The argument for this is that such leaders will help to mold the contending ethnic and religious groups into harmony and help to remove the perceived mutual distrust among them. The countrys population is diverse, with over 250 ethnic groups represented. The following additional powers can be exercised under emergency rule: massive deployment of the armed forces to take charge of security in place of the policy, invasion of peoples privacy (including homes and offices). He mentioned that the crime rate in Nigeria is extremely high. Nigeria's problems in the education sector have made it hard for the system to churn out market-ready graduates. Nigerians are tired of going to the polls on election day only to discover that their ballots havent been counted. c. All tribes and areas should be treated equally by the government. Production Business enterprises rely on the availability and regular supply of raw materials for production. CDC and Nigeria partnered to launch an emergency response shortly after Nigeria reported its first case of COVID-19 in February 2020. Besides, it is to provide a holistic view of the suggestion or recommendations of solutions. In addition, Nigeria has consistently ranked low in the Global Peace Index (GPI, 2012), signifying a worsened state of insecurity in the country. You also gave solutions. Problems in Nigeria and Solutions: Nigeria is Africas most populated country and the worlds sixth most populous country. The powers to declare a state of emergency is contained in section 305 of the 1999 constitution (as amended). He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. It can be declared for a number of reasons including civil unrest or a natural disaster, armed conflict or in a pandemic. During their schooling, many Nigerian graduates did not learn practical skills. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide3.xml.rels The security challenges in Anambra State over the past weeks do not in any way qualify for the proclamation of a state of emergency. If we scored ourselves so low like this, how can we be rated any better by foreigners? They were too preoccupied with reading textbooks to understand how to apply what they had learned. Insecurity everywhere is a risk factor that business owners and managers dread and wish to avoid by relocating their businesses elsewhere. What are the problems of development in Nigeria. Ethno-Religious Conflicts These have arisen from distrust among various ethnic groups and among the major religions in the country. He also went further to expatiate on the remote (root) factors of insecurity in Nigeria. ppt/slides/_rels/slide13.xml.rels NGC implodes : Dr . National security cannot be invoked as a reason for imposing limitations to prevent merely local or relatively isolated threats to law and order. Nigerias annual inflation rate rose to 11.23 percent in August 2018, up from 11.14 percent in July, which was higher than the markets forecast of 11.11 percent. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta is a good example (MEND). Donate now .( ppt/presentation.xmln0"Q(F. Cases of corruption are not meant to be compromised at all, let alone adjourning them endlessly. According to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 244,000 children are suffering from acute malnutrition in Borno state and on average 134 die every day from this. In addition, the security situation remains serious in Nigeria. The history of State of Emergency in Nigerian politics began in 1962 when large-scale irregularities in the. News May 22, 2013 Nigeria: State of emergency must not lead to more human rights abuses. A nationwide state of national emergency was declared on 25 March 2020 at 12:21pm due to COVID-19 and was extended six times. The FCT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has responded to several emergencies within the The challenge in solving the insecurity problem in Nigeria is to accelerate the pace of development. Despite being neighbors, the mostly Muslim north and predominantly Christian south were never united until 1914. The consistent pattern of post damage responses to national security has been attributed to the dearth of pre-emptive intelligence among security personnel. All of these values which made society secured and safe have all gradually been thrown away and lost. As a means of surviving, many unemployed adolescents have turned to internet frauds. The following are some advantages of statelessness: As the server does not need to manage any session, deploying the services to any number of servers is possible, and so scalability will never be a problem; No states equals less complexity; no session (state) synchronize logic to handle at the . It is, however, subject to abuse. 13/05/2020. In addition, when government decisions are products of subjective rather than objective considerations, states of emergency can be used to settle political scores or advance parochial interests. This does not even take into account the country's . Lack of skilled personnels: Brain drain has become a common phenomenon today, as our highly skilled professionals are now relocating to countries where there are quality infrastructures to work, great standard of living, and a good pay to match. K= 7 ! Those caught up in the conflict have experienced brutal violence, lost family, friends and homes, lived with acute and sustained levels of stress in poor conditions, seen their communities torn apart and had little or no access to life-saving services such as health and education. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide7.xml.rels To begin, the government should put in place policies that have already been developed, such as a gender policy that aspires to achieve gender equality. The "petroleum-rich" Nigerian state, confronted by sociopolitical instability, high degree of corruption, mass hostility to the "public," and poor macroeconomic management, continue to display the attributes of a state in crisis (Akinola, 2008).Successive governments in Nigeria, like in many African states, lack the political will to initiate or sustain policy or structural . The article argues that the presidential constitutions of Nigeria, namely 1979 and 1999, lay down . About 1.5% of its territory is covered by water. The last is when the president receives a request to declare a state of emergency from a state governor. There is a strong skepticism that if the level of insecurity in our country is not scaled down, our vision to be among the best 20 countries of the world may be aborted. There ought to have been a time to determine a cause; time to close that case; and time to deliver judgment and pass sentences. j. f. The educational sector should receive enough funding. 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! He identified ethnoreligious conflict as a major source of insecurity in Nigeria. One of main advantages of emergency maintenance is that there is no initial planning involved so initial cost involved to maintain equipment before failure occurrence is safe. The Siracusa Principles limit which rights can be infringed. Nigeria is regarded as Africas country with the highest unemployment rate. 12. Nigerian troops, aided by troops from Niger and Chad burst into the town looking for guerrillas. It is generally argued however that security is not the absence of threats or security issues, but the ability to rise to the challenges posed by these threats with expediency and expertise. Emergency, I think all of you are familiar with this word. Human Resource When there is a high level of insecurity in a particular area or region, there will be migration of people which could lead to a dearth of skilled labor. I admit that things are bad but not as bad as we are made to believe here! Most urban areas in Nigeria have grown beyond their environmental carrying capacities and existing infrastructure and this has resulted in increased poor quality of the living conditions in urban areas in Nigeria. In the latest violence, 53 people were killed and 13. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide6.xml.rels There is also the need to modernize the security agencies with training, intelligence sharing, advanced technology, logistics, motivation, and change of orientation. Veteran Nollywood actor, Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD) has called on the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government to declare a state of emergency . According to a source, the females were between the ages of 17 and 18. The constitutional powers to declare a state of emergency rests with the president. On the upside, Nigeria benefits from its relatively large market size, which bears the potential for significant economics of scales; a relatively efficient labor market, driven by its flexibility, and a solid financial market following its gradual recovery. No planning is involved and no tools and resources are collected that are required to resolve issues as such issues occur unexpectedly. One of the biggest causes of crime among Nigerian young is negativity; they turn to unlawful activities since they have nothing better to do with their time or money. But no matter what, one has to plan to overcome such emergency situations. To overcome insecurity there is a need for intelligence gathering and surveillance so that law enforcement agents could be proactive and reasonably predict potential crime with near-perfect accuracy rather than being reactive. Higher costs in the long run as problems are likely to recur without addressing root cause, Difficulty in predicting when and how often incidents will occur, Increased risk of system failures and customer dissatisfaction, Lack of proactive identification and resolution of potential problems, Difficulty in identifying the root cause of the problem which leads to recurrence of the problem, Lack of time for thorough testing and validation of the solution, Additional stress on the maintenance team and possibly overtime costs. In addition, the Government at all levels should not compromise in enforcing the law. It poses a serious threat to many peoples lives, which is one of the reasons why many workers are requesting pay raises. For example, a person can be too high of a risk to be desirable to standard insurance providers. Like in many other societies, the sources of insecurity in Nigeria have been traced to a number of factors and explained by different people. Disadvantages of declaring a state of emergency If the President had declared a state of emergency in South Africa, there would have been a limitation on the citizens' rights. 2013, is a baby agency in emergency management, compared to Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA). Graduates are usually required to live with their parents for lengthy periods, which can lead to discontent and pessimism. This can be accomplished by learning one or two different trades. Nigeria ratified the Siracusa Principles. Attending school provides you with extra information, allowing you to become an educated tailor, baker, or shoemaker, for example. The government can abuse the emergency powers. In Nigeria, the challenge is not so much about the insecurity of external sources, but rather that of internal sources. Finance Insecurity also increases security spending by business organizations. Lastly, state insurance departments assist in making insurance available to consumers. It is theorized by many that fighting corruption and winning the war will bring about an egalitarian society, where fairness, social justice, and equal right for all will reign supreme; where rights will not be privileges for some people, and for others, privileges are their rights: where every Nigerian will be treated and accorded position not based on tribe and sect, but on merit defined in terms of the content of his character, mental capacity and ability to deliver; where there will be no discrimination. Apart from the absence of qualified personnel and relevant ambulance equipment, sustainability is an issue.4 Most government ambulance services started and then quickly collapsed when the. ppt/slides/_rels/slide11.xml.rels One such program is the Kentucky Fair Plan. Pervasive Material Inequalities and Unfairness Greater awareness of disparities in life is a major root cause of insecurity in Nigeria. Non-indigenes especially Igbos and Yorubas have to return to their home states before they are killed by Boko Haram. I have few reasons why the idea of state police should be aborted. Required fields are marked *. 1 President Jonathan declared a State of Emergency in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe. In Nigeria, there have been major national disasters in the last few years. This is a rooted general perception of inequality and unfairness which has resulted in a grievance by a large number of people. Nigeria runs a federal system a situation where the federating units are expected to enjoy autonomy. A paper presented by Director Panning Research and Forecasting, NEMA, to participants of the National War College Course 13, at the . Recommended: Richest Musicians In Nigeria currently. On December 18, 1980, in Kano city a notable religious riot between the maitatsines, an anti-westernization sect and. Nice one! Gustafsson-Wright E, Van Der Gaag J (2008). This is so because the association of different component units will make the . Violence is being perpetrated in northern Nigeria by a group known as Boko Haram, which is fighting for a state-controlled by Sharia Law. The problem of Amalgamation: The British colonial authorities constructed Nigeria as a geographical place to make administration easier. K= 7 ! SECURITY CHALLENGES IN NIGERIA AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Small Arms and Light Weapons proliferation and the availability of these weapons have enabled militant groups and criminal groups to have easy access to arms. The federal government can use the power at its disposal to encroach on the powers vested in the states by the Nigerian constitution. The isolated cases of arson, killings and destruction of public and private properties do not threaten the survival or national security of Nigeria. In Nigeria, the variables range from theft to organized armed robbery, kidnapping and demand for ransom, assassination, repeated invasion and blockading of business installations, social injustice, unemployment, lack of access to livelihood resources, the rising cost of living, and bombing, pipelines destruction. 1. Security problems can cut off the supply of such raw materials. Consequently, Aluta posited more sustainable development initiatives regarding insecurity are needed in Nigeria and this is imperative, since security is central to development, and the national transformation agenda of the current administration may not be achieved if there is no solution to the menace of insecurity ravaging the country. An analysis of Nigeria's health sector by state: recommendations for the expansion of the Hygeia Community Health Plan, Amsterdam Institute for International Development (AIID). Social Media Anxiety Disorder is another disadvantage of social media. Chris Aluta, GMD, Protection plus Services Limited made this assertion while speaking on the topic Security Challenges in Nigeria and the Implications for Business Activities and Sustainable Development said that Security, however, can be described as stability and continuity of livelihood (stable and steady income), predictability of daily life (knowing what to expect), protection from crime (feeling safe), and freedom from psychological harm (safety or protection from emotional stress which results from the assurance of knowing that one is wanted, accepted, loved and protected in ones community or neighborhood and by people around. Students who attend tertiary education institutes frequently leave with no employment and low morale. ppt/slides/_rels/slide10.xml.rels g. Since we are all aware of our economys job dilemma, everyone should strive for a back up plan. If there are no jobs in the economy, try to create some. New Jersey, and Connecticut and the 2005 hurricanes that ripped through the Southern states, exposed the vulnerabilities within our cities and in many private industries, including those covering the industrial, transportation and healthcare markets. These migrants which are mostly young men are some of the perpetrators of crime in the country. In turn, it minimizes loss. One can say that emergency is a dangerous situation that requires immediate and quick action. Even though on face value, this will seem to be a positive development, I have reason to be cautious and fearful of another political disaster in the SW. Insecurity, therefore, becomes a drain on local and national resources at the expense of development and peoples well-being thereby, having adverse consequences on economic growth and development. a. Nigerians must come to embrace the truth that, despite the fact that the country was founded by the British, we are all one people. According to studies, the most effective approach to terrorism is effective security and dialogue with terrorists to tackle issues related to the source of terrorism, and the government must prioritize the benefits of the people. Elimination of Corruption and Entrenchment of Social Justice Corruption is viewed by everybody as the cog in the Nigerian wheel of progress and development. Best businesses to start with N100k in Nigeria and be successful, Causes, Effects and Solutions to Brain Drain in Nigeria, Causes, Effects and Solutions to Conflict in Africa, Countries with the best justice system in the world 2022, Effects of Unemployment On Individuals and the society, Problems of the Nigerian educational system, How to buy land in Nigeria: Important documents you will need, Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet, Best Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence. K= 7 ! acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Data Structure & Algorithm-Self Paced(C++/JAVA), Android App Development with Kotlin(Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Differences between Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing, Software Engineering | Coupling and Cohesion, Functional vs Non Functional Requirements, Differences between Verification and Validation, Software Engineering | Classical Waterfall Model, Software Engineering | Requirements Engineering Process, Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Format, Software Engineering | Architectural Design, Difference between Alpha and Beta Testing, Software Engineering | Iterative Waterfall Model, Software Engineering | Introduction to Software Engineering, Difference between Spring and Spring Boot, Software Engineering | Quality Characteristics of a good SRS, Difference between High Level Design and Low Level Design, Class Diagram for Library Management System, Software Engineering | Requirements Elicitation, Software Engineering | Software Characteristics, Software Engineering | Seven Principles of software testing. Apart from the outright closure of a business enterprise, an existing business can also be affected in the four functional areas of business shown below such as production, marketing, finance, and human resource (H/R). In the constitutional history of Nigeria, declarations of a state of emergency have always been premised on public order, safety and security concerns. 1. Good governance good governance is the panacea for the insecurity challenge in Nigeria. This is manifested by the incapacity of the government to deliver public services and to provide basic needs for the masses. That this report is coming from a Nigerian saddens my heart. International monitors witnessed widespread vote box theft in 2007, and while the situation improved in 2011, ballot-rigging remained widespread. The gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most important indices of a countrys economic health. This issue of lack of highly skilled personnel and sufficient manpower has led to reduced productivity in most sectors of our economy, and as such has limited our economic development and growth. Nigeria has lost large numbers of lives in the Northern region since 2009 to the insurgency of this infamous sect, Boko Haram which has been ravaging the northern region of the country. They prefer blanket references, with the consideration that the causes of insecurity are interwoven and contributory to one another. During the enforcement of emergency rule, however, these principles might not be adhered to. Even if you dont live in Nigeria, youve probably heard of Boko Harams kidnappings of hundreds of children, predominantly girls, from schools and communities in northern Nigeria in 2014. Inequality: This is due to the governments and its agencies apparent favoring of people or regions belonging to one tribe over another. It is the cause of inequality and inequitable distribution of the nations wealth among its citizens, a situation that is the root cause of disaffection among Nigerians. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide2.xml.rels Inconsistent economic policies: In Nigeria, every Government comes into office in with their own economic policies which often differ from the policies of the previous administration, hence the previous policies suffer fatally from poor implementation because before it is fully implemented to produce maximum result in our economy, the tenure of the initiator will elapse, and the policies will not be implemented further by the proceeding administration, so therefore resulting in a situation of an ever changing and poorly implemented economic policies which does no good to the growth of our economy. 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! Currently, 3% of the population is between the ages of 15 and 64. This might result in delays in production, decrease in product quality, increase labor costs, etc. This has made national security threat to be a major issue for the government and has prompted a huge allocation of the national budget to security. Another issue in Nigerian schools nowadays is political meddling; politics is the most powerful factor in the Nigerian educational system. Development in this context consists of creating an economy with relevant social, economic, and physical infrastructure for business operations and industrial growth, to provide gainful employment, high-level education facilities, and medical care for the people. Normally, the official gazette will specify the extent and scope of the emergency powers. Nigeria was ranked 144th out of 177 countries on Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index in 2013, making it one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Lecturer, Political Science, Federal University Lafia. Located in western Africa and bordered by Cameroon, Chad, Benin, and Niger, Nigeria occupies a land mass of approximately 924,000 km 2 (357,000 mi 2 ), about twice the size of California. Threats likely to cause a declaration of the state of emergency include armed action against the state (such as a coup d'etat), financial crisis, epidemics, natural disasters, or external attacks. Due to the escalating costs of education (school fees, enrolment fees, the cost of books and other materials), students and even their parents will not want to be held behind by any type of deficit or failure in any of the needed topics, and would thus go to any length to avoid being held back. 25/03/2020. Much of this was a result of the fact that " at least 200 New Orleans police officers have walked away from . d. Resource management should be prioritized so that groups like MEND can no longer exist in our country. The ethnoreligious conflict was defined as a situation in which the relationship between members of one ethnic or religious group and another of such group in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society is characterized by lack of cordiality, mutual suspicion, and fear, and a tendency towards violent confrontation. 13. 2. 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! The possibility of federal government taking over the affairs of the state explains why no state governor has ever requested the president to proclaim a state of emergency in their state. Foreign investors in the Nigerian economy are moving away from starting new companies or production plants and are buying up shares of quoted companies instead. 1~LaRS\&i1PPABwcg6GMH\(>hN{K(wx{ PK ! Below are some of the difficulties impacting ethnicity in Nigeria, as well as proposed. Conflict of Perceptions between the Public and government Over the years, there has been a standing mismatch between public and government perceptions. Insecurity affects the general human security of the people as the situation promotes fear, while at the same time limiting the peoples ability to work effectively. It is the bane of our society. 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! in the light of Emergency Preparedness, Response and Disaster Management in Nigeria. Despite these efforts, the level of insecurity in the country is still high. Nigeria once Africas largest economy continues its downward trend due to coronavirus issues, Banditry, Endsars, and other security vices. Mr question is that, all this solution youve have written down, have once ever secretly or openly impacted at least one of it to solve one part of the problems? A State of Emergency, according to state law, can be declared during a situation or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property, resulting from a natural or man-made cause. "Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the President may by instrument published in the Official Gazette of the Government of the Federation issue a Proclamation of a state of emergency in the Federation or any part thereof". A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. It focuses on the emotional and psychological sense of belonging to a social group that can offer one protection). [2] The study has shown that at a speed of about 30 km/h, tricycle occupant is prone to. on. Porous Borders One major immediate factor which has enhanced insecurity in Nigeria is the porous frontiers of the country, where individual movements are largely untracked. All 36 of Nigeria's governors resolved to declare a state of emergency . It is both a social and economic monster. Many others have also linked security to the governance system. The Yorubas have had a history of political racality, which is well known throughout Nigeria. According to Chris Aluta, insecurity is defined as the state of fear or anxiety, stemming from a concrete or alleged lack of protection. It refers to a lack of or inadequate freedom from danger. , try to create some surviving, many unemployed adolescents have turned to internet frauds you to an! Gross domestic product ( GDP ) is one of the perpetrators of crime in country! Their parents for lengthy periods, which can lead to more human rights abuses cdc Nigeria! 25 March 2020 at 12:21pm due to COVID-19 and was extended six times low like this how! They prefer blanket references, with the consideration that the causes of insecurity Nigeria..., CSS, JS, PHP and React Native during their schooling, Nigerian. 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