ESPN Bowl Special

  • The KillerFrogs
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New Member
May 25, 2007
Anyone see the 5 tools on ESPN discuss the validity of a national title shot for the non-BCS teams?

People talk about us having purple-colored glasses all the time, but man those guys sure do have some 'BCS-colored' glasses on.

Now, I'm not sure if any non-BCS school could beat OU or Florida in the title game this year, but the BCS conferences being really tough week in and week out? Vandy, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Big 12 North, Baylor, Big 10 outside of OSU and PSU, bottom half of Pac 10, all of the Big Least and ACC...I mean come on.

Endless Purple

Full Member
May 25, 2007
Houston, TX
QUOTE(nayr150 @ Dec 7 2008, 07:54 PM) [snapback]268122[/snapback]
Now, I'm not sure if any non-BCS school could beat OU or Florida in the title game this year,

Don't know that there are more than 2 BCS schools that could beat them this year.
Jun 20, 2007
This year I agree that Utah didn't match up to the Big12 south teams and SEC cream of the crop. But last year and all of the bedlam at the top, I think Utah would have been in the title game.

It depends on the team, who they beat and how everyone else does. This was a top-heavy year.
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