Left side of an aircraft when facing the nose from inside. Steel Beach Picnic: Celebration on the weather decks of a ship. No longer moving through the water, which means rudder control is lost as well. (2) An underperforming Cryptologic Technician or "CT" Shitbag. Plank Owner: Term used for original crew personnel assigned to ships company during commissioning. Many LDOs and CWOs only consider their programs to count as "mustangs", although there are many other programs that lead to enlisted personnel getting a commission. After the 3rd Mod, advances in computer technology and circuit miniaturization brought about the ADCAP which is a truly remarkable torpedo. Puka: any small space or opening. Can also have a second F added to the end, when used in this context it means ", Dimed/Diming out/Dropping dimes: Comes from dropping a dime in a pay phone to make a call. See also Monkey Butt. Called that for the fact the turds could look like a rumpled brown fish. Water wars: Water fights in the engineering spaces, including the use of hot brine, disassembling ventilation ducting, rigging temporary air hoses, and dumping trash cans full of water on the deck. The nickname is based on its color and flavor. Mae West: (Old) term for a life jacket, due to the resemblance of the chest floats to the busty actress. This is accomplished by spending all day meat gazing, or looking at dicks while guys are pissing. Splicing such a cable was a daunting task, and the sailor tasked with such a job was given an extra tot of rum for his trouble. A player unable to make their bid goes set 3 X the bid. Clap Line: Line of men in front of sick bay which often forms shortly after pulling out of a foreign port where women provide sexual services to sailors (at cost). . Monkey Mate: Derogatory term used by Boiler Technicians to describe their brethren in the much cooler Engineroom on the other side of bulkhead from their Fireroom. EB Green: Green duct tape acquired from Electric Boat in Groton, CT; can be used to fix almost anything, temporarily. squared away" above. Im putting a three frame rule on him. CGN: Cruiser, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Ricky Forklift: A boot camp term for a dust pan. Chem Wipe: Also known as Kim-Wipes, though they bare no resemblance to the far more delicate Kimberly-Clark product. : "Fuck You Bitch I'm Short": Slogan indicating lack of care since the one uttering it or wearing it will be leaving soon. Some times worn on T-Shirts by sailors who are on the last patrol and getting out or going to shore duty. An utterly epic goat rope (. Surge: A ship deployment from its home port usually lasting 3 to 6 months, as can occur outside of the normal cruise cycle due to operational commitments. Knuckle Dragger: A member of the engineering department or a mechanic on a nuclear powered vessel. The new sailor is told this is "The Most Important Watch" on the ship. Golden rivet: The rivet, made of gold, which according to folklore every ship is built containing one of. Often concern radical changes to the ship's schedule. Also known as the Bitch Box. (example: 1/3, 2/3, Full, Standard, Flank, B1/3, B2/3, BI, BEM), Benny: A treat or reward, derived from "Benefit.". Usually this form of Extra Military Instruction is reserved for the most severe dirtbags who are either consistently failing uniform inspection or look like crap on a daily basis. : Broke Dick No Worky-worky. Such training usually resulted in the recruit hitting the rack with several aches and pains he would not normally have had. SMIB: Southern Maryland In-Bred. Often a good source of humor for when the topsiders ask what they are for. Also called Fast Attack boats, also Saturdays, Sundays, and Nights, for their operating schedule. ASH Receiver: An "ash tray." What is a cake eater 1920s? At aviation commands, FOD can also describe a worthless individual, i.e. "Alfa, Bravo, Charlie." is an alphabet that you may already know and understand. In the military, the term cake eater refers to civilians. Shitter: (1) A toilet (not a urinal); also known as a crapper. "Carry on" allows personnel to continue whatever they were doing. Derives from the 5-point evaluation system used in the navy, in which a score of five is given to individuals who perform exceptionally well. Smurf Suit/Smurfs: Set of blue sweatpants and sweatshirt issued on arrival at boot camp; worn for the first several days and thereafter used mostly for PT. See also SERP. Also known as a "Butt Shark.". Fuhgowee's: Code word for ditching work and going home at lunch time, so as not to be suspected by PO1, Chiefs, etc (used in Newport News Drydock). Zoom Bag: Navy flight suit, generally fireproof Nomex. "cunt ring". What is cake eater slang for in military? Seven to forever: the 0700-1200 watch, which is longer than the normal four hour watch. (Petty Officer to Sailor: "is there something the matter with you? NFO: Naval Flight Officer: flies alongside the pilot as weapons officer. May frequent enlisted/officers clubs upon her husband's deployment, assuming her husband is similarly engaging in infidelity during deployment. Not to be confused with "screwing the pooch" which refers to royally messing up a task. Zippo: (1) A flame thrower attached to a small boat, or a boat so equipped. OS's constitute "OI Division.". F.U.B.I.S. Masagi Girl: A prostitute (typically Chinese) found in the Honch. : : : : Cake-eater ' ''a term whose first recorded use is attributed to Thomas Dorgan (TAD) in his comic strip of November 17, 1918, and described by 'The Flapper's Dictionary' as ''any guy who is addicted to noodle juice parties, one who nibbles at cakes at such parties. Dog zebra: Closing fittings or doors for light discipline at night. Ditty-bop: A Radioman or Cryptologic Technician Collection (CTR), from the sound of Morse code. "DD 214" is the form that must be filled out before a member of the military may be discharged. "Pull up!). HAC: (pronounced "hack") Helicopter Aircraft Commander: the pilot in command of a helo. Similar to a Bremerloe. (3) to John Wayne (a helmet): To leave one's helmet's chin strap undone, the way John Wayne often did in movies. Boat Boo: A sailors girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors. Non-Qual Navy: Derisive term used by Naval Aviators, Submariners, and SEALs to describe the Surface Navy. Can also be said to an officer, but beware of over-usage. Roll-em's: Movie night, usually shown in the ready room or the wardroom. Usually new sailors are given a mail buoy watch for the entertainment of the more seasoned sailors. Historically, the CH-46 Sea Knight (see "Phrog") was used for such resupply, although any aircraft with a cargo hook installed can do. Similar to a real check valve which only allows fluid to go one way. Bag of Dicks: An unwanted or extremely tedious task, e.g. Sea Lawyer: (1) A sailor or his buddy, making eloquent but completely spurious arguments at Captain's Mast, or in response to some disciplinary action. "All hands heave out and trice up." 2.) Pier-Queer: Air Force term for "Sailor." Usually headed by a junior officer (JO). Mess line: The straight line of the buttoned shirt over the fly of the trousers. "Taps" is a musical piece sounded at dusk, and at funerals, particularly by the U.S. military. So named due to the different colored jerseys they wear. Cell Block 70: The USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), so called on account of her never ending berthings and overall resemblance to a prison. Working Party: When there is loading of supplies, the Quarterdeck will call for a "working party" to be manned by each division of the ship, the number depending on the task. So called because most of the meat of a lobster is in its tail. Hole: Main engineering space aboard ship to include the Fire Room (boiler room), Machinery Room (Engine Room) or a combined room (Main Machinery Room) contains both boilers and main engines. If one is on Vulcan Death Watch, one is up oncoming as drill team, on watch then offgoing as casualty response team, potentially followed by another 6 hour watch. Soup Sandwich: Any situation or individual that is FUBAR. The CAG, ship's CO, and battle group admiral are also usually invited and present. ", Great Mistakes: Common epithet used when complaining about. It is often used to describe someone who is too soft or weak for A cake eater is a term used to describe someone who is not well suited for the military life. Shit River: The extremely polluted (mostly with sewage) canal just outside the Subic Bay main gate. Short arm inspection: The inspection a ship's corpsman performs on a sailor's penis, looking for visible signs of any venereal disease, if the sailor suspects he may have contracted one. Mess Decks: Chow Hall or Eating Establishment on board ship. The name is a concatenation of Bremerton Buffalo described as weight a 'bremer-ton'. The OIC of this evolution is sometimes referred to as "the FOD-father.". Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." Note: Reactor department is well aware that both phrases are dumb, but it is highly effective at trolling. Happy Hour: The hour during which the ship is cleaned every day. RPOC: Recruit Chief Petty Officer (RCPO or RPOC). Similar to CGU-11. USS Backyard: A sailor's home of record, to which he or she happily returns upon discharge. Bulkhead remover: A fictional substance veteran sailors often task new sailors with getting, as a joke. Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. See crossing the line, shellback, and pollywog. Fruit Salad: Numerous ribbons on a dress uniform. Example: if told to "Deep Six" a piece of paper you would burn or shred it instead of just throwing it away (round filing or file thirteen). VC: Viet Cong: Guerilla forces in South Vietnam allied with the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) during the Vietnam War. Can also refer to those who wear khakis (Chiefs, Officers) since it is assumed that most have "brown-nosed" to obtain their present position. Often used when situations, as can be normal, repeat themselves but more often when you just know you are about to get it again from the Command. Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. Desert Duck: Helo that delivered mail in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will. Case-Evac. The meaning of CAKE-EATER is an effeminate party-going dandy. Grog: Initially, this referred to the watered down rum ration given daily to sailors in the Royal Navy. Like many such measures, this fooled absolutely nobody. Usually the senior pilot on a patrol aircraft, having been previously designated a 2P (second pilot). See also BROWN SHOE. "How are you doing today PO Jones" "Living the dream Captain". This is clearly demonstrated as the O-4 is constantly nodding in the affirmative and saying, Yessir, yessir when in the presence of the CO. H.M.F.I.C. ZUG: Negative. Mid-Watch: Watch from 0000-0400 (2345-0345), usually results in no sleep before or after this watch. Atlantic Fleet equivalent to a Pacific Fleet WESTPAC. You are acting drifty today!"). See also A-Gang. Jewelers: Flappers who measure college success by the number of fraternity pins they collect. "), Pier tender: A ship that never gets under way. "Yeah that was fucking crazy; we came damn near", Seaman Schmuckatelli: Generic name for a sailor, used in a similar manner as "Joe Blow" or "John Q. : Fuck You Buddy, I'm Just A Reservist. Bag it: Hit the bricks, take off. This is used in boot camp to refer to those boots who have received their dungaree uniforms so recently that they haven't been ironed, just washed, they are therefore wrinkled, like a raisin. Any mesh bag, but so named because usually used to contain soiled laundry. No-Ps are pilots who have not qualified for 3P. They are more often than not quite beautiful and are often sought after by nave junior sailors who neglect to check the downstairs plumbing until its too late. Each crewman was allocated a limited number of these messages during each 3-month patrol and they were severely censored to protect the submariner from news that could negatively effect the emotional condition of the recipient. CGU-11: Nomenclature for a Seagull to boot sailors. Estel, Oct 4, 2003. The term is often used in a negative way to criticize someone for being lazy, entitled, or not having the same level of determination and work ethic as others. The USS IWO JIMA LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling. Benny Suggs: The Navy's Beneficial Suggestions program, a method where DON employees, and Navy and Marine personnel can make suggestions to improve various programs and operations. XO's Happy Hour: A daily, hour-long mandatory cleaning evolution. Rate Grabber: Enlisted member with the goal of (and succeeding in) making rate (promotion) quickly. A Cake-Eater. Also Air Force Personnel. Hot Footed: Carefully placing matches under the toenails of a sleeping shipmate and then lighting them all at the same time, after which the perpetrator(s) immediately hide or attempt to look innocent, leaving the victim to wonder what asshole did this to him. If you've been watching the new CBS military drama, SEAL Teamwhich airs on Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS and CBS All Accessthen you know the group uses a wide variety of authentic military terminology. It is a holdover from the days when air wings were called air groups and stood for Commander Air Group. ("Set material condition Zebra throughout the ship" is part of the standard GQ alarm.). G.I. Department: Highest organizational level in most naval commands. It may be fixed, as in those mounted on the bow of a ship below the waterline, or mobile like those "dipped" by anti-submarine helocopters. 34 military terms and their meanings. WAVE Cage: A female only open-bay BEQ, also known as a "meat market" by some Sailors. Example: Watch Officer-"What is pH?" Three steel balls: Meant to be humorous but oddly accurate reference to a sailor or situation acting like a sailor: "Put a sailor in a room with three steel balls. Bubba: Any shipyard worker. VBSS: Visit, Board, Search, Seizure: Marinetime boarding actions and tactics. Bug Juice,the JP-5 infused koolaid served aboard aircraft carriers, Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Appendix:Glossary_of_U.S._Navy_slang&oldid=71237696. Turd Chasers: Nickname for individuals assigned to the Hull Maintenance Technician (HT) and Seabees Utilities Man (UT) rating because their shipboard and base duties include plumbing. #19. Before OBAs the Navy developed and used RBAs--Rescue Breathing Apparatus. ": An expression said (in a very cheery manner) on occasions when, in fact, it is not a Fine Navy Day at all. "Well, one alfa main feed booster pump went limp dick so we put one bravo online.". R2D2: Dome-shaped Phalanx CIWS system, after the visually similar. ", "Wrong answer, RPOC! ", ASVAB: The Navy's enlisted entrance exam. Immediately followed by, "Push up, position, Shitbags!" Airstart: (1) An attempt to restart an aircraft's engine(s) after in-flight failure. Bull, Bull Ensign: The seniormost Ensign onboard a surface ship, a submarine, or in an aviation squadron other than in the Training Command. Big O boat, USS Oriskany CVA34, Also called the Mighty O boat, After the fire of 10/26,1966 she was called the USS Zippo by some. Norfucked: What you are when you get orders to Norfolk, Virginia. Nomenclature used to identify a bird to boot sailors. (2) Reminiscence among older sailors, not necessarily with embellishment but often times a mutual exaggeration and perhaps colorful language: "Remember the time we were in the Gulf of Thailand for that ?" Hot box: Ship's engines are lit off, but ship is not underway. Dome: A SONAR transmitter/receiver. Also, a joke played on new sailors, who are told to obtain a coil of it (line being the Navy word for rope). USS Zippo: Derogatory name for USS Forrestal (CV 59). VASTARD: Sailors that work with the AN/USM247(V) Versatile Avionics Shop Test (VAST) operational from 1972-2006. AX: The enlisted rating Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician; since merged into AT rating. Quarters is used to present awards, pass information, and make every sailor squeeze into their ill-fitting, rarely-worn uniforms at least once a year. In an alternative version one will be pregnant. Out of sight hi/lo: Steam boiler casualty in which the water level in the steam drum gauge glass goes out the top/bottom, requiring the boiler to be immediately shut down to prevent water hitting the turbine blades (hi) or melting boiler tubes (lo). SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Special Boat Teams or Boat Guys., Dirty-dick: To rub genitalia on someones cup or soda can as an act of retribution or to be funny; see also "cock swab.". F.U.B.I.J.A.R. Floating Bellhop: Derisive Army term for sailor. Brown Nose: Sailor trying a "little too hard" to make rate by sucking up to superiors. Crow's Foot: A device placed on a valve wheel to aid in opening or closing the valve due to it being extremely hot or hard to turn. Night-Ops: The throwing of trash or other unneeded items overboard at night to avoid the longer process of properly getting rid of it. Sandblower: A person of very short stature. (Dumb Ugly Bitch): woman enrolled in the Naval Academy. It is considered by the Navy as sacred waters, and, every year during the commeration of the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, a ship in the area will put out to sea, and drop a wreath in the area to honor the dead. Used to motivate someone who is not pulling their weight. Home ported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, she left port only on rare occasions (so her crew could collect sea pay); when she did, she had to be towed back in. So called because in the old days of sailing, this list was posted on the binnacle, the casing that housed the ship's compass. "I work in The Hole." Uncle Sam's Canoe Club: The US Coast Guard. During this time, the officer is not allowed to leave the ship (all officers must have permission from the Commanding Officer, or his appointed delegate before debarking the ship at any port call, including their home port). Johnny Cash's: The (defunct) Winter Working Blue uniform; so called due to the fact that they were all black (black being called navy blue) and Johnny Cash was the man in black. V4 Division: Aviation Fuels. Green Scrubby: Mildly abrasive scouring pad. Situation Normal All Fucked Up, or Situation Normal All Fouled Up if you are talking to your mother. Mad-Money: Car fare home if she has a row with escort Meat-Ball . Skittles: Sailors who work on the flight deck of a carrier. Can also refer to the air wing itself, as in CAG-1, CAG-5 or CAG-14. Gig line: The visual line formed by uniform zipper, belt buckle, and buttoned shirt seam. Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. Usually lasts on a good day about 3-4 hours. Cracker Jacks: The dress blue uniforms worn by sailors below the rank of E-7. Not a single aspect is successful. also used as Civilian Life Incentive Program. "I survived a six-month trip on LSD", commonly heard slogan from sailors who have made a deployment aboard such a vessel. So named because usually used to contain soiled laundry or boyfriend aboard,... Throughout the ship 's engines are lit off, but so named because usually used to identify a bird boot... Dd 214 '' is a concatenation of Bremerton Buffalo described as weight a 'bremer-ton ' company during commissioning while are. At dicks while guys are pissing attached to a small boat, or situation Normal Fucked. 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