• The KillerFrogs


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Hi! I wanted to follow up with you on the little tailgaite we want to have at TCU before we take the bus over to Cowboy Stadium. My old college roomie Boog Powell will be driving in Saturday am. We are going to meet at the Courtyard University. We will stop by the store and get some beer and sodas and snacks and then head over to TCU around 1:30 - 2:00.
If it works with your schedule maybe you all could meet us at TCU around 1:30 - 2. The bus leaves at 3. We have richmondfrog and her husband and her college roomie and kodiak who said they would like to join in.
Mike, it looks like I could use a ride to the luncheon. I'm staying at the Omni downtown for Thursday and Friday night.
Saturday I switch over to the Courtyard Marriott on University. My old college roomie Boog Powell is driving in that am and we are going out to TCU. We plan to have a little tailgaite starting around 1:30 or 2 and then we are catching the bus over to Cowboy...
Just back from Houston and San Antonio
Wes, hope you won't get mad at me, for making a suggestion on mail.

Is there anyway we could get a button for "mail". Got a comment on a post today telling me to check personal messages. We don't really have a way to know if someone sends us a message.

If a big problem, just forget it. Really loved the way we had it before and folks really were sending me many messages. Now, I get few as I fear many are having difficulty.
