Many rescues/shelters will not return an animal to a person who surrendered the animal (with some exceptions) in part out of concern that whatever caused a person to surrender the animal could happen again. Unfortunately, the dogs were found (together) just outside of the neighborhood associations radar. If you have found a stray dog, please contact the animal control officer in the town in which the dog was found. Adopting a fur baby is a life long commitment and one should really think about this seriously. Absolutely not! It depends; if the person has to surrender the animal for reasons beyond their control, they should be allowed to adopt again when they are stable and are completely sure they can take on the pet. In those six years, she bit all my neighbors who came in my house or near it, she ruined anything in her path and started peeing in the house. NO they should NEVER be allowed to adopt ANY OTHER pets, EVER !!! If the baby is in danger then YESrehome the dog but dont just dump it in a shelter. There should also be a list for animal abusers too!!! A person that surrenders their dog just to adopt another, is doing the surrendered dog a great disservice! There are no special cases. How the humans in the piece above could line up QUEUE UP for their dog to be killed is beyond me. I AGREE WITH YOU 110% My wife and i just had the same unprovoked aggressiveness with our last rescue dog . Until I am 38 years old, and my children are 22, 19 and 14. To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? And when they say the kid came along and the dog was jealousso why arent they working with that dog to take care of the jealousy. Nowadays, too many people are totally irresponsible animal owners . Finding new homes for dogs is a sensible option if they suffer from inter-dog aggression. At the time, of course, my mom was telling herself (and us kids) that of course they would find good homes. People marry and divorce, but can marry again. These people that surrender dogs and cats to be killed have no heart , there is just a black mussel that is pumping bad blood there. He was so gentle that even toddlers could take food from his mouth and he would just stop and walk away. Circumstances can change at a drop of a hat. There you can see the Super Urgent, the urgent dogs, the folders with the dogs killed or saved by day and month. I think your article is very skewed and fails to take into consideration the circumstances of the adopter. It wasnt even called a shelter and Im sure those poor cats were all killed within a few minutes of our driving away. NO ONE who gives away a healthy, loving animal should be allowed to adopt a newer model!!!! NO DEFINATELY NOT YOU DONT TAKE A BEAUTIFUL ANIMAL TO A SHELTER JUST BECAUSE ITS OLDER AND THEN HAVE THE NERVE TO ADOPT A PUPPY. Another would be if a major medical issue came up that required hospitalization, or extensive treatment so that I could not meet his needs. My first reaction, no, no more chances. Surrendering a dog is better than dumping it off in the country. But where does the money come for that when so many shelters are already strapped for funds? I know some people who do this a lot and it makes me so angry. Nobody would deny that. If they surrender a pet thats it no more pets for them cause they will do it again! 5. It broke my heart. I cant understand how anyone can just throw away a pet. I believe that if an individual surrenders a pet to a kill shelter they should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. It completely depends on the circumstances. What one person feels is a legitimate reason, might not seem so to another. Anyone that dumps a dog at a kill shelter no, there are always alternatives. If an animal is surrendered and its been abused, then the owner goes on the do not adopt list. I live in a 4 season state and there were cases of animals that were dumped in rural areas and left to freeze to death, think that would be much worse than turning a dog in if the owner was not going to keep the dog either way. It would have to be a very dire emergency reason that prompted them to give up their animal, in my opinion, to stop them from being on the list because, if youd do it once youd do it again. My house is a mess, but the lives I know Im saving. There are a lot of circumstances that are unavoidable for people such as losing their jobs or their homes that would make it better for the dog to be in a different situation. For your kids this is a great learning exercise and if these groups know the public is watching they might just make real effort to help dogs and not just beg for donations with photos of long dead dogs. I was depressed for weeks, didnt eat for days. I think the names of all of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national Do Not Adopt registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference!!! Conditionally, yes they should. There should MOST DEFINITELY be a national registry database that requires all adopters to register online using a license or legal I.D. The shelter accepts all animals from residents of the city of Seattle. He is mine for life. Then what do you do if you try to find that cat or dog a new home and you are unable to do so? I have not gotten a new dog since I have a cat now and I dont know how hed react although he loved Tov, who passed five years ago. If you need to leave your dog, really leave him and have not other option go and board him till you find a new good home for him. I got her cleaned up and vetted. I took him to the vet twice when he got sick, each time shelling out $800+ only to find out that on top of the money I had already spent, he was going to require a $2500-$5000 surgery. Your email address will not be published. I chose to give her back to the foster parent so that she would have a better life. I cry still, and this was almost 5 years ago. We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. I know dogs bring me SO much joy and have taught me so much. Really? If you were, you might be surprised to know what you are capable of doing. Totally put them on the Do Not Adopt registry, for sure!!! I suppose it really depends on the circumstances. I would never give up one of my dogs to these people, they find love, security and socialization at my house. Tip: If you don't have the money to cover the pet surrender fee, you can let the shelter staff know; they might either use paid donations to pay it off or take in your dog for free. If there is any way they can assist you in keeping your pet at home, they will. Anyone that can do this has little to no conscience or compassion and should not be considered for pet adoption. The first time I worked for two years to get the two cats to get along and the spraying, fighting, etc. After moving to GA the house I was renting went into foreclosure. Colorado 2013 stats show there were 101,911 dogs in the rescue/shelter system that year. Definitely NOT!!! A LAW SHOULD BE PASSED SO THEY COULD NEVER ADOPT AGAIN!!!! Many animals are there. You can check it in Urgent Part 2 Urgent Death Row Dogs in FB or their site. Sometimes people who would be good pet owners have family emergencies they have no control over, death and major illnesses, or the pet might have a medical problem that the new owner just cant handle. When you take a pet then everything must be taken into account. Now retired after 35+ years, I have adopted a dog (setter) I have always wanted, and will keep until she or I die. A lack of commitment to a pretty dies not a suitable future adopter make. Many just dump them at the shelter when they get old, sick, or arent the dog they had hope theyd be. To me there is no difference. While the majority of those who surrender pets do so for selfish reasons, if a national registry is put into place I do think there should be an appeal process for extenuating circumstances. Most animals travel in packs or families and when you abandon them, they know it and they dont ever fully recover. not just no but HELL no!!!! There are many other options. I have been the shelter shepherd for a non-profit, no-kill sanctuary for 10 years. They only become that way when they are ignored. The site was conceived and built through the combined efforts of contributing bloggers, technicians, and compassioned volunteers who believe the way we treat our dogs is a direct reflection of the state of our society. A year after his death, when we were ready to welcome a new dog to the family, we went to a shelter and adopted a 16 week old puppy again. It should include anyone convicted of animal abuse as well as anyone who turns in a dog at a kill shelter. They should not be allowed to adopt again because its just allowing people to continue the cycle. Healthy, trained, nice, highly adoptable dogs, even puppies. Maybe they had become homeless, maybe they are dying of cancer, maybe they had tried everything to rehome their pet but were still unsuccessful, maybe they were about to do prison time. Ot isnt black and white. Then, from bad breeding, the little Pom was found to have congenital heart failure. Then I feel those folks should not be allowed to adopt again. Food is limited servings. To me unless its a matter of death or serious illness there should be no reason for them to take them to a shelter knowing they are going to be put to sleep. it is not fair to lump everyone into one category. Put them on a do not own list. Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. Our thought is simply that perspective dog purchasers should be required to take a class before they can own. Its a case by case thing. It simply did not work. I agree with Adriana somewhat. My pets are my children-for as long as theyll have me! And THOSE are the best pets in the world! Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again? Youre going to tell a returning vet, or the family that got it together and got of the street and can feed themselves again; that theyre not worthy of the love of a dog? That person just proved they are heartless and have no problem killing a living creature. That animal is your responsibility! Many humans go for an aesthetically pleasing dog, regardless of its character, they do not find out about what their particular dog needs. If a person cannot provide all of these requirements, they need to find a safe place that will. If its foreclosure, please try and find a Rescue if possible. And they should have some liability for selling puppies to persistent surrender offenders! Every situation is different. These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. This would just keep thousands of animals without the chance to be adopted. So we gave her a chance. However, those who truly dont have a choice are far fewer than those that do. He was only 2 years old; he has such a long happy life ahead of him. Unfortunately, it should be based on each individual case. I have 5 shelter dogs and before had 3 that I purchased from breeders. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. They will do it again. There truly are times when peoplecare desperate and cannot find another way. I felt for this dog and wanted to help her. If youre not familiar with the breed you are adopting-research them first. Yes! If you dont take full responsibility for owning a pet and decide to dump it at a high kill shelter then you should be banned from ever owning another pet for the rest of your life. An animal is not a disposable object. An analogy can be drawn from pregnancy and abortion. We loved him. Puppy mills need to be abolished. If they brought a pet back to a shelter, they should be put on a list and be banned for life from owning another animal! The costs associated with helping to place dogs and cats are substantial (shelter, food, medical care, etc.). They all need training, especially in a new home and if you do not have the time, do not get an animal. No if you dump a dog at a shelter. Behavior issues Can't afford care My first inclination is to say no but it isnt always black & white. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances and the owner doesnt have a choice but to surrender. If anyone can nonchalantly leave a family pet to die in a kill shelter, then a public list to identify them so that rescue groups, breeders and other shelters will know that this is NOT a person that should have another dog. I do agree that there should be a national registry. I think a limit of time before they can adopt may be good, at least the first time around, but if they dump that second baby, NEVER EVER AGAIN BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AN ANIMAL AND THERE SHOULD BE A REGISTRY LIKE SEX OFFENDERS FOR ANIMAL DUMPERS/ABANDONMENT!!!!!!! Maybe make it like a bankruptcy, so that for 3 or 5 years you cant adopt again, but if at that time you seem to be stable, you can. There are plenty of valid circumstances for surrendering a pet. Craigslist, newspaper, Facebook, Walmart parking lot. 4. Not all people that do that have malice in their heart and they may really in truly love their animals. Ive turned over a litter of kittens that were wondering around the neighborhood. We dont know what the case may have been: maybe it was a poverty issue, loss of job and could no longer take care of the dog, maybe the person was now deployed, deported, maybe the person wasnt as educated as they originally thought on the idea of owning a dog, and the best option was to surrender the dog. Give em a break for heavens sake. I think if you couldnt handle or didnt want the first pet you shouldnt ever be allowed to adopt more. What if they relinquished a cat because their newborn is allergic to cats, but not dogs? That fee can range from $20 to $150+. You better have a very good reason! It all depends on the situation. I dont care what the reason is for surrender. Otherwise, YES to all questions. The people that turn in pets into shelters, their names need to put on a registry so that when they try to adopt again, their names are flagged and the application is denied. I had a sister in-law keep doing this with her pets (cats and dogs) when she would be tired of them. Some common reasons why pet owners surrender a pet: Loss of income Can't have the pet in a rental property Major residential move Serious illness Divorce Can't afford pet's medical expenses Behavior problems with the pet, like aggression or fear Too many pets at home Birth of a child Recent incident with the pet, like a bite or attack They would only throw them out in the field, parks, highways to fend for themselves. I figured the Humane Society would have a better chance of finding a new home for her than I could. One of my cats is super jealous and territorial and apparently hates kids (which were in the process of making more), were trying EVERYTHING, so if it doesnt work, I should be punished because I wasnt a good fit for this animal? The first one was a p. Nothing worked. NO , ABSOLUTELY NOT! There is no way we could give our babies up and no one had better mess with them either. I would love to see a national DO NOT ADOPT TO registry! The greatest horror is that of aging dogs, that breaks my heart when they are neglected and murdered, cause they are no longer serving a purpose for owners. They are advised that the animal will most likely be PTS, and they still turn them in. I believe if you cannot do it the first time and get it right ,there should be no second time,if yes there is a ligitament reason,the owner died,2 strikes you are out,people think animals are so disposable today, some get rid of them for the stupidest reason,they eat to much,there old ,they want a puppy ,it should be a privalige to own an animal ,just like having a liscense,people should actually be screened to have an animal its to easy today,and to many are being abused,i believe the same with children. I cried the whole way to the shelter, throughout the surrendering process, and on the drive back. Injured Animal When you have an animal it is for life, and maybe you should rethink a few times before you want to adopt an animal. So if they surrendered their fur baby to a shelter, no-kill or not, because they decided they didnt want the responsibility of pet anymore then they shouldnt be allowed to adopt again. I tried CBD. How can a caring person, knowing that the odds of that animal ever leaving that place are slim to none, do that? A Contractual Obligation But all of that is irrelevant if you've already taken the plunge and adopted without fully. We are not bad dog parents. NO ABSOLUTELY NOT !! You have to get all the details before judging. Far too many excuses for dumping their animals, no time, had a baby, new boyfriend or husband doesnt like the animal. Her being the good person she is, she gave the dog to a rescue that had the resources to care for the dog. But like most offenses, it is wrong to condemn the act without the whole story. I would think that it needs to be on an individual situation. How about taking your outrage out on them?! Theyre clearly not capable of caring for a pet. Id hope someone would forget or decide not to bother after a 5yr and a 10 yr ban. A dog who cared for his charge for years then was thrown away! I am a responsible dog owner of 2 dogs. I want to say, no, but I am learning that sometimes it really depends on the situation. But, barring some extreme (temporary) hardship that prompted the surrender in the first place, they should go on a list so that future shelters can consider if they wish to let them adopt again. Absolutely not! All my dogs have been rescued, this last one has struggled with some issue but that only makes me love her more. Life is about love, learning, and things that make you happy. these are living creatures not old cars to be traded in for a newer model. However, generally when a person gives away his/her animal, such person has no further rights to that animal so it is typically up to the animal's new owner to decide whether or not to return an animal or to . A few get a more chances if reserved, but if the person that is supposed to pick them up doesnt show next day they go back to the list. If they are a serial owner surrender, then yes! 30 days is not enough time to put them on the petfinder or in the newspaper. Im sorry, but I respectfully disagree. I have to call the Sheriff, show him proof that they are not my animals bu showing my vet records and than either myself or the Sheriff hauls them into the shelter. Please allow 72 hours for a response. It got to a point where I honestly stopped chasing him, and I prayed my neighbors didnt know he was mine. When you get a dog or cat they become family. . They should be getting fined for dropping off their pets and no sorry u are not allowed to back in the building EVER!!!!!! However, there are some legitimate reasons such as a pet that has become terminally ill or extremely aggressive, or a person who loses all sources of income for an extended period of time and can no longer care for the pet. Hed been there before, after all. You may deny them one of your rescue dogs, but if they still want a dog, they will still get one. I miss her like crazy and would love to have her back someday if I ever could. For those dealing with military deployment, check with Dogs On Deployment to find a long-term caretaker for your dog while youre deployed. DEFINITELY, NO!!! Thick n thin you see it thru or dont get one to begin with. I surrendered a dog I had for several years because he attacked my neighbors kid & ripped open his ankle, he snapped & bit my son twice & he killed my cats kitten & he would attack any dog that got near him. It is wrong to condemn the act without the whole way to the parent! To be euthanized folders with the breed you are unable to do?... 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