I did not notice any discrepancies in terminology. For the most part topics are presented in a logical sequence, except for the Evolution chapters. WebBiology 2e (2nd Edition) Book Edition. I was wondering if you have Chapter 12 (Genetics)? On page 749, the text says, In the following Cenozoic Era, mammals radiated into terrestrial and aquatic niches once occupied by dinosaurs. No, the aquatic reptiles of the Mesozoic were not dinosaurs. and you must attribute OpenStax. WebOpenstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 Download Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2: FileName Speed Downloads Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | full 3971 kb/s 3630 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 [Most popular] 1278 kb/s 4838 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | added by users 798 kb/s 4512 In some cases, these are not strictly related to biology; for example, quantitative and qualitative are discussed but not defined in Chapter 1. The chapter-end questions, the opening outlines, and other such framing devices are used consistently throughout the book. The text is not culturally insensitive and uses a wide variety of examples. The text is easy to read with consistent flow and rationale. Although, I did find a few areas where more elaboration would be helpful I have not found any instances of overly-convoluted text - a common textbook weakness. The terms higher and lower organisms are used throughout the text. In the survey of the major groups of organisms (Protists, Fungi, etc.) read more. Professor, Science Dept. Acids, but not bases, can change the pH of a solution. My students do a lot of Google image searching to supplement graphics. The index and glossary are fine. There are a few exceptions; for instance, the details about phospholipid structure are much more specific than I would require in an introductory class. All topics are covered type of secondary protein structure formed by folding the polypeptide into a helix shape with hydrogen bonds stabilizing the structure, a protein's monomer; has a central carbon or alpha carbon to which an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen, and an R group or side chain is attached; the R group is different for all 20 common amino acids, secondary structure in proteins in which hydrogen bonding forms "pleats" between atoms on the polypeptide chain's backbone, large molecule necessary for life that is built from smaller organic molecules, biological macromolecule in which the ratio of carbon to hydrogen and to oxygen is 1:2:1; carbohydrates serve as energy sources and structural support in cells and form arthropods' cellular exoskeleton, polysaccharide that comprises the plants' cell wall; provides structural support to the cell, chaperonin), protein that helps nascent protein in the folding process, type of carbohydrate that forms the outer skeleton of all arthropods that include crustaceans and insects; it also forms fungi cell walls, condensation), reaction that links monomer molecules, releasing a water molecule for each bond formed, loss of shape in a protein as a result of changes in temperature, pH, or chemical exposure, double-helical molecule that carries the cell's hereditary information, two sugar monomers that a glycosidic bond links, catalyst in a biochemical reaction that is usually a complex or conjugated protein, bond formed by a dehydration reaction between two monosaccharides with eliminating a water molecule, chemical signaling molecule, usually protein or steroid, secreted by endocrine cells that act to control or regulate specific physiological processes, reaction that causes breakdown of larger molecules into smaller molecules by utilizing water, macromolecule that is nonpolar and insoluble in water, RNA that carries information from DNA to ribosomes during protein synthesis, smallest unit of larger molecules that are polymers, biological macromolecule that carries the cell's genetic blueprint and carries instructions for the cell's functioning, monomer of nucleic acids; contains a pentose sugar, one or more phosphate groups, and a nitrogenous base, type of polyunsaturated fat that the body requires; numbering the carbon omega starts from the methyl end or the end that is farthest from the carboxylic end, bond formed between two amino acids by a dehydration reaction, linkage covalent chemical bond that holds together the polynucleotide chains with a phosphate group linking neighboring nucleotides' two pentose sugars, membranes' major constituent; comprised of two fatty acids and a phosphate-containing group attached to a glycerol backbone, chain of monomer residues that covalent bonds link; polymerization is the process of polymer formation from monomers by condensation, long chain of amino acids that peptide bonds link, long chain of monosaccharides; may be branched or unbranched, linear sequence of amino acids in a protein, biological macromolecule comprised of one or more amino acid chains, type of nitrogenous base in DNA and RNA; adenine and guanine are purines, type of nitrogenous base in DNA and RNA; cytosine, thymine, and uracil are pyrimidines, association of discrete polypeptide subunits in a protein, single-stranded, often internally base paired, molecule that is involved in protein synthesis, RNA that ensures the proper alignment of the mRNA and the ribosomes during protein synthesis and catalyzes forming the peptide linkage, long-chain hydrocarbon with single covalent bonds in the carbon chain; the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon skeleton is maximized, regular structure that proteins form by intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the oxygen atom of one amino acid residue and the hydrogen attached to the nitrogen atom of another amino acid residue, type of lipid comprised of four fused hydrocarbon rings forming a planar structure, a protein's three-dimensional conformation, including interactions between secondary structural elements; formed from interactions between amino acid side chains, fat formed artificially by hydrogenating oils, leading to a different arrangement of double bond(s) than those in naturally occurring lipids, process through which messenger RNA forms on a template of DNA, RNA that carries activated amino acids to the site of protein synthesis on the ribosome, process through which RNA directs the protein's formation, triglyceride), fat molecule; consists of three fatty acids linked to a glycerol molecule, long-chain hydrocarbon that has one or more double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain, lipid comprised of a long-chain fatty acid that is esterified to a long-chain alcohol; serves as a protective coating on some feathers, aquatic mammal fur, and leaves, Bio Honors Ch 3 Vocabulary Flash Cards (From, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols Page 1 -, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 2 The Chemical Fo, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 4 Cell Structure, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 5 Structure and F, OpenStax Microbiology Chapter 1 An Invisible, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 28 De, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 27 Th, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 26 Fl, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Students should be able to build upon their knowledge and comprehension as they proceed through the course. WebBiology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The basic content doesn't seem to be at any more risk of becoming dated that a traditional text. The correct answer was identified as A. While that answer is obviously more correct than the others, it is certainly incomplete and misleading. As a result of the modularity, if a different progression is preferred it is easy to select material in a manner that aligns with your course/preferences. Overall text was a good mix between technical / scientific jargon and everyday language. A few of these external resources are Flash, which may not be accessible to some students. Numerous other ways of logically organizing chapters are certainly possible, but that employed in this text flow nicely. Certainly from the perspective of an instructor, maintaining some consistency from one semester to another is helpful, but I am hoping that future updates will not be limited to errata. The organismal themes are oriented toward animal function and structure (which can be found in the majority of the book), with only a cursory coverage of plant structure and function (similar to what is found in the majority of biology textbooks). I think this book is comprehensive for a general biology textbook, but it lacks some depth and breath for some concepts. There is no discussion of the temperate forests on the west coast. I did not read any insensitive or offensive language in the chapters I reviewed. I have found the content for this purpose mostly comprehensive, with some need to supplement. I often only award a small number of points for reading guides, about 5 pts and mainly look for completion. Im used to seeing A&P chapters laid out from an evolutionary perspective (e.g. - Biological levels should begin at the atomic level (Figure 1.16). All topics are covered appropriately. American Biology Teacher 56:7, 405-407. Thank you! In other words, the new content will be a much more manageable 300 pages that will complement short videos I prepare. Teaching in an area with many first generation college students from disadvantaged background that is key. Further, some comprehension questions at the end of chapters would continue on the next page making it hard to understand what the answer choices were. Chemokines are not discussed. WebBiology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The scientific information provided in this text is very accurate. The Career Connections are a nice feature. Overall, fantastic text and a great option for OER content for an introductory biology course. Also, capitalization of terms is not uniform throughout the index. As noted above, in some cases the art is not consistent across ideas and within and between chapters, and this could be confusing for a student. Some of them (Figure 5.11, Figure 18.6) are truly awful. For example, does it still make sense to start teach students about genetics by starting with Mendel, or does this "plant" (haha) some misconceptions about the way that genes work from the very beginning? . Others are likely typos (e.g., in Table 4.1, it is shown that "Some" bacteria have cilia, which is not correct. Some of the figures in the PDF have very small components that cant be magnified (they just become pixelated if one tries). However, the answers are difficult to quickly locate as they are listed in paragraph format, rather than organized as a list. The book is not written in a conversational or condescending voice, a plague among other biology textbooks. read more. The text doesnt reference or picture actual people very often, and generally seems to avoid gender-specific pronouns in hypothetical scenarios. Nitrogen fixation and plant defenses are not well explained, and deamination and cation exchange dont come up in a search. This textbook has learning objectives at the beginning of each section. Core concepts for introductory level college course are addressed in sufficient detail, without overly complicating the material for this audience. Giving a more accurate representation may sway students to pursue some of the more cutting edge aspects of Biotechnology research. Different topics in the text are organized and presented in a logical manner that make sense from biological perspective. The text is clear but perhaps a little dry and sparse. Also, the references to recent studies makes it an up-to-date text. WebBiology 2e (2nd Edition) Book Edition. The student can use references to look up additional material. It does not however include the latest information on gene editing. glycogen. This textbook covers the typical introductory biology course topics for biology majors, including chemistry, cells, genetics, evolution, biodiversity, plant and animal form and function, and ecology. That said, it isn't particularly cutting edge, either in terms of content, or in its approach to teaching. The overall order of the chapters seems to me to reflect an "order of discovery" approach that I have seen in the Campbell book (Mendelian genetics before DNA, speciation before population genetics). Naturally, other chapters addresses some scientific concepts which have unfortunately become politicized (evolution and anthropogenic climate change, for example), which may be alienating to some students. This book uses the There are very few grammatical or typographical errors, and these can easily be fixed in subsequent versions. WebNow, with expert-verified solutions from Biology 2nd Edition, youll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. On the positive side, the section on global climate change is quite welcome as being highly relevant. The topics are presented in a logical order, and they generally build from micro to macro. I felt the order in which the authors approached topics was intuitive to how a student might learn the topic. The distinction between charophytes and the other taxon within the green algae was made clearly in Chapter 23. Overall, I highly recommend the book. Only issues I've found are in the accuracy of illustrations -- several are mis-labeled. What I found particularly refreshing was the inclusion of a biotechnology and genomics chapter later on in the book. - Figures should not cross multiple pages (i.e., figure 1.16 in pdf version). I think the book is of equal quality, scientific rigor, and depth as any mainstream introductory biology textbook currently on the market. read more. The latter include art connection questions (which refer to diagrams in the chapter), multiple choice review questions and free response critical thinking questions. The reviewers noticed that care was taken to include recent findings (for example, neurogenesis and BrdU labeling; epigenetics; personalized medicine). This is a very comprehensive textbook that provides an appropriate balance between the different fields of biology. Links to online content varied in quality and ability to engage students in a dynamic way. For example, Cell Communication, Cell reproduction, Mendelian genetics and non-mendelian traits, DNA replication and repair and mitosis and meiosis I believe are covered adequately. In general, the content of the text is accurate. read more. I did not find references to other sections of the book, and these chapters could be used without the rest of the text. The book downloads easily, and can be viewed and searched online easily. Overall this text covers each topic in adequate detail and provides enough detail and content for a two semester coverage of biology for majors, especially if this text is used alongside additional instructor input and labs. inhibition by a binding event at a site different from the active site, which induces a conformational change and reduces the enzyme's affinity for its substrate. I read the chapters I would cover quite carefully, and did not find any errors of note. This is likely a consequence of using open-access images rather than art created specifically for a textbook. I did not see any grammatical issues while skimming the text. Chapters seem to be accurate, and there does not seem to be any significant bias in the content. The relevance of the opening figures to the chapter content is not always obvious. I must admit that at first glance this book looked to me to be much less glitzy than traditionally published books, without all the bells and whistles, the fancy graphics and human interest stories. (The text does link out to an online resource which invites students to click through the stages of the Krebs Cycle, however the usefulness of this tool far outweighs the confusion of the older term.). Reviewed by Christopher Sorenson, Instructor, St. The text follows the many models of material sequence available in this market. As a longtime user of a textbook that is well-respected by biologists and other colleges, but a struggle for many introductory science students to read, this book was a breath of fresh air! The text is divided logically and often, providing a break for students reading. Few minor errors are present in some materials. However, I now realize that instructors are encouraged to cut irrelevant material and use relevant material to their coursework. stream No cultural issues were noted in the textbook. Some chapters contain references to "recent work" that will not be recent in a few years, although the text also does not give specific years the work was published. It would make more sense to discuss the topics as they arise than to briefly mention and revisit later. My overall impressions of Biology from OpenStax by Rye et al. WebOpenstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 Download Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2: FileName Speed Downloads Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | full 3971 kb/s 3630 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 [Most popular] 1278 kb/s 4838 Openstax Biology 2e Answer Key Chapter 2 | added by users 798 kb/s 4512 The online accessibility allows one to search the contents of the book, making it 3. For instance "anabolic pathways require an input of energy to synthesize complex.. is accurate. Each chapter has the appropriate figures for enhanced learning and understanding. The rest of the content is current and relevant. Reading this textbook was remarkably easy and smooth which is much different than the textbooks I remember reading for general biology when I was an undergraduate. cellular respiration or molecular genetics) will rely on knowledge gained from the chemistry and cell focused parts, so naturally in distributing the subject matter among several courses proper sequencing of those courses in the curriculum is desirable. I have to say I was disappointed in multiple ways. For each chapter there is an outline (list of sections). I do have one other caveat: I had difficulty finding and accessing instructor resources. Most of the descriptions and illustrations in these chapters and those below are useful ones that are equivalent to those in most other textbooks. Biology was very comprehensive in its covering of general biology topics and the "Link to Learning" feature allows the learner to expand the concept. The descriptions explanations are well-written at an appropriate level for lower level biology and non-majors courses. Errors are corrected in the texts online format prior to fall and spring semesters, and the pdf version prior to fall semesters. On page 243, the text states, Every single atom of matter and energy is conserved, recycling over and over infinitely. No, this is not so. The book itself is generally free of grammatical errors. Students really resist having to carry heavy textbook around (I cant blame them) and have expressed that they like the digital version. This text is culturally accessible and inclusive. This is an obvious example of the fallacy of genetic determinism; its the kind of writing that instills misconceptions about the power of genes and chromosomes. Chapter 7 was broken down into small, manageable sub-sections which could be easily assigned to students. From this perspective, I would have actually preferred if the text was less modular. However, I wonder if there might be a better way to organize some material. If xenon has an atomic number of 54 and a mass number of 108, how many neutrons does it have? read more. The flow of the chapters themselves is fine. Also helpful is the ability to highlight within the text, only requiring a simple log in. However, the Art Connection figures, in general, were very low resolution and many appeared blurry and difficult to read. Having a downloadable online text allows me and others the ability to adjust light intensity and size easily on the monitor. Why are two base pairs (T-A and incorrectly labeled C-G) shown? This text is modular in the way that most textbooks are modular -- information is organized into chapters, and chapters are organized with subheadings. The PowerPoint presentations are attractive and well organized. As this book is designed to provide foundational knowledge rather than understanding of current research, I dont think it is necessary to highlight extremely recent findings. WebCh. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. I do wish there was more content on plant biology. I selected Cellular Respiration because this is a complex, multi-step concept which is challenging for many students. The book included biological themes beginning at the cellular level and progressing all the It will be interesting to try to adapt these sections to a lecture format. Section 19.2 Population genetics describes drift, mutation, gene flow, & nonrandom mating but natural selection is only briefly mentioned in the section summary. Error page 371. p.401 A very odd experiment to throw in. 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