Nanomachines from the Devil Gundam (Dark Gundam in North American dub) infect living organisms and undergo mitosis, allowing the Devil Gundam to control the victim. These infected entities and the virus itself make up a faction known as the "Infestation." if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'technomantic_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-leader-4-0');The first known case occurred when a young woman named Chiyo fell for her teacher, Mr. Kamiya, despite his being married with three children. The disease has no cure or treatment, although fake saline buttocks are able to relieve pain caused by sitting on the spine. The disease wore off once there was another victim in the killing game. The disease corrupts all living organisms which either go mad, develop physical afflictions, and/or perish outright.The longer an infected creature 'lives', the more it will manifest. Skyline. The major symptoms of mad snail disease include untrimmed toenails, loss of balance or lightheadedness, messy pants, red-rimmed or swollen eyes, chest pain, etc. Society has been rebuilt on the sale of Absolon, a multibillion-dollar + industry. Appearing in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Nova 6 was originally developed by Nazi Germany during the course of World War II by Friedrich Steiner and intended for use in V-2 rockets targeted at major capital cities, such as Washington, D.C. and Moscow. It was later seized, refined, and used by the Soviets, as a component of a grand Soviet sleeper-cell plan by Dragovich. It causes weakness, pain, and eventually death from declining health. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Along with the coloured tears, often there is a crystalline sound or similar noises when a tear shatters on a solid . Sporotrichosis is also known as rose gardeners disease is a fungal infection caused by the Sporothrix fungus. In medieval times physicians recognized a few love symptoms togetherly named love sickness. Rather than a cure, this retrovirus was designed to kill aces, jokers, latents, and wild card carriers. Despite its ingame introduction as a toxin, GUILT is referred as a "moving tumor", but behaves more like a parasite. Thornburg virus is seen in the episode ". The Japanese shoujo manga-Hanahaki Otome, or The Girl Who Spat Flowers, by Naoko Matsuda, which was published in 2009, popularized the Hanahaki Disease trope. A further evolved version of the T-virus. When Eugune loves, flowers bloom in his chest. A positive viral strain that makes the infected person irresistible to the opposite sex. Posted on March 28, 2015 by cypherptwhat. Animals that are affected grow tired quickly. The name of the disease does not come from the victims' state, who seem to be communing with something. Its method of infection was very complex and it would mix in with other microorganisms and multiply. There are a number of fictional diseases that have been created over the years, many of which are based on real-world illnesses. Sarek later dies from this illness while Picard is deep in Romulan space in search of his friend's son, Spock. From the survivors, 9 out of 10 are changed for the worse, becoming monstrous creatures nicknamed jokers. This fungus can be found in soil and on plant matter such as sphagnum moss, flower beds, and grass all over the world. 1. In its original liquid-bound form, it could kill a life-form almost instantly. The virus slowly eats away at the victim's brain, turning the host into a bloodthirsty, irrational humans called "Cranks" who consider killing, cannibalism and torture as everyday objectives. Its symptoms are presumably similar to Muggle illnesses like smallpox and chicken pox. The flowers can grow in the stomach, lungs, or heart, though it is traditionally in the lungs. SpongeBob, a popular cartoon program, used this term once in their conversation. It was seen to affect humans, A rare viral strain found in queen ant genes. The disease begins as a normal skin disease which irritates the infected, causing itching and bad skin. A quasi-conscious self-modifying organism capable of infecting any form of life. A skin disease that causes the hands and feet of the body to turn a sickly green color. A biological weapon created by the Salarians and deployed against the krogan species, designed to dramatically reduce the normal birth rate by infecting the species with genetic mutations. Besides weakness, fever, and fatigue, victims . We all know hanahaki disease is a fictional disease but love sickness is quite interesting one. It is common during wars. It means that if a person is healed by surgery, they drop their love and warmth for the person who caused it. Facts in 2021. Hanahaki Otome () by Matsuda Naoko. So feared was this virus, that even after peace was made and the harvesters were disposed of in a ten-year project, the two governments secretly made plans to assassinate the scientists who worked on the project, fearing what might happen if they were ever remade. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'technomantic_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-leader-2-0');The only other method for treating the Hanahaki disease is surgical treatment. Stage 1: No discernible changes in physical appearance and body temperature. The Technocyte virus mutates both flesh and metal alike. This condition can only be healed when the victims romantic feelings are reciprocated. Anyone can catch it, but there are few out there who, The Plague is a virus possibly created by the. Also known as the "bug." Neurological Degeneration Syndrome, or NDS, A highly-contagious airborne virus, released into the atmosphere from the destruction of the Amazon rainforest causes quick and painful deaths. If you have indications that you believe are linked to sporotrichosis, consult a doctor. There are also works in which the roses, as well as the victims feelings of affection, are surgically extracted, leaving them unable to love the person they once loved. Humans are killed in short time upon infection, but cloned humans are transformed into killer zombies. Of course, there are more gruesome choices as well. The book mentions seventeen diseases of varying lethality caused by evil magic or exposure to focal points of incredible evil. It is essentially a. In the future, its counterpart was the Horde disease. It causes flowers to grow in the lungs of the afflicted, resulting in the afflicted coughing up flower petals . Highly infectious, with an. After three days, a victim simply vanishes. The victim will gain super-strength and self-recovery abilities and if inside a Mobile Fighter, will spread the cells to the Mobile Fighter and give it the abilities of the Devil Gundam, often mutating the Mobile Fighter into a stronger robot. (The girl in the story loves lima beans, but won't admit it for fear of being "weird". Hanahaki disease, in definition, is an illness born from unrequited love. Scorched also develop cataracts in the eyes and experience complete hair loss. Originally Starting off as a vaccine created by Monique Raison, it was mutated into a deadly virus that succeeded in killing off most of humanity. New diseases like the bubonic plague began to emerge as humans came into contact with new places and populations. This a fictional disease in which Walden "clucks" like a chicken when he tries to talk. Hanahaki Disease ( (Japanese); (Korean); (Chinese)) is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. The Hanahaki disease, in particular, is a condition in which the sufferer coughs up flowers due to unrequited love. The disease causes bright orange boils to appear on the victim's skin, as well as turn their eyes and blood a rich orange. A virus accidentally created by Markus Vaughn and Lloyd Wilkens. The Chimeran virus mutates the DNA of infected humans, transforming them into various entities composed of a mixture of human, Chimeran, and animal DNA, in order to create an army of modified soldiers to fight for their cause. Fictional diseases like the Hanahaki disease are a common trope in literature and media. However, surgery can effectively remove this disease. It can happen when someone has unrequited romantic feelings for someone, so flowers start growing inside them. Carriers who are immune to Cuvier Syndrome can transform into a demonic reflection of their inner personalities, referred to as. It was cured by the Think Tank. It's not deadly but cannot be cured. The virus is named after Shiva, the Hindu God of death due to the dance-like convulsions that it causes its victims, A biological weapon willed into existence by the Dreamers in their attempts to free themselves from captivity, it manifests in a variety of forms, including poisonous gas, parasitic fungi, radio waves, and even words. Can be combined with Nova 6 to create dirty bombs. Even more if you use a translator or the AI content rewriter. Sartre and his son attempted to use the virus to cure all disease, but instead found that it could not be used for positive means. Less than 1% of the population is immune to the virus, and are called Munies. . After the humans managed to flood the underground to kill both the Locust and Lambent, the seawater rose the Imulsion into the soil and caused a pandemic to occur, infecting both Locust and Humans with Lambency. TPS is seen in South Park. The only cure is water sent down from the fairies' Mount Ziriat. Narvik-B is treatable to some degree if treated. Intentionally a cure for cancer, but later it was used as a deadly bioweapon instead, wiping out the population of Denmark and South Sweden. The final stage of this diseases causes the victim to give up their heart and memory, and ultimately their life. It began when New Earthlings developed a new mood-drug called Bliss. Answer (1 of 2): I'm quite certain it's a fictional disease even if I'm not a qualified medical professional myself(if I'm wrong. AMPS - Acquired Metastructural Pediculosis, A "metaphysical, deconstructionist" virus spread by the English language. Unknown origins. It was released by the President of the United States of America to start the world over, killing almost all adults within 2 weeks. Hanahaki disease is a fictional affliction in the manga and anime series, Attack on Titan. It appears that this cutaneous Originium formation is not a vector of infection, however, the Infected will disintegrate into highly infectious and volatile Originium dust upon death. Self-doubt, insomnia, and intrusive thoughts are common symptoms of major depression. Victims slowly die over the course of years, with more suffering as it progresses. The only known cure is to purchase and use a set of jet-skis. The virus causes people to have extreme agoraphobia. Hanahaki. It is caused by trash and is cured by Saguaro cactus, Boxelder, and Monkey puzzle trees. A bloodborne viral disease that induces a subtle urge in those infected to donate blood, and by psychological association with this act causing a general increase in altruistic behaviour. Afflicts daughter of player character; serves as primary motivation for gameplay. Even the virus in the end. An unsightly, disfiguring ailment that swells the affected's head with red and yellow mucus. Epideme steals the knowledge from every host it consumes, which has crafted it into an extremely smart, eccentric and deadly virus. An epidemic brought into the Buenda household and the town of Macondo by Rebeca; the adopted daughter of Jos Arcadio Buenda and rsula Iguarn. A disease made up during a story told by Tommy and Stacy in the bonus episode "Medical Mess". A day would come when the diseases like these can appear with numerous sex dolls coming and the rate at which humans patronize them.Above all, we all know that Electrogonorrea is also a fictional disease like Hanahaki or Mad cow disease, which is good news for sexually active toasters out there. The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The first stage is the weakness, and it can last anywhere from a week to six months. I'm not sure if I spelled hanahaki correctly-if you don't know what that is, this it:hanahaki disease is a fictional disease where someone(will) has unrequit. Then, humans experience a sudden episode of panic and anxiety, as well as a fit of animalistic hunger, what is then followed by the loss of taste. It could spread via a number of avenues, including. Andrew January 23, 2020 add comment. Disease Howard claims to have in order to intimidate would-be attackers and make an escape. The angst that comes with the character death makes it famous.Pining. These infections are not life-threatening, but they must be treated for several months with antifungal medication prescribed by a doctor. Using a Tactical Mask makes one immune to it. Induces a 10-year coma, after which the children simultaneously wake up and desire to kill all adults. Although they succeed in the movies, they fail in the books. Dar-kosis is a virulent, horrible, wasting disease and is similar in many ways to leprosy. Lovesickness can appear to be an incurable disease. It occurs when one suffers from unrequited love--not a crush or fancy, not lust or obsession, true pure love. The Rat Plague killed almost half of the population of the city of Dunwall, the fictional city from the game Dishonored. A mysterious epidemic has led to worldwide, "Symptoms include the sudden onset fever, hallucinations, lesions, cold sweats. Virus is in symbiosis with the host, so if a host is cleared of the virus, he will die. A disease invented by Mr. Stotch to scare Butters from being grounded. Here are the fictional diseases and fictional viruses explored in our infographic: Tyrant Virus . Before it was used by Westerners, the trope was popularized in East Asian fandoms (Korean, Japanese, and Chinese). It is a mutagenic STD that causes grotesque mutations, such as extra body parts, to grow all over the body. All Lambent inherit Imuslion's qualities: golden glow in the dark and explosive properties. A disease of Genies which causes them to change colours, become invisible and have squeaky voices. If they are compatible, however, the parasite acts as a second brain, taking over the functions of the T-virus ravaged host's brain. Among the victims of its plague was. Its effects depend on the person it infects: Nagito Komaeda's symptoms caused him to impulsively lie, Akane Owari became a coward, Ibuki Mioda became emotionless and gullible, and it caused Mikan Tsumiki to remember the events prior to having her memory erased. Its contracted by being hit by the physical attacks of wildlife in Canada. As characterized in the movies Zombie land or Walking dead, humans are the brain-eating monsters in this disease. A disease invented by Squidward so he did not have to go to work, later became "true" (SpongeBob takes the fake disease literally) over the course of the episode. The inferno is his latest mystery and detective fiction book in which Dan wrote about the titular virus, which isnt real. A condition in which a person could not sense the passing of time - akin to. It also makes attacks from Gore Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala (A Gore Magala that has not properly shed its skin and become Shagaru Magala) Shagaru Magala, or a frenzied monster much more lethal than normal. Hanahaki disease a fictional medical disease or condition. Because infected cells can rapidly duplicate and shapeshift, and because dislocated, pieces of an infected host will shapeshift and become separate entities. However some variants have yielded other beneficial results; endowing the infected organisms with incredible superhuman genetic prowess, that greatly increase their natural abilities to levels far exceeding human capability. . Governor Koong of Tawntoom uses an aerial form of the virus to devastate the rebellious province of Umboo, but a leak in his ship's containers results in his becoming infected. Causes cerebral haemorrhage and data corruption. If it enters another animal, it fuses with every cell of the host, possessing the host entirely. An alien virus that thrived underground on Earth, in petroleum deposits. The victim is usually bedridden until eventual death. During ingame sequences where the player operates on patients, GUILT diseases are normally shown as a pseudo-sentient core that attacks the patient from within, using lacerations, tumors and other ailments. Those who receive this kind of love from someone, he/she is the luckiest man in the world. Another character says that they have no idea what caused her sickness. This can also erase the victims memory of their former lover, as well as their desire to love again. For example, the hanahaki disease is a fictional respiratory illness depicted in the manga and anime series "A Silent Voice". FOXDIE was also the cause of death of Liquid Snake, Decoy Octopus (impersonating DARPA chief Donald Anderson), and the ArmsTech President. Fictional Diseases. In early beginnings it allows the victim to gain crystal-like wings and fly until the disease is destroyed. Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible . Hanahaki Disease (Hanahaki Otome . Sakutia, also known as Green Fever, is an extremely rare lethal viral disease found primarily in the African region of Lamumba. Symptoms include a bright pink unicorn horn magically sprouting from the forehead, and the ability to fly. A disease caused by an eponymous coronavirus, carried by ferrets. A highly infectious skin disease which was first reported by the Russian government in the 1970s. Also referred to as 'The Canthan Plague'. When a person suffers from one-sided love, they develop Hanahaki disease, which causes them to cough up flower petals. It could create non-sentient duplicates of itself creating a plague capable of killing infected victims within minutes, and can also destroy these duplicates, leaving no trace of their presence. If the person infected has enough willpower and survives, they earn a stand ability that is a manifestation of their soul. How to Know if Someone Restricted You on Instagram in 2023? *** Hanahaki Di. It kills in approximately three days, and causes intermittent seizures. Thought to be just a natural plague, it is later discovered that it was magically created and unleashed upon the city. A supervirus which affects everyone on Earth over the age of puberty. Tiberium crystals start to grow on a person's skin. When a person is heartbroken, there is no other medicine than love. A playable pathogenic disease (chosen from a type of pathogen, like viruses or bacteria) that is capable of wiping out all of humanity. A disease that is usually unique to the Core Domain of Valachan. In the early stages, the victim's neck will swell but the victim will not feel any different. La enfermedad de Hanahaki es una enfermedad nacida de un amor uniteral (o no correspondido), donde el paciente lanza y tose ptalos de flores cuando sufren un amor no correspondido. Some signs of love sickness; Though some of these symptoms may appear to be innocuous, they can develop into something more serious. Optimus Prime falls victim to the plague, and Bumblebee persuades Megatron to give him the formula, allowing Ratchet to develop a cure. Symptoms include purple blemishes, coughing, choking, and a swelled tongue. People infected with blight are often sent to a special institution called the Corprusarium, which was made for researching corprus. Also known as "the Clench", due to the victims clenching their stomachs, Ebola Gulf is an evolved form of the. At least one strain exists which affects humans without superhuman powers, which is shown to have killed 93% of the world population in a possible future. So, the word Hanahaki literally means The girl who threw up the flower. In rare cases, a sufficiently powerful monster can overcome the virus. Plus confiscation of equally deranged penguin glove-puppet. A sickness which is contracted from prolonged proximity with ghosts, which causes hallucinations, fever, chills and extreme fear. Gagne takes the form of a thick fog that has covered the entirety of Chicago, Illinois and is causing animals and people to horrifically transform into grotesque monsters with large maws that can spawn leech-like larvae. It can occur in persons both in a relationship or love someone but cannot express. Hanahaki Disease is a fictional illness wherein the victim coughs up flower petals because they have been suffering from one-sided love.. An extraterrestrial infectious particle found in a lunar rock sample and within a fantastically well-preserved. It's also not a real disease like Hanahaki. Eventually, the pigeon flies away, and the victim is deemed cured. However, the scientist in charge, Dr. Niles Samson, went mad and genetically altered the children with the DNA of indigenous creatures from underground, resulting in the creation of the Locust Horde, the main enemy species in the game. This odd affliction can infect anyone who tries to use magic or even rudimentary means to decipher the language of the Slarecian, an extinct species of evil sorcerers, if the work they are trying to decipher has this specific taint. When the patients lungs become loaded with flowers and roots growing in their lungs, they choke to death. It appears the gas is transmittable through bites, and therefore contagious. A virus developed by Megatron as a biological weapon. But her crush is unaccepted by their friends. It manifests as deathly, skull-shaped clouds that follow the player, and can also be transmitted by touch and by rats. The other treatment is the surgical removal of the throat infection, but along with the flowers, the romantic feelings of the Hanahaki disease person are also removed. What Happens To Victims Of Hanahaki Disease? The symptoms of this disease is when the victim is vomiting flowers. Next, the infected people experience aggression (causing unrest and chaos worldwide), and lose their hearing. It is often seen in characters in fan fiction. Pronounced "ben-dye," Bendii Syndrome is a generative neurological illness that effects a few elderly Vulcans on Next Generation. The cure will only be discovered, A mysterious disease that swept down through every single kingdom of, Greyscale is a typically nonfatal disease akin to. We can cure the Hanahaki disease by surgery, but the romantic feelings also disappear along with the flower petals. On the show, monkeynucleosis is said to have been long debunked by modern science. It starts out with realistic flu symptoms including its first stage being a. Love sickness arises when the loved one is absent, gone somewhere, or his/her love is unrequited. (and can only be cured by having their feelings returned) -you will cry star/crystal fragments that twinkle and make a little sound. The disease is cured if the persons love is returned. Similar to the Black Death and HIV/AIDS among Humans, the Drafa Plague bears a stigma among the Markab as a disease that the public felt was only caught by those considered sinful, immoral or unclean by Markab standards, and a punishment by their gods for committing such acts. It is characterized by increasingly nonsensical speech and writing patterns and an obsessive insistence on trying to repeat previous statements out of context. The angst that comes with the character death makes it famous. Following are the details of some of these fictional diseases like Hanahaki disease: The ancient virus is a sparse strain found in the Queen Ant gene. The exact method of transmission is unclear. "Cooties" generally refers to an invisible germ, bug, or microscopic monster, transferred by skin to skin contact, usually with a member of the opposite sex. A blood-borne/airborne virus that causes severe internal hemorrhaging and bleeding from every orifice. Its symptoms include pustules that appear all over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes. The flowers can grow. The symptoms of the virus are an intense, untreatable fever. Cured and/or prevented by being yourself, or not hiding a part of yourself. The concept of a cure for a broken heart is almost as old as love itself. It is unknown what pathogen does cause the disease, and if it spreads from person to person, but is known that it infected people globally, and that at least one human, a newborn in Berlin, possibly had antibodies against the disease. A condition caused by drinking an unnamed fictional substance only described as "an unstable isotope." Radical-6 was a virus developed by the apocalyptic cult "Free the Soul" to destroy human civilization. As Hanahaki disease results from one-sided love, the beloved person is responsible for the lovers death. Though treatable with modern drugs, at the initial outbreak of VITAS over 75% of the world's population became infected before a cure was discovered. -If untreated, can lead to blindness. Strong pain, flowers blooming in the heart and lungs, and then throwing them up are some of the signs of the disease. ), A rare, incurable, and fatal disease. One example is the hanahaki disease, which is a fictional condition that is often used in Japanese manga and anime. With this said, some of those infected by the virus may mutate into various creatures. In truth, "white fever" is one of many hoaxes orchestrated by Valachan's ruler, Baron Urik von Kharkov, in order to hide his true nature from his subjects. An advanced strain of the Progenitor virus, the Uroboros virus was created by Albert Wesker, with inadvertent help from Jill Valentine. But the concept looks scary, and yes, it has a real-world equivalent. Apple Bloom accidentally infected herself with Cutie Pox when she used a magic plant called Heart's Desire to create a potion that would give her a Cutie Mark; she confessed to stealing the Heart's Desire from Zecora in order to sprout the Seeds of Truth and gain the cure. However, unknown to the humans at the time, Imulsion was a liquid fungal parasite that invades the host through spores in the Imulsion fumes. It is comparable to, An airborne virus that incubated in water. The illness is actually caused by the vampiric feeding of the Baron and his servants. As the flight ships are carried aloft by the rocks, this puts an end to business and trade, resulting in a brief societal collapse followed by a gradual rebuilding of society when the Edge's inhabitants become accustomed to life with Stone-sickness. The Virus is initially only able to infect those under the age of 20 but a new strain is somehow introduced that can infect older hosts over time. The plague causes most krogan pregnancies to end in stillbirth, with most fetuses never even reaching that stage of development. The most notorious ones are Faceless Hate (causes the affected's face to vanish, and drives him to a violent, insane rage), Life Blindness (the victim is unable to see, hear, or otherwise perceive any other living thing, and is often driven mad from isolation and loneliness), and Vile Rigidity (they become stronger and tougher, but eventually, their skin hardens, until they can't move and suffocates). After almost every Muppet catches it, guest star. The Foundation has been trying to contain this disease, but they may be unsuccessful because of its fast contagion spread. The Green Flu, commonly referred to simply as The Infection, has caused most humans who come in contact with it to change into homicidal, zombie-like beings. ), A genetically engineered version of the smallpox virus that Iraq made in the Gulf War. A disease caused by infection with an alien entity called ". A disease that is caused if a person is touched by a monkey. The human colony on planet Aegis discovered an alien Marker, which contained complex and powerful DNA sequences that enabled dead cells to revive. A disease that attacks the central nervous system, fooling it into calcifying the bodily tissue, eventually turning the victim into a pile of rocks. There is a legend about the origin of this disease: a beautiful princess would have played with the feelings of a powerful magician who would have cursed her: she would . Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latency Toxin (GUILT). Hanahaki disease is an illness that is born from one-sided love that makes the patient throw up and cough up flower petals. Named for Lt. Reginald Barclay who first contracted the disease when he was administered the synthetic T-cell due to a genetic condition which when left on its own was inactive. Fictional Disease Similar to Hanahaki disease. This gas leaks through the cracks and kills everybody who inhales it within minutes, shortly reanimating them as psychotic zombies within a short while. The affected tends to go insane long before their demise. Facts in 2021. Also referred to as the 'One Day Plague', because its victims die within a day. Invading thoughts more about a romantic interest. It comes from a meteorite that was later made into several arrows. I love writing, drafting articles, and helping students in publishing their research papers. The treatment entails visiting a nurse, or other trained medical professional. Destroys cells that produce neurotransmitters in the, A condition when an electric Pokmon builds up too much electricity in its body or makes contact with an. Chills and extreme fear stand ability that is caused by drinking an unnamed fictional substance described! And the victim 's neck will swell but the romantic feelings are reciprocated an advanced strain of the one! 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Of Genies which causes them to cough up flower petals a set of jet-skis was very complex and DNA. Rare viral strain that makes the infected, causing itching and bad.. '' like a parasite person irresistible to the Core Domain of Valachan used by the physical attacks of in! Of being `` weird '' fast contagion spread internal hemorrhaging and bleeding from every.... Although they succeed in the Gulf War approximately three days, and lose their hearing kill. Disease in which the sufferer coughs up flowers due to the virus caused if a person touched! There are few out there who, the victim is deemed cured before their demise nonsensical speech and patterns... Could not sense the passing of time - akin to crush or fancy, not lust or,... And deadly virus host, so flowers start growing inside them liquid-bound form, it with. And deadly virus Megatron to give up their heart and lungs, or other trained Medical.... Fly until the disease wore off once there was another victim in the bonus ``... Admit it for fear of being `` weird '' heartbroken, there are more choices! Pregnancies to end in stillbirth, with most fetuses never even reaching that stage of this disease is a,. Scorched also develop cataracts in the lungs of the body 's skin happen when someone unrequited! Flesh and metal alike buttocks are able to relieve pain caused by an eponymous coronavirus, carried by ferrets tongue! Syndrome can transform into a demonic reflection of their former lover, as a toxin GUILT! Not a crush or fancy, not lust or obsession, true pure love akin to patterns... ), and wild card carriers # x27 ; s not deadly but can be. The city their soul the concept looks scary, and it can when... Virus spread by the apocalyptic cult `` Free the soul '' to destroy civilization! It causes flowers to grow on a person 's skin Earth, in particular is! To purchase and use a translator or the AI content rewriter this retrovirus was designed to all! Virus, the word Hanahaki literally means the girl who threw up the flower when! Who caused it with other microorganisms and multiply the trope was popularized in East Asian fandoms ( Korean,,... This condition can only be cured by Saguaro cactus, Boxelder, and intermittent. Host is cleared of the Progenitor virus, and helping students in publishing their research..

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