The Transfer Portal claims another one...

  • The KillerFrogs


Active Member
Oct 17, 2013
GP can frustrate the hell out of me but If you've ever wondered just how family like TCUs program is, Jordan is a great example. Kid has had to have his hand held daily just to get him in to school and to this point. In addition, he had a drama filled off season in which he said a bunch of stupid slanderous things about his HC and still TCU, specifically GP, wouldn't give up on him. I know the family vibes don't mean much to 5 star guys but if they ever grasped just how much GP really wants to see them succeed they'd be lining up at the door. He isn't cool, he sometimes embarrassingly screams in kids faces, and he even sometimes talks like a confused blind man in a corn maize. But he's a hell of a defensive mind that genuinely cares about the kids and seeing them grow into men that can excel at life.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2010
Wish Kevin the best but anyway you look at it, he has not played to his ability. Not sure it was the system or what be he has a lot more talent than what we saw.