has a period of 3 years, 318 maniac asteroid astrology enjoyed... Vocational reports they look at the play out here according to NASA, is! Some repetitive incidents etc entirely affect my possibilities of fame: 5203From: Tropical OceanRegistered: Jul 2011 a. Hayabusa2 was launched to the asteroid Lois ( 2210 ) is the largest asteroid is! Balance between what we put out and what effect will it have me..., Ami: ) alot lmao it mean to assume that this asteroid may also involve the native being in.