One way to understand the difference between the two is that sociopaths can be manipulated by psychopaths, but not the other way around. She resides in Tucson, Arizona. Its been 37 years since my grandmothers death, and its good to see the house is still a vital part of Duluth. When she was alerted to the fire, she was nonchalant. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); They win people over, before bending them to their will. Spirits Close-Up: The Ultimate Hot Toddy Matrix. And I whispered to the guide, 'You know she was brutally murdered, right?'". What is the water level on Cherokee Lake? The couple was desperate for money, and Marjorie was in line to inherit $8 million when her mother died, said John DeSanto, the chief prosecutor at the time. "The big mystery still is, did Roger do it alone or with someone else there, and how involved if at all was Marjorie? They are cold-hearted, deceitful, manipulative, and cruel. What does it mean when someone is succumb? Is that your grandmothers influence? Norman Bates, as depicted in the film, was a psychotic. She was released on October 19, 1986, and she and Wally moved to Ajo, Arizona. Marjorie and Dick LeRoy had seven children: When LeRoy was transferred to Minnesota, they lived in Minneapolis, then moved to St. Louis Park. SCL: Very much so. Marjorie Congdon was accused of plotting the death of her wealthy mother, Elisabeth Congdon, and nurse Velma Pietila, who were found dead at the Congdon estate almost 40 years ago. Amy Goetzman writes about books, authors, libraries and the Twin Cities literary scene. Sadly, he was only able to enjoy his home for seven years. The Marjorie Congdon Story: A Timeline | Artful Living Magazine A timeline outlining the alleged crimes committed by infamous Minnesota criminal Marjorie Congdon, the suspected mastermind behind the Glensheen murders. Member donations are crucial to the work of our nonprofit newsroom. SCL: I visited archives all over the country. But if anyone thought Marjorie was the victim in this relationship, they had another thing coming. After his wife mysteriously died after a visit from Marjorie, Wally Hagen became Marjories next husband. I went on to the U of M and worked in womens health and family medicine. No witnesses survive, and the cops in a small northern Minnesota city have to make their case based on purely circumstantial evidence. MinnPost | P.O. MP: Your book includes two riveting and fairly disturbing courtroom dramas the murder trial [starring a sneering Ron Meshbesher] and the settlement of your grandmothers estate. She worked very hard to support her community and church, and wherever she saw a need, she worked to fill it. The stables at Glensheen Mansion where Marjorie was discovered trying to poison a horse. She appealed, was let free on bond and, after a year of setbacks and delays, she was finally remanded to Shakopee Womens Prison in Shakopee, Minnesota. Roger. SCL: You never turn your back. Box 18438 | Minneapolis, MN 55418 | 612.455.6950, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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She was arrested again in 1984 when she burned down her house in Mound, Minn. She was convicted of arson and insurance fraud and sentenced to 21 months in prison. Marjorie did not attend a single day of his trial. In addition, they are charming, charismatic and engaging. Prone to arson, Marjorie was suspected of torching her home in Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota, but the matter was dropped. Psychopaths are born without consciences, the way some people are born without sight or sound. Elisabeths face was purple, her mouth hanging open. A stroke had left her mobility and speech seriously impaired, requiring full-time medical supervision. The bedroom where Elisabeth Congdon was murdered. Peter Treworgy LeRoy, born September 2, 1953, Suzanne Congdon LeRoy, born November 1, 1954, Andrew Webster LeRoy, born March 30, 1956, Rebecca Warner LeRoy, born October 23, 1957, Heather Mannering LeRoy, born June 23, 1959, Richard Webster LeRoy, Jr., born September 13, 1960. What does Louis Osbourne do for a living? The Gateway to Hell in Tagus, North Dakota. And I loved nursing; I was very privileged to work in Minnesota, nationally, and internationally as a nurse. From an early age, Marjorie showed signs of devious behavior, and as a teenager she was diagnosed as a sociopath. He was taken into custody and arraigned on charges of first degree murder. In 1951 Marjorie found herself in St. Louis, Missouri, and married Richard Dick Webster LeRoy, an insurance executive. She was sentenced two and a half years in prison and fined $10,000. She took her pulse. As a single woman, this bordered on the scandalous, but Elisabeths regrets would have little to do with the social opprobrium her action invited. Tucson police wouldn't discuss what led to the charges, citing an ongoing investigation. You want to raise your hand and draw attention to it, even if it might be considered a bit crass. At the time of the slayings, the Caldwells were deep in debt. Then at the age of thirteen she did something that wouldve been a warning sign to any criminal psychologist, had there been such a thing in 1945. She decided to ask the trustees of her estate to lend her $750,000 to buy a horse ranch in Colorado. I thought that was kind of brilliant., Although hes best known for his work with The Suburbs, Poling is no stranger to the stage. Congdon was the only surviving child of mining magnate Chester Congdon, who built the lavish mansion in 1909. Marjorie Congdon became Marjorie LeRoy on June 30th, 1951. Saturday, Aug. 23, 12 p.m., Village Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Minn. MinnPost's in-depth, independent news is free for all to access no paywall or subscriptions. With Roger out of prison under supervision and a retrial looming, authorities decided to strike a deal rather than risk an acquittal. When she left, they told her they were going to miss her. She had a particular impact on quality of life issues for women and children. Two years later, after having moved to Englewood, Colorado, Marjorie was identified in the vicinity of the First National Bank Building shortly before it caught on fire. Velmas body was as cold as concrete. "Someone breaks into a 39-room mansion and killed the nurse on the grand stairway," with a candlestick, recalled Joe Kimball, a reporter with the Minneapolis Tribune who covered the murders. She is sentenced to 2.5 years in prison. TUCSON, Ariz. -- Marjorie Congdon Caldwell Hagen, the 74-year-old woman acquitted in connection with the June 1977 deaths of her mother and her mother's nurse at Duluth's Glensheen mansion, was. Soon, Marjorie turns into the stepmother from hell. MinnPost: Although Glensheen is well known, your grandmother is not. Im not going to sell the book at Glensheen. In 1990, the Hagens moved to Ajo, Ariz. in Minneapolis in 1957, but took good care of the new, pregnant owner of the Huntington house, giving her all of her maternity clothes and sending up strawberries to the hospital. Eighty-one-year old Elisabeth Congdon refused to bail Marjorie out anymore. Surprisingly, there are some rather significant connections between Marjorie and St. Louis Park. Poling was recruited by Hatcher, who had been asked by History Theatre to write a play based on the Glensheen case; Hatcher told Poling he only wanted to do the play if it could be a musical. When did Irene Curie win the Nobel Prize? Rather, they seek money as a means of control. He said she needed assisted living because of her worsening health issues. Congdon's son-in-law, Roger Caldwell, was found guilty on two counts of first-degree murder in 1978. Three years later on March 2, 2007 she was caught trying to forge the signature of a recently deceased friend on an inheritance check. ", "Because the family didn't want to go back to a murder scene," he explained. "I think also a downside of the murder is that people always viewed it from that lens, even in the history community," he said, "that they kind of forget it's actually this incredibly important historic site for our state. She was charged with attempted arson and in a 1992 trial found guilty. The coin had been mailed the day after the murders in an envelope Caldwell had addressed to himself. For example, she stripped all the kitchen cupboards and repainted and decorated with Pennsylvania Dutch designs. The family has written some letters, and weve had discussions. The lawyers tell you that you and your siblings would be set for life. Yet you became a nurse a very demanding, difficult profession. It became kind of obvious that the jurors were thinking, boy I don't think this lady would kill her mother.". Whether or not he had taken the pills of his own volition was never determined. One month before the murder Marjorie got a prescription for Antabuse. During her lifetime, the Duluth mining heiress and philanthropist worked quietly to shape the community and culture of her northern town. He was treated for a possible heart attack but released after doctors couldnt determine the cause of his illness. I had to wonder: Do you fear for your personal safety? Chester's youngest daughter, Elisabeth had never married. And they ended up acquitting her. But as soon as Marjorie got the horse she lost interest in it and told her mother she didnt want it. Clarity means quality, and , We cant fight it any longer. I found out that her classmate at Vassar was the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. Then in 1982, after Marjorie married her third husband, she purchased a house she didnt have the money to buy. [Its] a very rich Sondheim sound. ", "I went on one of the early tours," he said, "and one of the first things the guide said, was, 'when Ms. Congdon passed away, she willed the estate to the university.' Marjorie was released from prison on January 5, 2004, to much trepidation. The crime immediately attracted national attention. Compulsive spending was Marjorie Congdons modus operandi. Stained glass window above the stairway landing at Glensheen mansion where Velma Pitiela was murdered. SCL: She made a big difference for maternal and child health. Marjorie Congdons sudden magnetic appeal to men is remarkable in light of the fact that she was in no way conventionally attractive. She was seventy-one years old. Guests are constantly , The term craft is ambiguous at best. She put her foot down. Marjories mother and the rest of the Congdon family put their foot down and refused to send her money to bail her out. People are drawn to psychopaths like moths to a flame. On March 4, 2009, she was sentenced to three years probation. A garden hose was found running from the gas stove in the kitchen to their bedroom. She was released on October 19, 1986, and she and Wally moved to Ajo, Arizona. They know exactly what theyre doing. Our reporters are only able to do their work thanks to support at all levels. Marjorie is now the same age her mother was when her mother was murdered. Is she still living? Marjorie is a text book example. Marjorie Congdon Hagen, 78, was placed on three years' intensive probation in March 2009 after she pleaded guilty to attempted forgery. It sounds like fictionlike a murder mystery in a worn paperback novel. "She got no bulk sum after the murders - she basically lost it all . Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us. Marjorie Congdon Hagen admitted she endorsed and deposited an $11,000 check into a bank account she shared with Roger Sammis four days after Sammis died, said defense attorney Brick Storts.. Marjorie used her inheritance to acquit her of the murder of the person who controlled her inheritance. The combination of Antabuse and alcohol can produce seizures, congestive heart failure and even death. Glensheen, a new musical about the crime by acclaimed playwright Jeffrey Hatcher and music by The Suburbs Chan Poling, opens October 3 at St. Pauls History Theatre. She was sentenced to fifteen years in an Arizona prison. Whats more, investigators found a dark hair near Velma Pietilas body. Today, the University of Minnesota-Duluth operates the mansion, tours and events that take place inside and on the mansion's grounds. (function(d, s, id) { We see that you have javascript disabled. He died in 1916. Their mother Hagen's previous wife was in a nursing home in 1980 when she collapsed into a coma and died after Marjorie allegedly was seen feeding her something from a jar. As far as Marjorie and Roger: Theyre fair game. She professed her innocence in the Ajo fire at trial. Product details Publisher : Zenith City Press; 4th edition (May 1, 2009) The victims' families "were really hopeful that we would not have to retry the case with a chance of Roger walking free," DeSanto said. He now operates a consulting service doing organizational and facility assessments. The news, analysis and community conversation found here is funded by donations from individuals. When Marjorie was three, Elisabeth adopted a second daughter who she named Jennifer. On June 27, 1977 at 3:00am, Elisabeth Congdon and her nurse Velma Pietila (born April 26, 1911) were found murdered. Yet she destroyed the lives of all those around her. Part of the reason is the woman who would drive her died a year ago.". He used to call her, My Angel., Psychotics are not the same thing as psychopaths, but for a whole generation of people theres only one way to be psycho. What do ice crystals on a frozen food item indicate? Roger Caldwell was identified by a Duluth cab driver who remembered taking him out to Glensheen on the night of the murders. From 1993 to 2004, Marjorie Caldwell served 11 years of a 15-year prison sentence for arson. It is estimated that 1% of the population are psychopaths. The grotesque story is nonetheless a true one that unfolded almost 40 years ago now: Duluths Glensheen murders, an atrocity that riveted the region for years. Gray Duck Media. The mansion itself is beautiful. 3.76 282 ratings27 reviews Glensheen's Daughter is the story of Marjorie Congdon, the adopted daughter of heiress Elisabeth Congdon, and the brutal murders at Glensheen, one of America's great mansions. The murders at Glensheen mansion were sloppy. Her nurse is also killed, bludgeoned with a candlestick. Today, Marjorie Congdon is eighty-nine years old. Marjorie Hagen, then known as Marjorie Caldwell, was accused of conspiring with her then-husband, Roger Caldwell, to kill Elisabeth Congdon, 83, and hernight nurse in the Congdon mansion in Duluth . In 1992, Hagen pleaded no contest to a criminal damage charge in connection with a 1990 fire at an Ajo storage yard that was believed to have been set to support a fraudulent insurance claim. Additionally, two other men shes been close to have died in what some have regarded as suspicious circumstances. To control that wealth mustve been very enticing to someone like Marjorie. Everyones life is important and has meaning, but she was so important to me. She was a contemporary of Margaret Sanger and in the years after birth control became legal, she helped bring access and information to northern Minnesota, which made a big difference for countless working families and women living in poverty. She saw Velmas legs hanging off the bench underneath the landings stained glass window. As her personality emerged from behind a wall of introversion, it was aggressive and unpleasant, and she made people uncomfortable. MP: In your memoirs, your grandmother seems to be a much greater influence on you than your own parents were. My GM made all the difference for me. Review by @JayGabler:, Local Current (@LocalCurrent) October 11, 2015. Marjorie Caldwell Hagen is convicted of arson and insurance fraud in connection with a 1982 fire at a house in Mound, MN. The Guilford Press, 1999, Hendry, Sharon Darby. Caldwell's conviction was. Police said they believed he was exposed to natural gas from the kitchen stove through a garden hose. She always seemed like a nice person. Female psychopaths are rare, occurring at half the rate of men. Overnight, Congdon became a very wealthy man. She wanted the money, and she was not content to wait for her inheritance. They cannot believe the things people say about her. They cannot believe the things people say about her. Yet even now somebody is sitting down over a friendly cup of coffee with a psychopath somewhere. Most psychopaths are not violent, but all are treacherous. The police investigation quickly focused on Elisabeth's daughter by adoption, Marjorie Caldwell, 44, and Marjorie's husband, Roger, 43, in a murder-for-inheritance plot. Marjorie Congdon Caldwell Hagen arrested in Arizona Review: New Glensheen book a riveting inside story Glensheen defense attorney dies at 85 Author's revisions offer inside stories to Congdon. The case had all the ingredients of an old-fashioned whodunit wealth, greed, betrayal, even a mansion and a candlestick murder weapon. The next morning Walter Hagen was found dead, the victim of an apparent suicide. Was it your intention, in writing this book, to correct that? Some call it Minnesotas Downton Abbey. Marjorie had insisted she and Roger stay at Glensheen, but that request was refused since police still had to tie up loose ends. On January 13, 1984, Marjorie was given 21 months in the Shakopee Womens Prison for burning down her and Wallys home in Mound, Minnesota. Curiously, he never said who did. How many bedrooms are in the Glensheen Mansion? Relations between Marjorie and her family members were highly strained, and the Congdon estate closely monitored all communication between Marjorie and her mother. But Congdon was betting on the come. That has always bothered me. Psychopaths live in a world of their own, a world that is all about their wants and needs. Later in the tour, as you pass the landing where Elisabeths nurse Velma Pietila was brutally bludgeoned to death with an iron candlestick holder, where blood had soaked the rug and dripped off the banisters, you want to ask them to stop and acknowledge it. A short time later, Wally Hagen moved in with Marjorie. Caldwell was a bad alcoholic. January 26,1985 Her appeal is turned down, so Marjorie begins serving her time for the arson and fraud conviction. He passed the bar and took a job as a high school principal in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Suzanne is estranged from her mother, telling MinnPost interviewer Amy Goetzman in 2014 that the last shed heard, her mother was calling herself Marjorie Hagen and living in the Southwest. You find yourself not knowing what play youre in, Poling continues. The promise of a big pay combined with plenty of publicity may have been factors that led Ronald Meshbesher to take her case. As early as 1966 when she was married to Dick LeRoy, the family garage mysteriously burned to the ground. She was given 15 years, but on October 30, 1992, Wally was found dead, a day before she was to report to prison. They married two months later. Then the story took another turn when the Minnesota Supreme Court court threw out Roger Caldwell's conviction based on the new evidence introduced at Marjorie's trial. EARLY LIFE Then in 1951 Marjorie became someone elses problem. When it opened two years after the murders, tour guides were instructed not to talk about them, because of the sensational nature of the crimes, and because it was still so raw and emotional for the families. Sadly, most people from her generation would not be able to square what they know about Marjorie with the diagnosis of a psychopath. The terms are not interchangeable. The Caldwells were broke, living in Colorado, and had been asking Miss Congdon for money to buy a ranch. And a witness from the first trial changed her story to say she saw Roger elsewhere the day of the murder. The murders were truly reprehensible: attacks of deadly violence committed on two vulnerable, unsuspecting victims. Marjorie Caldwell and her attorney, Ron Meshbesher, walked to the Dakota County Courthouse in Hastings on April 3, 1979. Better you should stay away from them. Her nurse that night, 66-year-old Velma Pietila, had just retired and was looking forward to relaxing and traveling with her husband; shed been convinced to return to work for one more night because the regular nurse was on vacation. The last I heard, she was calling herself Marjorie Hagen and living in the Southwest. Congdon was the only surviving child of mining magnate Chester Congdon, who built the lavish mansion in 1909. Will you still be able to buy Godiva chocolate? The Arizona Daily Star reported that Hagen was most recently in the news in 2006 after her lawyer was accused of bilking her and another client out of more than $100,000. The bottle in question was some type of clear spirit, , Bartenders everywhere know that people hate vermouth. As a result, no autopsy was possible. All Rights Reserved. An autopsy subsequently revealed Walter Hagen had died of a drug overdose. In 1986, he was elected St. Louis County Sheriff; he retired in 1999. WALLY HAGEN On January 13, 1984, Marjorie was given 21 months in the Shakopee Women's Prison for burning down her and Wally's home in Mound, Minnesota. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Candleholders on Elisabeth Congdons bedside table in Glensheen Mansion. It took the authorities less than two weeks to arrest Roger Caldwell, but not before he wound up in the hospital after having collapsed at breakfast with seizures. Marjorie Caldwell served two prison terms for arson, and she's been linked to several mysterious deaths. Cab driver who remembered taking him out to Glensheen on the night of the population are.! In no way conventionally attractive where Velma Pitiela was murdered January 26,1985 her appeal is turned down, so begins! 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