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  • Thank you for passing along your Dad's formula for TNK when speaking, especially of someone. I have used it faithfully and I am appreciative that you shared this. I was extremely close to my father as you were. Keep those wonderful memories and I wish you the best.
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    Reactions: SnoSki
    It is and was my sincere pleasure. Thanks for letting me know that his words have positively impacted you. That means a lot.
    I took my kids skiing for the first time this spring break. Spent a few days at Heavenly and it was awesome. Your avatar brought back some good memories.
    I didn't want to make the recruiting thread about Lake Tahoe but we love that place! I'm lucky enough that my in-laws have a house in Zephyr Cove and we go every summer. Usually go in July/August when it is brutally hot in Texas. Typically just hike or do another activity in the morning and sit on the beach the rest of the day.
    I'm trying to find the "insert image" button you spoke of. I uploaded some pics to tinypic.com but I am lost as what to do next. Thanks.
    Hey bud, I met you in SLC at game day and then after the game seeing the players off. Name is Gino. Anyway was nice meeting you and cool to meet someone who likes the frogs as much as I do. Anyways, not sure if you are a student or not or if you had a place to hang out / tailgate prior to the game but if you want to hang out let me know. Feel free to bring any one else as well.
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