Broadway Baptist Church in Ft. Worth

  • The KillerFrogs


Tier 1
May 25, 2007
The part in bold is the part, IMO, that doesn't come across often in your posts. I don't disagree with the sentiment here. Old school social conservatives have a very strong voice in the Republican party. Too strong, IMO. Don't disagree with that at all. I just argue that you paint with too broad a stroke, although I suspect you do so more for effect than anything ...

That was probably about as kind as anyone could put it...


Mar 18, 2009
You got it H. They did not kick them out the door as Frisky wants to contend. Broadway Baptist lets homosexuals worship in their church. My church lets gays worship in church. But they should never expect to NOT here it called a sin in my church, just like spousal abuse, dishonesty, gluttony, adultery, sexual perversion, name it. God did not give us the law and gospel based first on foremost on the intent of not offending anyone.

ummm.... did you even read what Frisky wrote? She said clearly that the church did not kick out gay people, that their only crime was that they allowed people who were gay to worship. Unless I misunderstood what you were saying, that is...

I think I will go to the first church that is willing to have sermon after sermon about the sins of being fat. But for some reason, I have never been to one that condemns that.


Full Member
May 25, 2007
hmmm.... I think secretly Rush Limbaugh must be gay, or pro gay, because Elton John performed at his wedding. Therefore, Rush Limbaugh is NOT a good Christian, and you good christians out there should probably stone him or something.

Personally I just think he's an annoying blow hard who makes a nice living off the political frustrations of the conservative leaning voter. I can't blame him for making a buck and not having to mooch off the government or play the corporate suck up game to do it, but personally I exercise my freedom of choice to turn him off. Unless he is inviting me I don't care to hear which high roller he smoked cigars with last weekend.

I have some ghetto rap cd's in the car. I frequently listen to Korn or Robb Zombie when I'm at the gym moving some iron around, does that mean I should get stoned too?


Mar 18, 2009
Not about what anyone does in their bedroom. Did you think the gays at BBC were having sex in the pews? It's about recognizing a variety of family structures.

are we still talking about a Church, or are we talking about the British Broadcasting Company (or whatever the heck those initials stand for).....



May 25, 2007
The part in bold is the part, IMO, that doesn't come across often in your posts. I don't disagree with the sentiment here. Old school social conservatives have a very strong voice in the Republican party. Too strong, IMO. Don't disagree with that at all. I just argue that you paint with too broad a stroke, although I suspect you do so more for effect than anything ...

I don't think you emphasize the people who are just along for the ride. You pay attention to the bus drivers.

It seems pretty obvious to me that even if 40% of Republicans are mild as baby shampoo, that's not what we're going to get from the Republicans. We've got a track record to draw on. The hardliners set the Republican tone and agenda. The conservatives in the Dem party set the Democratic agenda.

If anyone looks at healthcare, the Republican response was hell no. The Democratic response was to pass the Bob Dole plan from 1996.

The toughest and most aggressive part of the Republican party is actually very radical and very effective. The radicals in the Democratic party are the weakest and most ineffectual part of the Democratic party.

This is obvious. We're still at war, we're still in all the Bush mess, we can't raise taxes, and we get to hear how the nation has gone totally commie while so little has changed. Why? Is it because moderate Republicans and Democrats don't want a change? No, it is because the aggressive parts of the Republican right scare the bejeebers out of everyone normal with the threat of a smear campaign on their morality, patriotism, or capitalist commitment.

I have to emphasize what is important. Is it more important to acknowledge that there are moderate Republicans who help empower the nuts?

Or should I emphasize the nuts that moderate Republicans are aiding in a radical agenda?

Moderate Republicans are losing their battle. That accounts for the demographic growth for Democrats in upper income, more educated stratas.


Semi-Omnipotent Being
May 25, 2007
I think all those liberal homosexual gays should be forced to become Merchant Marines where they can be with their own kind.....


Mar 18, 2009
I think all those liberal homosexual gays should be forced to become Merchant Marines where they can be with their own kind.....

or dress up and sing like the village people....

I suspect those who are in the merchant marines are gay anyhow.... I think that is in the rule book.....


Oct 6, 2009
I bet you flaunt your heterosexuality sometimes by holding your husband's hand or maybe even kissing him in public. Disgusting ... forcing your heterosexual agenda on us like that ...

Naw, our Frisky would never be so demonstrative....well, maybe after a race, or after a few margaritas, or.......


Oct 6, 2009
hmmm.... I think secretly Rush Limbaugh must be gay, or pro gay, because Elton John performed at his wedding. Therefore, Rush Limbaugh is NOT a good Christian, and you good christians out there should probably stone him or something.

doubt that i qualify as a ``good christrian" but I will volunteer to help with the stoning...


Tier 1
May 25, 2007
It seems pretty obvious to me that even if 40% of Republicans are mild as baby shampoo, that's not what we're going to get from the Republicans. We've got a track record to draw on. The hardliners set the Republican tone and agenda. The conservatives in the party set the Democratic agenda.

If anyone looks at healthcare, the Republican response was hell no. The Democratic response was to pass the Bob Dole plan from 1996.

The toughest and most aggressive part of the Republican party is actually very radical and very effective. The radicals in the Democratic party are the weakest and most ineffectual part of the Democratic party.

Not true. Many people (who express their opinions just as you do) say that the radicals are precisely the people controlling the Democratic Party.

Have you not seen enough quotes from leaders of the Democratic Party on this forum the last 10 years? Good grief, it's almost a daily occurrence from some of those you have the nerve to accuse of being biased.

This is why I repeatedly tell you every time you levy one of these charges against the Republicans, a similar one can be levied against the Democrats. Until you come to terms with this, you're going to continue to be marginalized as a hyper-partisan hack.

It's fine if you want to wear Donkey-shaded glasses all the time. Just be man enough to admit it and don't try to deceive us. We see through it.

BTW -- your rants in the Rome thread on the football forum were epic pcf partisanship. There have been literally hundreds of times when people on the football forum have injected liberal politics into the discussion throughout the years, and I don't remember one single objection from you. I'd venture a guess that you piled on a few times, though.
May 25, 2007
The interim pastor's response to getting the boot. One of my favorite parts: "(Perhaps when we finish purging our church rolls of homosexual persons, we can get to work on weeding out the gossips.)"

sous vide

May 25, 2007
Not true. Many people (who express their opinions just as you do) say that the radicals are precisely the people controlling the Democratic Party.

Possibly. However I really see no equivalent "Red Dog Republicans" making much headway anywhere at the moment unlike the Blue Dog Dems who are winning quite a few primaries and seats.


Mar 18, 2009
Possibly. However I really see no equivalent "Red Dog Republicans" making much headway anywhere at the moment unlike the Blue Dog Dems who are winning quite a few primaries and seats.

I think he is referring to folks like Nancy Pelosi.....

but, I can't speak for him.



Mar 18, 2009
Not true. Many people (who express their opinions just as you do) say that the radicals are precisely the people controlling the Democratic Party.

Have you not seen enough quotes from leaders of the Democratic Party on this forum the last 10 years? Good grief, it's almost a daily occurrence from some of those you have the nerve to accuse of being biased.

This is why I repeatedly tell you every time you levy one of these charges against the Republicans, a similar one can be levied against the Democrats. Until you come to terms with this, you're going to continue to be marginalized as a hyper-partisan hack.

It's fine if you want to wear Donkey-shaded glasses all the time. Just be man enough to admit it and don't try to deceive us. We see through it.

BTW -- your rants in the Rome thread on the football forum were epic pcf partisanship. There have been literally hundreds of times when people on the football forum have injected liberal politics into the discussion throughout the years, and I don't remember one single objection from you. I'd venture a guess that you piled on a few times, though.

I like your posts.... you definitely seem to speak my mind.



May 25, 2007
Not true. Many people (who express their opinions just as you do) say that the radicals are precisely the people controlling the Democratic Party.

Have you not seen enough quotes from leaders of the Democratic Party on this forum the last 10 years? Good grief, it's almost a daily occurrence from some of those you have the nerve to accuse of being biased.

This is why I repeatedly tell you every time you levy one of these charges against the Republicans, a similar one can be levied against the Democrats. Until you come to terms with this, you're going to continue to be marginalized as a hyper-partisan hack.

It's fine if you want to wear Donkey-shaded glasses all the time. Just be man enough to admit it and don't try to deceive us. We see through it.

BTW -- your rants in the Rome thread on the football forum were epic pcf partisanship. There have been literally hundreds of times when people on the football forum have injected liberal politics into the discussion throughout the years, and I don't remember one single objection from you. I'd venture a guess that you piled on a few times, though.

That's because you're not keeping true score. I don't mix politics with TCU football and certainly not on the football board. People have to have respect for what Coach is building and not detract from it. He's not obsessed with making people feel unappreciated or unwelcome whether they went to another school, have a different ethnicity, or whatever the difference. It doesn't do TCU football any good to have these divisions. One of the things that harmed TCU over the years was a bit of a cliquish attitude-and I've seen Coach and staff literally obliterate a lot of that with personal effort.

As far as what the Democrats say and do and what the Republicans say and do, I'll let you rethink when the last time abortion rights were expanded and when they were contracted and to compare how many times gays were denied rights by law and how many times legislatures passed laws to expand gay rights.

The Democrats have compromised on everything while Republicans think more and more of compromise as evil.

Anyway, if you think my posts on Rome were about political ax-grinding, you're wrong. One thing I've learned is that a lot of people can put it out big time, but they can't take it at all. So I think they need to put less out.