Student Section was PATHETIC last night

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New Member
May 25, 2007
I am a TCU alum along with most of my friends that live in the metroplex. But Interested Observer has a good point. Some TCU fans have this snobbish attitude about non TCU alums or students who attend games, are roudy and wear TCU gear. It's like they look at these people and think, "What are they doing here?". I know this first hand because I've seen it with my own eyes on many occasions.

So yes most TCU fans are very nice to opposing fans, but some are snobbish and unwelcoming to non affiliates who come and want to support TCU.


Jun 20, 2007
QUOTE(BalletFrog97 @ Nov 18 2007, 03:08 PM) [snapback]77973[/snapback]
I'm sorry to be such a lame "mom" type, but seriously? You think this is TCU's/TABC's problem? Maybe you students should quit drinking illegally and/or getting falling down drunk and then you could enjoy your tailgate and your football game and not get a ticket! I know obeying laws and having fun seem to be on opposing sides when you are 19-20 years old, but really, they aren't. And to suggest that TCU should call off the TABC (which I'm pretty sure they couldn't do even if they wanted to), is absolutely ridiculous.

Completely agree, it is impossible to get a ticket from the TABC if you don't drink underage. If you are going to complain about getting tickets, THEN DON'T DRINK UNDERAGE. If you think you should be able to drink, then do it, but you should be willing to face the consequences as well.

Yes, I indulged in my fair share of adult beverages under the age of 21, but unless you are stupid, you shouldn't get a ticket. So lets think, to drink in a student tailgate area full of cops and TABC when you are under 21 would be classified as stupid. To get so piss drunk that you are fumbling around when you walk and end up getting ticketed is stupid. Here we go, have a few drinks at a buddies house before the game, then go to the game and have a good time, and then go to your buddies house after the game and party some more. That final senario is not going to get you a ticket 99.9% of the time. The problem is that most students don't realize the difference between drinking and getting drunk, they think they are one in the same for some reason.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(TopFrog @ Nov 18 2007, 04:38 PM) [snapback]78003[/snapback]
Why am I supposed to care about a non-TCU fan alcoholic and his alcoholic wife who don't care about TCU football but come to drink and be seen/socialize in the parking lots? I could not care less what you think of TCU or TCU football. Stay home, stay in the parking lots, go to a bar, who cares?

Your reaction was exactly the response I was expecting. Let's take a close look:

You call my wife and I alcoholics. Where in my post did I say a thing about drinking? I mentioned good food, socializing, and watching games. The only place where I referenced alcohol was when I mentioned that selling beer inside the stadium is a bad idea, but that's my opinion. I won't say that I haven't had a drink or even too much to drink at a TCU game, though it's been a long time since the latter.

You then go on to tell me you don't care what I think of TCU football or TCU. I actually made, and have made over the years, several positive comments about TCU. In fact, I'd challenge you to find a post prior to this one where I've said anything negative about TCU in the last several years.

As for as "who cares?", since you like to call yourself "TopFrog", maybe you should care. The fact is, I'm exactly the demographic TCU needs in order to grow. But, if you'll look at my reason #5, you'll see that you fit right in. The fact is, people like you are more of a part of the problem than the solution.

Every school has and needs die-hard fans. It's obvious that you are one and that is admirable. However, if you refuse to see the forest because of all the trees, you and TCU are who loses out, not me.

As for your personal attacks, that just says alot more about you than it does about me.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
Changing the attitude of the I'm-too-cool-for-school-frat-daddys might help a little. There are also people like that who arn't in frats believe it or not. But you know what im talking about.....

To a lot of people, TCU becomes "uncool" after we drop from the top 25. And a lot of what is mentioned in above posts contribute to that.

Our glory days were before a lot of people were born (with the exception of LT...but even then we didnt go to a BCS bowl). So, like said above, a lot of people werent raised on TCU....and I think that is one of the biggest problems.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(InterestedObserver @ Nov 18 2007, 09:54 PM) [snapback]77986[/snapback]
I know I'm gonna get fried for this, but I don't really care.

I've been on this board since the original FFF days and follow TCU about as close as any non-TCU alumn I know. I know some of the coaches, some of the players, go to Frog Club events on occasion and married a Horned Frog. We attend 3-4 games a year, but "attend games" might be stretching it.

Maybe I'm different, but I'll give you a few reason I'm one of the folks who spends a great deal more time in the parking lot than in the game.

1. The play on the field is just boring. This is true in good years and bad. I just don't like the style of offense preferred by Patterson. I love his defense, but watching two teams grind out to a field goal contest doesn't do much for me. The exception is when TCU has a healthy LT, Hobbs, Merrill. Brown, Gunn, Hassell, Ballard, etc., but how often is TCU really healthy? It's the style of offense that causes these injuries which frustrates me further.

2. The opponents aren't interesting. I'm not really sure what TCU can do about this. It's my opinion that the MWC is worse than CUSA was, though the exciting teams from CUSA are all in the Big East now with the exception of S. Miss. I don't see the Big 12 offereing a spot anytime soon, if ever, so this may just be the way it is until there is another major reshuffling of the conferences. With parity the way it is in college football, that may happen either sooner than expected or never, depending on which way you think about it.

3. My wife doesn't care. Maybe this should be #1, but it's a good point. The fact is, she'd much rather visit with friends in the parking lot than go into a game. Given some of the better tailgates around the stadium, I don't blame her. I'd rather watch a good game on a big screen, have some good food, visit with friends I don't see much, than go in and watch a less intriguing matchup on the field.

4. The game day production is terrible. I know this will hack some folks off, but even for bigger match-ups, there is nothing about the way TCU handles game-day that says "big time". If you go to a game at LSU, Texas, OU, Tech, etc., it's just all handled better. Having been in both Waco and ACS a few times the last few years, even Baylor does a much better job than TCU. It's all the things people here complain about: The jumbotron, the lack of videos, the lack of music, the horrid restrooms, the stadium itself. I know many here like to talk about ACS being "historic", "quaint", "iconic", and a variety of other descriptions. The fact is it's a relic. The new endzone complex will be great, but the rest of the stadium is in need of major work.

5. TCU fans are a big part of the problem. We all realize how big of a jack-[Deleted] Goo is on this board, but the fact is, there are many TCU fans here in town that are pretty visible and have a bit of "Goo" in them. This is far from an endearing quality and does more to hurt TCU's chances of gaining supporters than just about anything else. TCU and it's supporters make up an incredibly small percentage of the town population comparred with most of the other schools in this region. Fort Worth will never become a "TCU" college town, but I would like to think that over time, enough folks could become TCU fans that the atmosphere would improve. Of course, if they aren't welcomed with open arms, they won't come back. #4 really needs to improve to get these folks to return.

Now, go ahead and flame away all you'd like. These are my perceptions and they come from a person who tries to support TCU, buys tickets, travels to interesting away games, and cares enough about TCU to spend time on this board. Many of my friends went to TCU and I assume I'll spend the rest of my life around TCU since I don't plan to ever move.

It's because I plan to always be here, that I would like to see things improve at TCU. The school and it's supporters are great assets to the Fort Worth community. It would be great for both if more people became aware of how good of an asset there really is hidden on the south side of Fort Worth.

Also, if TCU ever did decide to do a "sweep" to get more folks in the games, it would be a very large mistake in my opinion. At least the folks in the parking lot are coming to TCU to have a good time whether or not that includes going into the game itself. TCU needs as many people as possible equating an enjoyable time with being on campus whether or not that includes sitting in the stands during a football game.

Serving beer inside is a bad idea in my opinion as well for a variety of reasons.

I don't like you, but I respect you. Thanks for having the balls to state the case from the "other-side" if you will rather than just giggling in silence. You're not fired.


New Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(FriscoFrog @ Nov 18 2007, 10:58 PM) [snapback]78012[/snapback]
As I walked up that ramp, I was shocked to see all the families (some with young kids) out there tailgating. Is it really that exciting to stand by your car in the dark? We're adults now, people - we can pretty much eat food and drink adult beverages anytime we want. How lame is it to make your kids sit out there in the parking lot instead of taking them in to the game and letting them experience football, cheerleaders, Superfrog, etc. I just don't it.

My kids (3 and 2) love the games but also have very short attention spans. Sometimes the only option I have is to head to the tailgate and then try to get back into the game. About 50% of the time I make it back into the game but it is usually only to stand in the endzone.
My kids love the tailgate as much as they love the game.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(Goo @ Nov 18 2007, 03:11 PM) [snapback]77975[/snapback]
I'll take the other side of that. It's College and you should be drunk and loud at the games. Be smart and buy a flask every Saturday morning. In fact, buy one for your date too (she can put it in her purse). Enjoy college!

Gooism. Dead Wrong: Implying you should be drunk and loud just because your in college.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
QUOTE(allclearforfrogs @ Nov 18 2007, 05:16 PM) [snapback]78025[/snapback]
I don't like you, but I respect you. Thanks for having the balls to state the case from the "other-side" if you will rather than just giggling in silence. You're not fired.

Thanks. I think it's pretty easy to look around the stadium and realize that there are many who feel at least a small percentage of the same way I do. I probably wouldn't have ever made that post, but a few of the earlier posts in this thread just touched a nerve.

I would love to see more out of TCU and I know everyone on this board would as well. I mean that in every sense of what I described above. I really just felt like many on this thread were questioning why some folks don't go into the games and thought I'd give some reasons, at least as I see them. I fully realize that not all of those things can or will ever be addressed. To me, the game-day presentation is the easiest. Changing attitudes is probably the hardest. The schedule is just an unfortunate situation that TCU finds itself working through.

It's someone ironic that so many on here want more support for TCU, but will jump to another thread and make fun of a school and their "t-shirt" fans. TCU could use nothing more than some t-shirt fans or at least golf-shirt fans.

I can't speak for the whole frat-daddy thing as I'm too far removed from college to really relate.


New Member
Aug 18, 2007
QUOTE(InterestedObserver @ Nov 18 2007, 06:07 PM) [snapback]78021[/snapback]
You're reaction was exactly the response I was expecting. Let's take a close look:

You call my wife and I alcoholics. Where in my post did I say a thing about drinking? I mentioned good food, socializing, and watching games. The only place where I referenced alcohol was when I mentioned that selling beer inside the stadium is a bad idea, but that's my opinion. I won't say that I haven't had a drink or even too much to drink at a TCU game, though it's been a long time since the latter.

You then go on to tell me you don't care what I think of TCU football or TCU. I actually made, and have made over the years, several positive comments about TCU. In fact, I'd challenge you to find a post prior to this one where I've said anything negative about TCU in the last several years.

As for as "who cares?", since you like to call yourself "TopFrog", maybe you should care. The fact is, I'm exactly the demographic TCU needs in order to grow. But, if you'll look at my reason #5, you'll see that you fit right in. The fact is, people like you are more of a part of the problem than the solution.

Every school has and needs die-hard fans. It's obvious that you are one and that is admirable. However, if you refuse to see the forest because of all the trees, you and TCU are who loses out, not me.

As for your personal attacks, that just says alot more about you than it does about me.

I for one and happy you at least make it to the game. These people on here seem to think TCU is the only school in the country where people go to games to tailgate rather than actually go into the game. Go to any game in the country and you will find plenty of people in the parking lot who are there for the social aspects.

What would worry me is when people aren't in the stadium and also aren't in the parking lots. Thats when you know its bad.

I would also say that TCU's perception as a wealthy, private school doesn't do favors for drawing in local blue collar type people. How many pickup trucks do you see driving around with 'How bout them Horned Frog's' spray painted on the side (like one for the Cowboys I saw yesterday)? Attracting the family is a good approach, but don't expect them to be devout, loud, stay the whole game types of fans.

And Topfrog - get off your high horse. Some people actually do suffer from the disease of alcoholism and its not something to joke about.

Frog Mom

New Member
Oct 20, 2007
I think I have a novel idea and simple solution.....

Start your tailgate earlier
Close up in time to spend time in Frog Alley
Attend the game
AFTER the game, tailgate some more

This isn't Rocket Science folks!

Old habits die hard, and I know for those who have done the "skip the game for the tailgate" thing, it's hard to change.

But TCU desperately needs its fans to step up. We have to decide if we want to be part of the problem or part of the solution.


Lifelong Frog
May 25, 2007
Mineral Wells, Texas
blah blah blah

When I want to know what is going on in the parking lot, I'll be sure and ask "Interested Observer."

Gee, hopefully when Arkansas and LSU come here you will grace us with your presence in the stadium.

Otherwise, TCU fans don't stay in the parking lot, I don't care who you know or what Frog Club events you go to. Stay in the parking lot. Stay home. Who cares? You are not doing TCU any good in the parking lot.

Pop your tops, socialize, grab [Deleted]. Whatever.

QUOTE(InterestedObserver @ Nov 18 2007, 05:07 PM) [snapback]78021[/snapback]
Your reaction was exactly the response I was expecting. Let's take a close look:

You call my wife and I alcoholics. Where in my post did I say a thing about drinking? I mentioned good food, socializing, and watching games. The only place where I referenced alcohol was when I mentioned that selling beer inside the stadium is a bad idea, but that's my opinion. I won't say that I haven't had a drink or even too much to drink at a TCU game, though it's been a long time since the latter.

You then go on to tell me you don't care what I think of TCU football or TCU. I actually made, and have made over the years, several positive comments about TCU. In fact, I'd challenge you to find a post prior to this one where I've said anything negative about TCU in the last several years.

As for as "who cares?", since you like to call yourself "TopFrog", maybe you should care. The fact is, I'm exactly the demographic TCU needs in order to grow. But, if you'll look at my reason #5, you'll see that you fit right in. The fact is, people like you are more of a part of the problem than the solution.

Every school has and needs die-hard fans. It's obvious that you are one and that is admirable. However, if you refuse to see the forest because of all the trees, you and TCU are who loses out, not me.

As for your personal attacks, that just says alot more about you than it does about me.


Sep 4, 2007
QUOTE(Omniscience Frog @ Nov 18 2007, 04:01 PM) [snapback]77989[/snapback]
Lame. You don't blame the opponents fans for the south end of the east stands being nearly as empty as the north end. The visiting fans aren't responsible for 10-12,000 empty seats on the west side of the stadium either.
So, just what conference do you propose they "get in" that is going to solve these problems as you see them, BSC or non-BSC?

Certainly not blaming opponents fans lack of numbers for 26,000 per game or so,but compared to what I see at Big Twelve games,it causes our"atmosphere' to be bush league at best!How big of a rivalry can we ever develop with other MWC schools when we are only traveling a couple of hundred to our road games,and vice versa,with the possible exception of Utah or BYU( on a Saturday game) ?
I have no ideas/explanation for the lack of TCU fan support in the stands during the game.
I was there yesterday,as I have been all year.I have to admit though,I was mostly bored.I felt really saddened for the Senior players,knowing their last home game was so poorly attended ! :blink:

Annoying Group of 20

Active Member
May 25, 2007
If we want better second half crowds, I think that we are finally going to have to stop letting people in and out of games. Maybe Ben E Keith needs to set up in the four corners and sell beer.

The big issue is that we have 25,000 core fans when things are lackluster and 35,000 when things are good. We need the opponent to bring 10,000 to get close to a sellout. Even Baylor couldn't muster anywhere near that for the opener. Same with SMU. TT, UT, OU, OSU, Neb and A&M are about the only schools that would outside the upper crust of the SEC. We only get so many shots to play those schools at home.

So, I don't know how we multiply that 25,000-35,000. Been that way as long as I can remember.


Sep 4, 2007
QUOTE(Omniscience Frog @ Nov 18 2007, 04:01 PM) [snapback]77989[/snapback]
Lame. You don't blame the opponents fans for the south end of the east stands being nearly as empty as the north end. The visiting fans aren't responsible for 10-12,000 empty seats on the west side of the stadium either.
So, just what conference do you propose they "get in" that is going to solve these problems as you see them, BSC or non-BSC?

Certainly you can't suggest that MWC opponents bringing 200 or so traveling parties to our home games lends itself to a great game day atmosphere?How do we ever develop a rivalry with any MWC team when all we bring on road trips is a couple of hundred,or vice versa,outside of the occasional alumni trip,or maybe a Saturday BYU or Utah game ?It lends itself to yesterday,a lame,bush league atmosphere! As far as TCU people not coming into the stadium,I have no answer for that?Most fans kill to get into their teams stadiums at LSU,Michigan,Tennessee,various other venues I've been fortunate enough to witness.

As far as your comment about what Conference I suggest we switch to,again,I don't know?Can you really say the MWC is doing anything for TCU?Oh yeh,I forfot about the MWC's high profile TV network,The Mtn.,which we can't even get in Texas.What a joke.I guess TCU is just the red headed stepchild of bigtime Texas football,looking on the inside from the outside since the SWC blew up.
I don't have any clout with TCU bigwigs.I send in my annual donation every year(paltry as it is) :angry: ,renew my season tics,Frog Club dues,etc...,so in the grand scheme of TCU,I don't amount to much.I do know as a TCU alum,season ticket holder for 15 plus years,I was totally ashamed of what I witnessed yesterday attendance wise.


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Jun 16, 2007
2826 Hatcher Street, Dallas Tx 75215
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QUOTE(InterestedObserver @ Nov 18 2007, 03:54 PM) [snapback]77986[/snapback]
We attend 3-4 games a year, but "attend games" might be stretching it. Maybe I'm different, but I'll give you a few reason I'm one of the folks who spends a great deal more time in the parking lot than in the game.

So basically, you live in FW and think it is cool to hang out in the parking lot and maybe go inside occasionally. That's better than alot of FW people, but also part of our problem.

1. The play on the field is just boring.

So we should change our successful strategy to make the game slightly more interesting to a marginal fan who come to tailgate. I'm sure if we we had a losing record and "exciting" offense you would complain. Nothing fills seats like winning.

2. The opponents aren't interesting. I'm not really sure what TCU can do about this. It's my opinion that the MWC is worse than CUSA was, though the exciting teams from CUSA are all in the Big East now with the exception of S. Miss.

Are you seriously advocating joining C-USA over MWC. Take a look at avg attendance and win/loss.

3. My wife doesn't care. Maybe this should be #1, but it's a good point. The fact is, she'd much rather visit with friends in the parking lot than go into a game.

This is the way all TCU girls are as students and alums, not sure how to change it. In most relationships, the man wears the pants and when he goes to a football game she leaves the hen fest and go inside when he says.

4. The game day production is terrible. I know this will hack some folks off, but even for bigger match-ups, there is nothing about the way TCU handles game-day that says "big time". If you go to a game at LSU, Texas, OU, etc., it's just all handled better.


5. TCU fans are a big part of the problem. We all realize how big of a jack-[Deleted] Goo is on this board, but the fact is, there are many TCU fans here in town that are pretty visible and have a bit of "Goo" in them. This is far from an endearing quality and does more to hurt TCU's chances of gaining supporters than just about anything else. TCU and it's supporters make up an incredibly small percentage of the town population comparred with most of the other schools in this region. Fort Worth will never become a "TCU" college town, but I would like to think that over time, enough folks could become TCU fans that the atmosphere would improve. Of course, if they aren't welcomed with open arms, they won't come back. #4 really needs to improve to get these folks to return.

IMO, TCU fans are very mild compared to the uber-annoying fans of UT, OU, LSU, A&M, etc. I think you just believe a TCU fan can't claim his team as a Top 25 program and they are a jack-[Deleted] if they do. How does Goo "not welcome Ft Worth fans?" But let's assume Goo is super annoying and is serious about everything on the internet chat room....does one semi-annoying fan out of 30,000 keep you in the parking lot instead of the stadium. WEAK

Also, if TCU ever did decide to do a "sweep" to get more folks in the games, it would be a very large mistake in my opinion. At least the folks in the parking lot are coming to TCU to have a good time whether or not that includes going into the game itself. TCU needs as many people as possible equating an enjoyable time with being on campus whether or not that includes sitting in the stands during a football game.

Agree, at least people of FW are coming the campus and talking about the game, etc.

Serving beer inside is a bad idea in my opinion as well for a variety of reasons.

Not an option b/c NCAA bans for stadium on campus.


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Jun 16, 2007
2826 Hatcher Street, Dallas Tx 75215
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QUOTE(frogezy @ Nov 18 2007, 05:02 PM) [snapback]78016[/snapback]
I am a TCU alum along with most of my friends that live in the metroplex. But Interested Observer has a good point. Some TCU fans have this snobbish attitude about non TCU alums or students who attend games, are roudy and wear TCU gear. It's like they look at these people and think, "What are they doing here?". I know this first hand because I've seen it with my own eyes on many occasions.

So yes most TCU fans are very nice to opposing fans, but some are snobbish and unwelcoming to non affiliates who come and want to support TCU.

I think you might be imagining some of this. The original guy refrences "Goo-types" as a reason not to attend. For the record, I usually make friends with other fans at every game who were strangers before the game. I still believe TCU is one the friendliest places on earth and you are mis-interpreting these "unwelcoming looks." Do you really know what someone is thinking.

Alot of times when I am self conscous are in an uncomfortable/new environment, I start wonder what other people are thinking about me and sometimes assume negative thoughts. I think this is human nature and I dare you to go introduce yourself to the person with "snobbish looks"...I bet you will be surprised by how friendly they are.

You claim "I've seen it with my own eyes." How is this proof that someone's look means What are they doing here?"

party frog

Active Member
Jul 12, 2007
The biggest problem is the games just are not Fun unless you are a huge TCU football fan. I go in and watch every mintute but I get sick of the lame game day production.

During, what should be exciting times in the game, we have endzone presentations for a donor or honor student.

You want more fans?, Spice things up a little. Play some music over the speakers, improve the jumbo screen, cut out the end zone presentations (they are such a crowd killer), etc.

I get the feeling a 60 year old woman runs our game day production.


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Jun 16, 2007
2826 Hatcher Street, Dallas Tx 75215
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QUOTE(Frog Mom @ Nov 18 2007, 06:14 PM) [snapback]78041[/snapback]
I think I have a novel idea and simple solution.....

Start your tailgate earlier
Close up in time to spend time in Frog Alley
Attend the game
AFTER the game, tailgate some more

This isn't Rocket Science folks!

Totally agree. If everyone got the game two hours before kickoff, they would have plenty of time to tailgate and still be able to watch the game. How to make this happen is a better question.


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Jun 16, 2007
2826 Hatcher Street, Dallas Tx 75215
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QUOTE(party frog @ Nov 18 2007, 08:17 PM) [snapback]78088[/snapback]
The biggest problem is the games just are not Fun unless you are a huge TCU football fan. I go in and watch every mintute but I get sick of the lame game day production.

During, what should be exciting times in the game, we have endzone presentations for a donor or honor student.

You want more fans?, Spice things up a little. Play some music over the speakers, improve the jumbo screen, cut out the end zone presentations (they are such a crowd killer), etc.

I get the feeling a 60 year old woman runs our game day production.

Agree. Instead of introducing local 8th grade students at every time out. How about some random guy attemtp to kick a 40 FG or something slightly more interesting.

Kappa Frog

Active Member
May 25, 2007
Are you seriously advocating joining C-USA over MWC. Take a look at avg attendance and win/loss.
This is the way all TCU girls are as students and alums, not sure how to change it. In most relationships, the man wears the pants and when he goes to a football game she leaves the hen fest and go inside when he says.

Tap the break there, buddy. :tongue: :tongue:
not all women follow their men when they tell us it's time for the game. Sometimes, it is us women telling the guys to get their arses in gear and pack up so we can go watch the game! :ph34r:
Kappa Frog has been to games without Mr. Frog, for pity's sake...don't lump us all together. :rolleyes:

Our group? We tailgated yesterday for 5 hrs., packed up, watched the game.
Was it an exciting game and crowd? Um, no...but, we stayed until the fireworks ended.

Have no idea what the magical solution is to this problem. I do think gameday production needs to take a serious look at our sound system though. :blink: And, stop giving so many awards out...kinda diminishes the specialness of it.
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