Scout Boy

  • The KillerFrogs
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" source for TCU SPORTS"
May 25, 2007
Scout Boy,

You are welcome on this board. However, you need to keep a few things in mind.

---Feisty is part of the KillerFrog's staff. If you disagree with him, thats ok. But do not make it personal with a staff member, administrator, moderator or even another member.

---Feisty does not receive a dime from us. He does what he does because he loves the Frogs & enjoys providing information for this board. As one member said "He is our blogger". Period!

---None of you so called recruiting experts get everything right. It is recruiting information to help entertain the minds of those that battle their bi-polar nature...until September arrives. :tongue:

---Quit changing your name on the board. Be confident of your opinions....without trying to redeem your changing your name again. You have a place on here as Scout Boy.

---Your information is welcomed here. If Feisty or anyone else has different information...agree to disagree.



QUOTE(Scott @ Mar 21 2009, 10:46 AM) [snapback]311354[/snapback]
Scout Boy,

You are welcome on this board. However, you need to keep a few things in mind.

---Feisty is part of the KillerFrog's staff. If you disagree with him, thats ok. But do not make it personal with a staff member, administrator, moderator or even another member.

---Feisty does not receive a dime from us. He does what he does because he loves the Frogs & enjoys providing information for this board. As one member said "He is our blogger". Period!

---None of you so called recruiting experts get everything right. It is recruiting information to help entertain the minds of those that battle their bi-polar nature...until September arrives. :tongue:

---Quit changing your name on the board. Be confident of your opinions....without trying to redeem your changing your name again. You have a place on here as Scout Boy.

---Your information is welcomed here. If Feisty or anyone else has different information...agree to disagree.


Scout boy?


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
Scott please read my responses below (in red) to your note:

Scout Boy,

You are welcome on this board. However, you need to keep a few things in mind.

---Feisty is part of the KillerFrog's staff. If you disagree with him, thats ok. But do not make it personal with a staff member, administrator, moderator or even another member.
(I dont make it personal. If you notice, Fiesty tracks me down wherever I post to offer insulting comments because he believes he should be the source of all recruiting info. I try to stay polite and will continue to stay polite)

---Feisty does not receive a dime from us. He does what he does because he loves the Frogs & enjoys providing information for this board. As one member said "He is our blogger". Period! (Good. Why does he chase me down on every single thread then if I dare to post any recruiting info?)

---None of you so called recruiting experts get everything right. It is recruiting information to help entertain the minds of those that battle their bi-polar nature...until September arrives. :tongue:
(Understood. Recruiting is an inexact science. I get that. He has no tolerance for other recruiting info however, even when his info is wrong time after time. If you go back, I tried to be polite with him initiially in telling him he was mistaken (he is 0-5 with errors I pointed out to him), but he takes input like that very badly. I told him (politely) over and over that he was dead wrong about Nealy, and Bryce Brown, which only infuriated him.

---Quit changing your name on the board. Be confident of your opinions....without trying to redeem your changing your name again. You have a place on here as Scout Boy.
(I didnt change my name. One of your MODS did, and still does. If you notice, I sign in as KerleyHicks, and your website changes the name. That's been goin on now for long time. Dont criticize me for name changes when your MODS change my postings and my sign in names.

---Your information is welcomed here. If Feisty or anyone else has different information...agree to disagree.
(I agree with you here. If you notice, I am polite with Fiesty for the most part. You may also note that I am never the one to start anything with him. He starts all the dustups, and he does it because he insists on being the source of all recruiting info. I am always polite with him. But I tell him when he is wrong and that puts him into orbit).


PS - and speaking about the SCOUT website, that you guys make so much fun of here, you may be interested to know that Fiesty applied to take over that site and was turned down in favor of Josh (the guy who presently runs it), which is why he runs it down now on this site.

Anything else, Scott? I am all ears.


Active Member
Dec 21, 2008
Kerley Hicks, please continue to post here. The subject matter that you and Feisty provide is speculation at best. It is definitely an inexact science. As long as you both can get along and stop being deragatory, then I think there is plenty of info to go around. As far as interesting reading goes, I like seeing varying opinions on the matters I care about.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2008
Ft. Worth, TX
QUOTE(ScoutBoyKerleyHicks @ Mar 21 2009, 12:41 PM) [snapback]311377[/snapback]
PS - and speaking about the SCOUT website, that you guys make so much fun of here, you may be interested to know that Fiesty applied to take over that site and was turned down in favor of Josh (the guy who presently runs it)

Oops, that makes you 0 for 1 on your Scout knowledge.


QUOTE(OmniscienceFrog @ Mar 21 2009, 12:02 PM) [snapback]311383[/snapback]
Oops, that makes you 0 for 1 on your Scout knowledge.

Yeah, I thought I saw recently that the Scout TCU site was kerplunk and Josh no longer doing it. By the way, some of us have learned, the difficult way, that it is not always a good idea to feel you have to respond to everything that nicks one's thin skin. Better to chill, ignore and move on.


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
EXAMPLE #1 (my post to Fiesty)
Not trying to be a smart alec or overly critical (like you do to me), however, with all due respect intended, you "forgot" Dominique Sanders (one of the Dunbar trio). He has been offered by TCU. He is in the ATHLETE category but is a receiver and is being recruited as a receiver by TCU. He is one of the top targets of TCU at WR.

Again, no disrespect intended. Good report actually Fiesty with the exception of your omission of Sanders.

EXAMPLE #2 (Fiesty's sarcastic post to me)
Still hyping you. Love your stuff, A++ no matter how unoriginal it is, definitely A ++


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
QUOTE(oldscribe @ Mar 21 2009, 01:12 PM) [snapback]311385[/snapback]
Yeah, I thought I saw recently that the Scout TCU site was kerplunk and Josh no longer doing it. By the way, some of us have learned, the difficult way, that it is not always a good idea to feel you have to respond to everything that nicks one's thin skin. Better to chill, ignore and move on.

Old Scribe. You are correct. I will try to do better on that and have a thicker skin. I do have some good recruiting info (and unlike Fiesty, I AM allowed around the team), so I do get some good info.

Fiesty thinks I am stepping on his toes when I post some of the info I get. I am not trying to do that. I actually like his blog too. He is very very defensive when it comes to me though.

I respect you greatly though Mr Scribe and I will take your advice and Scotts, even though I think Scott is a bit off base (especially with the name change crap which his MODs are actually doing to me when I post. So be it, and thanks for the advice!!


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
QUOTE(OmniscienceFrog @ Mar 21 2009, 01:02 PM) [snapback]311383[/snapback]
Oops, that makes you 0 for 1 on your Scout knowledge.

OF -

I dont want to start a bunch of stuff with you. Hopefully at some point you will finally come to the conclusion I aint the enemy that you are convinceed I am. Go back and check my posts.

It is my fondest wish that TCU gets all 5 of the OLinemen I targeted in my posts, and if they do, the Frog offense will be a juggernaut, and real hoot to watch.

By the way, you might want to check with Josh. He will tell you.


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
QUOTE(TCUTalor @ Mar 21 2009, 01:01 PM) [snapback]311382[/snapback]
Kerley Hicks, please continue to post here. The subject matter that you and Feisty provide is speculation at best. It is definitely an inexact science. As long as you both can get along and stop being deragatory, then I think there is plenty of info to go around. As far as interesting reading goes, I like seeing varying opinions on the matters I care about.

TCU Talor. Thanks for the good words. I will refrain from engaging Fiesty. I expect him to continue to take my posts poorly though. I will try to avoid the confrontations though. Thanks again for your good words.

We are getting close on another OLineman commit by the way.


Sir FeistyFrog
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(ScoutBoyKerleyHicks @ Mar 21 2009, 12:41 PM) [snapback]311377[/snapback]
PS - and speaking about the SCOUT website, that you guys make so much fun of here, you may be interested to know that Fiesty applied to take over that site and was turned down in favor of Josh (the guy who presently runs it), which is why he runs it down now on this site.

Not sure where you even come up with this stuff. I haven't a clue what the application process would even be or if there is one for the Scout site, however I did get a message from one of the Scout operators asking if I would be interested. I was not and still not though the TCU site there is wide open for someone to take over.

I think you would be good at it and hope you "apply" if that is what you do to be a publisher there. Good luck!


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
Fiesty -

I am taking Scott's and Old Scribe's advice and I will not rebutt any of your posts (unless you get too outrageous).

I like most of what you do. Some of what you do isnt accurate, but most of it is. I commend you for your great work on what is accurate. I think it is very worthwhile.

When I correct you it isnt meant as an insult. It just might be that I have a few tidbits that you dont have access to. I will strive to find better and more diplomatic ways to present that info without stepping on your toes.

I will hope you dont chase me down on other threads as well, so more dustups dont ensue.

Keep up your great work. You are a good loyal Frog fan. I like that. Have a great weekend.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Wow, so many people getting their panties in a wad over recruiting. I know some people live and die over this stuff. As for me, I wait until someone actually plays a game for TCU before getting my panties in a wad.

Remind me again again how many tackles Earl Anderson has made or how many catches Clint Renfro has.


New Member
Mar 27, 2008
QUOTE(THE SHOCKER @ Mar 21 2009, 02:13 PM) [snapback]311401[/snapback]
Wow, so many people getting their panties in a wad over recruiting. I know some people live and die over this stuff. As for me, I wait until someone actually plays a game for TCU before getting my panties in a wad.

Remind me again again how many tackles Earl Anderson has made or how many catches Clint Renfro has.

Scout has someone who wants the TCU site but dont know if they'll give it to him

kaiser soze

Active Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(George F. Will @ Mar 21 2009, 02:54 PM) [snapback]311406[/snapback]
I love pissing matches. It makes it so pleasurable to read posts...

Just remember to read upwind and you'll be fine.


Full Member
May 25, 2007
Out past Alvord, Texas
QUOTE(kaiser soze @ Mar 21 2009, 03:01 PM) [snapback]311411[/snapback]
Just remember to read upwind and you'll be fine.

I prefer a sniper scope at 5,000 yards

gonna be a LONG off season


Full Member
Jul 1, 2008
Ft. Worth, TX
QUOTE(ScoutBoyKerleyHicks @ Mar 21 2009, 01:20 PM) [snapback]311389[/snapback]
OF -

I dont want to start a bunch of stuff with you. Hopefully at some point you will finally come to the conclusion I aint the enemy that you are convinceed I am. Go back and check my posts.

It is my fondest wish that TCU gets all 5 of the OLinemen I targeted in my posts, and if they do, the Frog offense will be a juggernaut, and real hoot to watch.

By the way, you might want to check with Josh. He will tell you.

What, that he currently runs the TCU Scout site? I don't think so. I guess you and your pants haven't been over there in a while.


New Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(THE SHOCKER @ Mar 21 2009, 01:13 PM) [snapback]311401[/snapback]
Wow, so many people getting their panties in a wad over recruiting. I know some people live and die over this stuff. As for me, I wait until someone actually plays a game for TCU before getting my panties in a wad.


Remind me again again how many tackles Earl Anderson has made or how many catches Clint Renfro has.

Close your eyes and what do you see? :cool:
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