My husband wasnt a very extroverted person when we married, but he has become really social and extroverted 12 years later, and I continue to be introverted. I enjoy small groups of people I trust, and its hard for me to make conversation. Not the spouse who was not what you wanted, that you chose, anyways. What To Do When Your Husband Doesn't Provide There are a number of different tactics you can take if you find that your marriage is not working for you in the way that you had hoped when you said I do. In my mind had kind of checked out of the relationship at that point and accepted Id be looking for someone else soon. Introverts find socializing draining; extroverts find it stimulating - it's a matter of energy. Should I pursue an affair with a man who just wants to be friends? Tell him I would like it if you took my hand etc. Leave him because he doesn't like hanging out with your family 3. I dont care about their kids or their health or their inane small talk that is so intellectually retarded it makes me cringe. Then Dr. Dana will send you additional free coaching via email. Its impossible to save money with her. Men, if you dont want to do something DONT DO IT. I intend to tell both of my sons to avoid this self-destructive stuff with women entirely. Ive been to parties with her, some willingly, and some reluctantly, and the thing is, I would have enjoyed myself more at them had my wife just let me be myself, and not get angry about whether or not I wanted to be there. I am an introvert and my husband is an extrovert. Just like extroverts, we need close relationships to thrive. 9 Signs of a Healthy Romantic Relationship. He calls me anti social when I am not. I have acquaintances that I see two or three times a year and thats all the socialization I need. Coupled with a spouse with no friends to speak of, this can be a glimpse at the real roots of both issues. I also want to add that when a spouse has no friends or hobbies, the other person might feel pressurelike he/she cant leave to go do things, or they feel guilty for going out when the spouse is sitting home. We had the worse argument a few nights ago after he came in for one hour. We are, however, only a few years from retirement and a recent spell off work for me has highlighted what I fear may be a problem. WRONG. My husband doesn't like to go out as much, doesn't enjoy meeting new people, doesn't need a social life to be fulfilled. It doesnt have to stay that way. 3. Just like the those days in school, though, friendships most often form around similar interests. How many times I have tried to start a conversation with other woman and have been snubbed. Good for you. If your situation has gotten really hopeless, in other words you dont know what to do about your antisocial spouse, say these words to him: Right now, I really, really care about us and the survival of our relationship. If there's a drink to be fetched or a bowl of chips to be refilled, this task will instantly become the sole purpose of my existence, because literally anything is better than small talk. Because thats what you do for someone you love and to whom you are committed. Online is a great place to start but it cant end there. And therein lies the problem that has kept thousands of introverts . You can not always have your own way when it comes to choosing restaurants or things to do. Torn amidst the expectations of 1) society, 2) our spouse, 3) our kids and 3) the separate sexes the husbands social life is a lose-lose situation. Men should be sexy, so we need to work out. Im looking at this from the outside in, but it sounds like your husband is depressed. It can be deflating to come to your husband to talk about something that happened at the office or some sort of success, and he not only doesn't respond negatively but makes you feel bad about it. Feeling empathy for each others opinions, trying to give to one another, and being loyal to making the relationship work are the keys to staying together. Now Ive decided Ill never have another girlfriend.They feel like they have the right to demand my time and attention. My husband, on the other hand, seems no further along in his Christian walk than he was 10 years ago. It may be that the way you and your husband communicate is contributing to the problem. If Jane wants to spend time with her friends, Joe either comes along (not an ideal scenario for Jane, who needs to enjoy her freedom and connect with people other than Joe to feel fulfilled), or he stays home by himself (which he does not enjoy he wants to be with Jane). A night out means a hangover. Totally normal for her age. We never had kids because he never wanted sex and couldnt stand the thought of bringing another life to this truly horrible world. You might think, Im a good husband and father, I dont cheat, Im not mean or abusive, and Im a good provider financially. But to my surprise, she agreed to give it up. But he simply won't go. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. For me it's the opposite; my female partner has no close family or friends, and views any suggestion that I, a male, needs to make any new friends. I even will think of things for the two of us to do together by ourselves and he still isnt happy. Someone who is emotionally immature may also lack an awareness of the need for self-care. The day after our wedding we went to the casino because she whined and cried to get her way. Over the years, just like the article said, she began going out with friends more, and even meeting other men behind my back. Telling your partner you don't like them on any kind of repetitive basis is a form of verbal abuse. An Introvert doesnt change into an Extrovert (unless its a temporary, necessary situation, like acting), and people should stop trying to change them. In other words, I'm a good person! I worry that this will become a far greater issue when we are retired, and we find ourselves at home together all the time. It might not be easy for him to do, but even facing up the pressure of an unknown social situation can, in hindsight, be a victory that inspires him to carve out his own identity and social scene. There is a HUGE difference between being antisocial and an introvert. If you havent read it, I highly recommend Susan Cains book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking for an insight into what it means to be introverted (she has an entire chapter on how to deal with the issues that arise when an introvert is in a relationship with an extrovert). Relationships with women fail the cost/benefit analysis every time. Im so much happier single. After youve mentally checked out of a relationship, its hard to get the feelings back again, but I do feel were getting there. But what about people who dont seem to do any of those things? He spends less time at home. My kids listen to me a lot more, not in fear, but they know they have to listen. I dont know what to do. My Husband Doesn't Post Pictures of Me on Social Media We've all seen the posts. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. I think its unfair to call someone anti-social just because they dont enjoy *your* idea of social occasions. Im the introvert in my relationship. What I cannot cope with are the rude, stupid, obnoxious pieces of shit that bother me and then call me a snob when they are horrible to contend with. Men need to support each other more because youre sure not going to get that from most partners. Trust me, there is nothing wrong in being alone sometimes. Its tough, I know if I am honest shed rather be out chugging beers with her friends or hanging out with them and their husbands than me. 3) Give Him Time To Unwind (then Take Yours) 4) Stay in the Right Attitude and Perspective. I cant recommend it enough. Avoid overthinking. Maybe he doesnt realize it. Myboyfriend cheated on me with a friend. Why does my wife nag me constantly to go out with other couples and to parties?. That is my issue. I wish there was. Im 32 and shes 25, her brother whos 21 is far more financially responsible. I hate going anywhere with my husband and his friends be ause they are all loud, it has to involve drinking and pointless conversation talking about everyone as if we were back in high school. It can also become mental abuse, such as when it gets generalized into some form of "no one likes you" (See the next real-life quote below for an example). So I cant disagree with your assertion that having an antisocial spouse can lead to separation and divorce. Time to move on and live life, not staying home and smelling their farts all evening. It could be the feeling that no one likes him, self consciousness about appearance, general and social anxiety, or any number of source issues.. 2) Don't Criticize or Correct. They are costly to all of the above. Most people are not interested in the same things he is interested in. Where Should We Send Your Free Marriage Coaching? My husband hates socialising Our agony aunt Mary Fenwick offers some words of wisdom on whatever is troubling you By Psychologies I've been married for nearly 20 years and my husband and I have two young children. I am also an Introvert and that was the #1 reason why my ex wanted a Divorce. But this isnt a simple question. BUT, if its causing an issue in the marriage, then its a problem. After eight years of marriage, he has just told me that he definitely doesn't want children. I think more than half the problem is that I feel he doesnt have the sympathy I have for him. I cant tell you how many have asked me after our separation if he has Aspergers or something. You write that he is friendly but just doesn't like to socialize outside of the house. What Is The #1 Issue Or Problem In Your Marriage? HE DOESNT WANT TO DO IT. I have not mention this to him because I really want to take this opportunity to improve a little, but at the same time I dont think its fair, and I dont think being introverted is a flaw or something to be fixed. 8. She also starts going out with girlfriends. And Im really glad I no longer have to rack my brain to come up with an original, romantic, epic date every weekend. Here's a link to his video again. There may be an underlying reason (we'll get to that), but the fact remains: You don't owe anyone an explanation for how you choose. You don't have to fake excitement about every little . I guess we exist to end our lives alone. Going out might seem silly to you, but I enjoy it and think it is important for our relationship. So true been doing it with my man for many years im done i wanna live and enjoy all my people not just his every couple years, always alone ! For example, Phil, youre right in that your wife shouldve agreed to have people over, given your level of discomfort. Insecurity can also be a driving force behind obsessive codependence that need to be together all the time. He put a ring on my finger. Wed like you to be the same weight you were when we got married. 8. He might come to an event for an hour to pick me up if I didnt drive. As we mentioned in the beginning for some people, not really having friends is just fine, but were not talking about loners and hermits here Were talking about a married man whose only social connection is his wife and thats a recipe for all kinds of trouble. I only go out once every couple of months with my sister whos my best friend. Its not quite like the days on the schoolyard, and the older you get, the more closed off and set in their ways people tend to be making it harder and harder to forge new connections or be accepted by an existing social group. We share very few friends and almost never go out with other couples or invite them to our house. I have started to plan things with my single friends because of it. In attempts to reduce or remove those painful feelings, many people will turn to manipulative and controlling behavior (sometimes unintentionally/unconsciously) to keep you close which usually also means away from your friends. 6. Chronic criticismeven for small things. I want it to be like it was when we were a childless couple, with the benefit of having the kids in the morning.. No it isnt. I try to make his family gatherings- in fairness, I more often than not, make it, as I also need to chase after our little ones! Your husband should want that for you and not be jealous or concerned. Its very rare for me to come across a guy who does not have simple tastes. Its something each and every one of us has to deal with. Because I feel men love to provide and make their wives happy and protects them. Ive tried therapy thinking perhaps I could change my ways. Everyone cultivates different types of relationships with the people around them. Force him to attend and watch him crawl out of his skin with boredom and stress 4. Were all different and if youre spouse cant accept you the way you are, even if that means youve changed over the years screw em, lifes too short! We have watched you go to family functions and wander outside or check your phone as we feel embarassed that our guests feel they are being ignored. Worse, it's disrespectful and is not the behavior of someone who's in love with you. My family and friends are very social and gregarious folks. The truth is, you chose that person. I dont know how much more I can take. There isnt anything wrong with not enjoying small talk, or shallow parties. 2 Try responding differently to difficult situations. You need to at least make an effort when they engage you. Its sad. Its that simple. But in all fairness, he cant do anything about it if you dont express what you need. If you have a positive gut reaction to the concept of a husband with multiple children AND multiple active hobbies, what is your reaction to the reality of a man spending an entire Sunday in the garage? 9. So I have never enjoyed large parties. 4 You have trust issues. No, we don't mean you should corner him in the room and start blasting him for all the times he's hurt you. Ive been married 29 years in 2 months, we have 3 beautiful adult children that are thriving. not threatening. No affection can be one of the first things to happen in a relationship after you get married and have children. Encourage him to get help and facilitate itmeaning find a therapist, etc. Whats the fight about? Similarly Id probably have more fun out my myself, but I also know theyre not compatible with a happy marriage. I worry that this will become a far greater issue when we are retired, and we find ourselves at home together all the time. After searching for a book club, a musical gathering, a cooking class, a pick-up sports group (or whatever strikes his fancy), the critical part is actually getting out of the house to attend these gatherings. Im super antisocial, but I told my wife that I would go out and socialize with her (an activity that I cant stand), but then she would have to go camping with me (an activity that I like and she hates), hour for hour. I am very clear on my views and I will tell you I think you are wrong. Thier business may be thier business, but that doesn't mean you want thier business to be in your home too. Got it? He won't even consider it. The fakies who love to hang in groups dont like that one bit. Somehow. My name is Julie also. Please consider especially how your words or the tone of your message could be perceived by someone in this situation, and be aware that comments which appear to be disruptive or disrespectful to the individual concerned will be removed. Yet, all I was asking was to have my person there. It is not because we are depressed, have low self-esteem or are just unhappy, although those things may also be true. By Jackie Pilossoph, Creator and Editor-in-chief, Divorced Girl Smiling site, podcast and app, Love Essentially columnist and author. It worked! Their partner might need to remind them to brush their teeth, shave, or shower. Over the years I have tried going out without her, but then I would feel resentment when everyone else is with their significant other but me. Ive been nicknamed the loner with a time limit because I have a limit of 2-3 hours at any event. These family members are around your daughters to? But accommodating the needs of your partner cuts both ways. Now I've met someone else, Iam scared that my boyfriend will mistreat me like I did my ex. So, if your wife wants to go out with you one night every week or every other week, do it for HER. He is only interested in his own world and his own thing. This type of person literally HATES to go out with anyone but their spouse. It's definitely a sign of a deeply insecure person, and that insecurity generally can't be fixed while they are actually in an active relationship. I dont even use social media. Feeling I married the wrong man for me. Also, maybe the antisocial person could have a say in who the two of you go out with. Sitting here alone in Nashville because I did not know the plans my husband made with his friends. Not liking things is normal. Someone above mentioned how they felt introversion is not something that can be fixed, and I agree. So a little . I love to be with other people, chatting or going out to dinner and the theatre, whereas he is much more self sufficient and really dislikes most social situations. And my husband tries to make my family gatherings . Therapy can be very helpful for these kinds of situations. Is Fighting In Front of The Kids Ever OK? 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