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  • The KillerFrogs
  1. wes

    Last Post

    To my Killer and TCU family If you are reading this it can only mean one thing, that I pass from this earth and started my next adventure. I wish that I could’ve been here to deliver this message personally to each of you, look in the eyes, shake your hands perhaps give you a hug...
  2. wes

    A few things I believe to be true...

    I though the recorders coach essvyhe ansewer to that problem sdvhrhsdvthcthre credentials but apparently doesn’t have the ability to teach them how to tin touted proproperly, get sepslaration or Cath the ball if crumbiest goes and we keep the of that crew are any better off?what purpose does...
  3. wes

    Baylor Lariat: Baylor has no right to mock TCU uniforms

    Baylor fans mocking our uniform?!!this is the same fan group that will stuff their Xxx bodies into any yellow to shirt even if it’s a small extra small or medium those people have no pride or shame
  4. wes

    Poll - Mac or no more Mac?

    You might sdknmevorvryannnhbegorevyoubmakevdrfisionsbthatatbarrntvyoursctobmake
  5. wes


    Coach svhlossnze sent me a text that I completelymidsed and asked that we all pray for oy hi son thismonrning at 10:00amas some holy water from Europe was going to be sprinkled over his son Jackson at that time I know he would appreciate a prayer for JACKSON I feel terrible that imissedthetext
  6. wes

    Did the Astros just push out Reid like the Rangers did Nolan??

    Maybe lots fans down here but the Astriosseemed to be a good fit and Reid didcacheckbofcs job running th express
  7. wes

    FWST: UT has gone out of its way to honor the late, great Dan Jenkins. TCU should do the same

    I may be wrong but I don’t think his job is to kiss TCU’s butt
  8. wes

    Urgent prayer request from Coach schlossnagle

    Thanks I know he appreciates it
  9. wes

    Urgent prayer request from Coach schlossnagle

    He’ll appreciate that
  10. wes

    Urgent prayer request from Coach schlossnagle

    Guys my first reaction is to flood him with texts and calls to show support but let him focus on the matter at hand and not overwhelm himwith texts, etc Gfenough?
  11. wes

    Urgent prayer request from Coach schlossnagle

    at his request I won’t go into details coach is a man of faith and has asked for prayerful help in this stressful time let’s be there for him
  12. wes

    Mobility scooter update

    Thanks. I hate being a whiner
  13. wes

    Mobility scooter update

    Oitcant be worse than the extraction team
  14. wes

    Mobility scooter update

    Thanksit sounds like had it worse than I did but the article is a bit misleading in that they cannot say that you have number of months to live. That 16 month number probably comes fronmthe average life expectancy after diagnosis which is 15.months as igotclose tothe 15 month threshold there...
  15. wes

    Mobility scooter update

    Reality kicked me in the teeth yesterday. Hospice AUSTIN visited an d confirmed that I’ll be confined to bed for the rest of my life of course when I get the scooter thing resolved I can get it it for brief get sways but then it’s back to bed and I am sick and damned tired of it they also said...
  16. wes

    Does anyone here have a Samsung galaxy Note?

    Thanks firctheinput . I’m thinking about it snfclikecthecides of a stylus to make notes. But I hare more urgent an pressing needs batvthevmoment, like mobility so this will have to wait for acwhile